Inspired greatly by Gregor and Erik's great talk at TSSJS 2006
we've started to add some visualisation plugins into Apache ServiceMix.
This implementation uses the Interfaces EndpointListener
respectively ExchangeListener
and creates DOT files
(online viewer Grappa
Both visualisation listeners can be added to the <listeners> element of the <container> tag (see Configuration below).
Component and Endpoint visualisation
There is a <dotViewEndpointListener/> listener plugin which generates a DOT file representing the components and their endpoints.

MessageExchange flow
<dotViewFlowListener/> is another listener which generates a graph representing the message exchanges flow within the container.

The following example shows how to configure a simple visualization listener in the servicemix.xml config file.
Error formatting macro: snippet: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid url: must begin with a configured prefix.
A note for OS X users
If you are using OS X then you can open the DOT file using graphviz
which will then automatically re-render if it changes, so you end up with a real time graphical representation of the topic and queue hierarchies.
Also if you want to edit the layout a little before adding it to a wiki to distribute to your team, open the DOT file with OmniGraffle
then just edit away 
Visualisation Wish List
There are so many different things we could visualise; our only limitation is our imagination. So if you have any ideas for what we could visualise please add something to our Visualisation Wish List