What's the difference between ServiceMix and FUSE?

LogicBlaze FUSE is built on top of Apache ServiceMix to deliver a complete SOA runtime. As a point of comparison, consider the J2EE runtime contained in an application server, but think much, much lighter and more agile than requiring a full J2EE stack everywhere. FUSE is designed to provide a complete runtime for developing event driven applications in a service oriented manner.

Consider what RedHat has done with Linux. Anyone can build their own Linux distribution (http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/) but few people care to do this because of the effort involved in such topics as maintenance, support, testing, validation, etc. RedHat has provided the world with an easily installable Linux with much value added and it offers enterprise level services and support. FUSE is very similar to RedHat Linux insomuch as adding value to quality open source software (Apache ActiveMQ, Apache Derby, Apache ServiceMix, Apache Ode, Apache jUDDI, Jetty, etc.) and providing services, support and added value.

When FUSE was first launched, I blogged about it here. Maybe this information will provide some addition insight. Also make sure to read the Intro to FUSE document. This document provides a bird's eye view of FUSE and the value it provides.