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Procedural File: function.cycle.php

Source Location: /phpDocumentor/Smarty-2.6.0/libs/plugins/function.cycle.php

Page Details

Smarty plugin

Filesource:  Source Code for this file
smarty_function_cycle  [line 44]

string|null smarty_function_cycle( array $params, Smarty &$smarty  )

Smarty {cycle} function plugin

Type: function
Name: cycle
Date: May 3, 2002
Purpose: cycle through given values

  • name = name of cycle (optional)
  • values = comma separated list of values to cycle, or an array of values to cycle (this can be left out for subsequent calls)
  • reset = boolean - resets given var to true
  • print = boolean - print var or not. default is true
  • advance = boolean - whether or not to advance the cycle
  • delimiter = the value delimiter, default is ","
  • assign = boolean, assigns to template var instead of printed.
 {cycle values="#eeeeee,#d0d0d0d"}
 {cycle name=row values="one,two,three" reset=true}
 {cycle name=row}

array   $params: 
Smarty   &$smarty: 

Information Tags:
Author:  Monte Ohrt <[email protected]>
Version:  1.3
Author:  credit to Mark Priatel <[email protected]>
Author:  credit to Gerard <[email protected]>
Author:  credit to Jason Sweat <[email protected]>
Link: {cycle} (Smarty online manual)

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Documentation generated on Tue, 24 Oct 2006 09:22:35 -0500 by phpDocumentor 1.3.1