Specifying a destination cluster

The destination cluster for XDCR replication is specified via XDCR > Remote Cluster > Create Cluster Reference.

To create a uni-directional replication (from cluster A to cluster B):
  1. Verify that a destination bucket exists on the cluster where you will be replicating.
    To check that a destination bucket exists, issue a REST API request using the following syntax, GET HTTP method, and URI path:
    curl GET -u Admin:password http://ip.for.destination.cluster:8091/pools/default/buckets
  2. Navigate to the XDCR section, XDCR > Remote Cluster section > Create Cluster Reference.
  3. Click the Create Cluster Reference button.
  4. Provide the following information for identifying and accessing the destination cluster.
    • Cluster Name
    • IP address or hostname of a node in the destination cluster
    • Administrator username and password for the destination cluster
    • Enable Encryption - If selected, XDCR data encryption occurs using SSL.
  5. Click Save to store new reference to the destination cluster. This cluster information is now be available when configuring replication for the source cluster.