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rewriteDefine.h File Reference

#include "nodes/parsenodes.h"
#include "utils/relcache.h"
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#define RULE_DISABLED   'D'


Oid DefineRule (RuleStmt *stmt, const char *queryString)
Oid DefineQueryRewrite (char *rulename, Oid event_relid, Node *event_qual, CmdType event_type, bool is_instead, bool replace, List *action)
Oid RenameRewriteRule (RangeVar *relation, const char *oldName, const char *newName)
void setRuleCheckAsUser (Node *node, Oid userid)
void EnableDisableRule (Relation rel, const char *rulename, char fires_when)

Define Documentation

#define RULE_DISABLED   'D'

Definition at line 23 of file rewriteDefine.h.

Referenced by ATExecCmd(), and matchLocks().


Definition at line 21 of file rewriteDefine.h.

Referenced by ATExecCmd().


Definition at line 20 of file rewriteDefine.h.

Referenced by ATExecCmd(), InsertRule(), and matchLocks().


Definition at line 22 of file rewriteDefine.h.

Referenced by ATExecCmd(), and matchLocks().

Function Documentation

Oid DefineQueryRewrite ( char *  rulename,
Oid  event_relid,
Node event_qual,
CmdType  event_type,
bool  is_instead,
bool  replace,
List action 

Definition at line 231 of file rewriteDefine.c.

References AccessExclusiveLock, ACL_KIND_CLASS, aclcheck_error(), ACLCHECK_NOT_OWNER, allowSystemTableMods, CatalogUpdateIndexes(), checkRuleResultList(), ObjectAddress::classId, CMD_SELECT, CommandCounterIncrement(), Query::commandType, deleteDependencyRecordsFor(), DeleteSystemAttributeTuples(), DROP_RESTRICT, elog, ereport, errcode(), errhint(), errmsg(), ERROR, RewriteRule::event, ForwardScanDirection, getInsertSelectQuery(), GETSTRUCT, GetUserId(), Query::hasModifyingCTE, heap_beginscan(), heap_close, heap_endscan(), heap_freetuple(), heap_getnext(), heap_open(), HeapTupleIsValid, i, InsertRule(), IsSystemRelation(), lfirst, linitial, list_length(), NAMEDATALEN, NIL, NoLock, NULL, RuleLock::numLocks, ObjectAddress::objectId, ObjectIdGetDatum, ObjectAddress::objectSubId, OidIsValid, PERFORM_DELETION_INTERNAL, performDeletion(), pg_class_ownercheck(), PRS2_NEW_VARNO, PRS2_OLD_VARNO, pstrdup(), RelationData::rd_rel, RelationData::rd_rules, RelationDropStorage(), RelationGetDescr, RelationGetRelationName, RelationRelationId, RELKIND_MATVIEW, RELKIND_RELATION, RELKIND_VIEW, RELOID, Query::resultRelation, Query::returningList, RowExclusiveLock, RuleLock::rules, SearchSysCacheCopy1, SetRelationRuleStatus(), simple_heap_update(), SnapshotNow, HeapTupleData::t_self, Query::targetList, Query::utilityStmt, and ViewSelectRuleName.

Referenced by DefineRule(), and DefineViewRules().

    Relation    event_relation;
    int         event_attno;
    ListCell   *l;
    Query      *query;
    bool        RelisBecomingView = false;
    Oid         ruleId = InvalidOid;

     * If we are installing an ON SELECT rule, we had better grab
     * AccessExclusiveLock to ensure no SELECTs are currently running on the
     * event relation. For other types of rules, it would be sufficient to
     * grab ShareRowExclusiveLock to lock out insert/update/delete actions and
     * to ensure that we lock out current CREATE RULE statements; but because
     * of race conditions in access to catalog entries, we can't do that yet.
     * Note that this lock level should match the one used in DefineRule.
    event_relation = heap_open(event_relid, AccessExclusiveLock);

     * Verify relation is of a type that rules can sensibly be applied to.
    if (event_relation->rd_rel->relkind != RELKIND_RELATION &&
        event_relation->rd_rel->relkind != RELKIND_MATVIEW &&
        event_relation->rd_rel->relkind != RELKIND_VIEW)
                 errmsg("\"%s\" is not a table or view",

    if (!allowSystemTableMods && IsSystemRelation(event_relation))
                 errmsg("permission denied: \"%s\" is a system catalog",

     * Check user has permission to apply rules to this relation.
    if (!pg_class_ownercheck(event_relid, GetUserId()))
        aclcheck_error(ACLCHECK_NOT_OWNER, ACL_KIND_CLASS,

     * No rule actions that modify OLD or NEW
    foreach(l, action)
        query = (Query *) lfirst(l);
        if (query->resultRelation == 0)
        /* Don't be fooled by INSERT/SELECT */
        if (query != getInsertSelectQuery(query, NULL))
        if (query->resultRelation == PRS2_OLD_VARNO)
                     errmsg("rule actions on OLD are not implemented"),
                     errhint("Use views or triggers instead.")));
        if (query->resultRelation == PRS2_NEW_VARNO)
                     errmsg("rule actions on NEW are not implemented"),
                     errhint("Use triggers instead.")));

    if (event_type == CMD_SELECT)
         * Rules ON SELECT are restricted to view definitions
         * So there cannot be INSTEAD NOTHING, ...
        if (list_length(action) == 0)
               errmsg("INSTEAD NOTHING rules on SELECT are not implemented"),
                     errhint("Use views instead.")));

         * ... there cannot be multiple actions, ...
        if (list_length(action) > 1)
                     errmsg("multiple actions for rules on SELECT are not implemented")));

         * ... the one action must be a SELECT, ...
        query = (Query *) linitial(action);
        if (!is_instead ||
            query->commandType != CMD_SELECT ||
            query->utilityStmt != NULL)
                 errmsg("rules on SELECT must have action INSTEAD SELECT")));

         * ... it cannot contain data-modifying WITH ...
        if (query->hasModifyingCTE)
                     errmsg("rules on SELECT must not contain data-modifying statements in WITH")));

         * ... there can be no rule qual, ...
        if (event_qual != NULL)
                     errmsg("event qualifications are not implemented for rules on SELECT")));

         * ... the targetlist of the SELECT action must exactly match the
         * event relation, ...

         * ... there must not be another ON SELECT rule already ...
        if (!replace && event_relation->rd_rules != NULL)
            int         i;

            for (i = 0; i < event_relation->rd_rules->numLocks; i++)
                RewriteRule *rule;

                rule = event_relation->rd_rules->rules[i];
                if (rule->event == CMD_SELECT)
                           errmsg("\"%s\" is already a view",

         * ... and finally the rule must be named _RETURN.
        if (strcmp(rulename, ViewSelectRuleName) != 0)
             * In versions before 7.3, the expected name was _RETviewname. For
             * backwards compatibility with old pg_dump output, accept that
             * and silently change it to _RETURN.  Since this is just a quick
             * backwards-compatibility hack, limit the number of characters
             * checked to a few less than NAMEDATALEN; this saves having to
             * worry about where a multibyte character might have gotten
             * truncated.
            if (strncmp(rulename, "_RET", 4) != 0 ||
                strncmp(rulename + 4, RelationGetRelationName(event_relation),
                        NAMEDATALEN - 4 - 4) != 0)
                         errmsg("view rule for \"%s\" must be named \"%s\"",
            rulename = pstrdup(ViewSelectRuleName);

         * Are we converting a relation to a view?
         * If so, check that the relation is empty because the storage for the
         * relation is going to be deleted.  Also insist that the rel not have
         * any triggers, indexes, or child tables.  (Note: these tests are too
         * strict, because they will reject relations that once had such but
         * don't anymore.  But we don't really care, because this whole
         * business of converting relations to views is just a kluge to allow
         * dump/reload of views that participate in circular dependencies.)
        if (event_relation->rd_rel->relkind != RELKIND_VIEW &&
            event_relation->rd_rel->relkind != RELKIND_MATVIEW)
            HeapScanDesc scanDesc;

            scanDesc = heap_beginscan(event_relation, SnapshotNow, 0, NULL);
            if (heap_getnext(scanDesc, ForwardScanDirection) != NULL)
                         errmsg("could not convert table \"%s\" to a view because it is not empty",

            if (event_relation->rd_rel->relhastriggers)
                         errmsg("could not convert table \"%s\" to a view because it has triggers",
                         errhint("In particular, the table cannot be involved in any foreign key relationships.")));

            if (event_relation->rd_rel->relhasindex)
                         errmsg("could not convert table \"%s\" to a view because it has indexes",

            if (event_relation->rd_rel->relhassubclass)
                         errmsg("could not convert table \"%s\" to a view because it has child tables",

            RelisBecomingView = true;
         * For non-SELECT rules, a RETURNING list can appear in at most one of
         * the actions ... and there can't be any RETURNING list at all in a
         * conditional or non-INSTEAD rule.  (Actually, there can be at most
         * one RETURNING list across all rules on the same event, but it seems
         * best to enforce that at rule expansion time.)  If there is a
         * RETURNING list, it must match the event relation.
        bool        haveReturning = false;

        foreach(l, action)
            query = (Query *) lfirst(l);

            if (!query->returningList)
            if (haveReturning)
                  errmsg("cannot have multiple RETURNING lists in a rule")));
            haveReturning = true;
            if (event_qual != NULL)
                         errmsg("RETURNING lists are not supported in conditional rules")));
            if (!is_instead)
                         errmsg("RETURNING lists are not supported in non-INSTEAD rules")));

     * This rule is allowed - prepare to install it.
    event_attno = -1;

    /* discard rule if it's null action and not INSTEAD; it's a no-op */
    if (action != NIL || is_instead)
        ruleId = InsertRule(rulename,

         * Set pg_class 'relhasrules' field TRUE for event relation.
         * Important side effect: an SI notice is broadcast to force all
         * backends (including me!) to update relcache entries with the new
         * rule.
        SetRelationRuleStatus(event_relid, true);

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
     * If the relation is becoming a view:
     * - delete the associated storage files
     * - get rid of any system attributes in pg_attribute; a view shouldn't
     *   have any of those
     * - remove the toast table; there is no need for it anymore, and its
     *   presence would make vacuum slightly more complicated
     * - set relkind to RELKIND_VIEW, and adjust other pg_class fields
     *   to be appropriate for a view
     * NB: we had better have AccessExclusiveLock to do this ...
     * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    if (RelisBecomingView)
        Relation    relationRelation;
        Oid         toastrelid;
        HeapTuple   classTup;
        Form_pg_class classForm;

        relationRelation = heap_open(RelationRelationId, RowExclusiveLock);
        toastrelid = event_relation->rd_rel->reltoastrelid;

        /* drop storage while table still looks like a table  */

         * Drop the toast table if any.  (This won't take care of updating
         * the toast fields in the relation's own pg_class entry; we handle
         * that below.)
        if (OidIsValid(toastrelid))
            ObjectAddress toastobject;

             * Delete the dependency of the toast relation on the main
             * relation so we can drop the former without dropping the latter.
            deleteDependencyRecordsFor(RelationRelationId, toastrelid,

            /* Make deletion of dependency record visible */

            /* Now drop toast table, including its index */
            toastobject.classId = RelationRelationId;
            toastobject.objectId = toastrelid;
            toastobject.objectSubId = 0;
            performDeletion(&toastobject, DROP_RESTRICT,

         * SetRelationRuleStatus may have updated the pg_class row, so we must
         * advance the command counter before trying to update it again.

         * Fix pg_class entry to look like a normal view's, including setting
         * the correct relkind and removal of reltoastrelid/reltoastidxid of
         * the toast table we potentially removed above.
        classTup = SearchSysCacheCopy1(RELOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(event_relid));
        if (!HeapTupleIsValid(classTup))
            elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for relation %u", event_relid);
        classForm = (Form_pg_class) GETSTRUCT(classTup);

        classForm->reltablespace = InvalidOid;
        classForm->relpages = 0;
        classForm->reltuples = 0;
        classForm->relallvisible = 0;
        classForm->reltoastrelid = InvalidOid;
        classForm->reltoastidxid = InvalidOid;
        classForm->relhasindex = false;
        classForm->relkind = RELKIND_VIEW;
        classForm->relhasoids = false;
        classForm->relhaspkey = false;
        classForm->relfrozenxid = InvalidTransactionId;
        classForm->relminmxid = InvalidMultiXactId;

        simple_heap_update(relationRelation, &classTup->t_self, classTup);
        CatalogUpdateIndexes(relationRelation, classTup);

        heap_close(relationRelation, RowExclusiveLock);

    /* Close rel, but keep lock till commit... */
    heap_close(event_relation, NoLock);

    return ruleId;

Oid DefineRule ( RuleStmt stmt,
const char *  queryString 

Definition at line 197 of file rewriteDefine.c.

References AccessExclusiveLock, DefineQueryRewrite(), RuleStmt::event, RuleStmt::instead, RangeVarGetRelid, RuleStmt::relation, RuleStmt::replace, RuleStmt::rulename, and transformRuleStmt().

Referenced by ProcessUtilitySlow().

    List       *actions;
    Node       *whereClause;
    Oid         relId;

    /* Parse analysis. */
    transformRuleStmt(stmt, queryString, &actions, &whereClause);

     * Find and lock the relation.  Lock level should match
     * DefineQueryRewrite.
    relId = RangeVarGetRelid(stmt->relation, AccessExclusiveLock, false);

    /* ... and execute */
    return DefineQueryRewrite(stmt->rulename,

void EnableDisableRule ( Relation  rel,
const char *  rulename,
char  fires_when 

Definition at line 771 of file rewriteDefine.c.

References ACL_KIND_CLASS, aclcheck_error(), ACLCHECK_NOT_OWNER, Assert, CacheInvalidateRelcache(), CatalogUpdateIndexes(), CharGetDatum, DatumGetChar, ereport, errcode(), errmsg(), ERROR, get_rel_name(), GETSTRUCT, GetUserId(), heap_close, heap_freetuple(), heap_open(), HeapTupleGetOid, HeapTupleIsValid, InvokeObjectPostAlterHook, ObjectIdGetDatum, pg_class_ownercheck(), PointerGetDatum, RelationGetRelid, RewriteRelationId, RowExclusiveLock, RULERELNAME, SearchSysCacheCopy2, simple_heap_update(), and HeapTupleData::t_self.

Referenced by ATExecEnableDisableRule().

    Relation    pg_rewrite_desc;
    Oid         owningRel = RelationGetRelid(rel);
    Oid         eventRelationOid;
    HeapTuple   ruletup;
    bool        changed = false;

     * Find the rule tuple to change.
    pg_rewrite_desc = heap_open(RewriteRelationId, RowExclusiveLock);
    ruletup = SearchSysCacheCopy2(RULERELNAME,
    if (!HeapTupleIsValid(ruletup))
                 errmsg("rule \"%s\" for relation \"%s\" does not exist",
                        rulename, get_rel_name(owningRel))));

     * Verify that the user has appropriate permissions.
    eventRelationOid = ((Form_pg_rewrite) GETSTRUCT(ruletup))->ev_class;
    Assert(eventRelationOid == owningRel);
    if (!pg_class_ownercheck(eventRelationOid, GetUserId()))
        aclcheck_error(ACLCHECK_NOT_OWNER, ACL_KIND_CLASS,

     * Change ev_enabled if it is different from the desired new state.
    if (DatumGetChar(((Form_pg_rewrite) GETSTRUCT(ruletup))->ev_enabled) !=
        ((Form_pg_rewrite) GETSTRUCT(ruletup))->ev_enabled =
        simple_heap_update(pg_rewrite_desc, &ruletup->t_self, ruletup);

        /* keep system catalog indexes current */
        CatalogUpdateIndexes(pg_rewrite_desc, ruletup);

        changed = true;

                              HeapTupleGetOid(ruletup), 0);

    heap_close(pg_rewrite_desc, RowExclusiveLock);

     * If we changed anything, broadcast a SI inval message to force each
     * backend (including our own!) to rebuild relation's relcache entry.
     * Otherwise they will fail to apply the change promptly.
    if (changed)

Oid RenameRewriteRule ( RangeVar relation,
const char *  oldName,
const char *  newName 

Definition at line 872 of file rewriteDefine.c.

References AccessExclusiveLock, CacheInvalidateRelcache(), CatalogUpdateIndexes(), CMD_SELECT, ereport, errcode(), errmsg(), ERROR, GETSTRUCT, heap_close, heap_freetuple(), heap_open(), HeapTupleGetOid, HeapTupleIsValid, IsDefinedRewriteRule(), namestrcpy(), NoLock, NULL, ObjectIdGetDatum, PointerGetDatum, RangeVarCallbackForRenameRule(), RangeVarGetRelidExtended(), relation_close(), relation_open(), RelationGetRelationName, RewriteRelationId, RowExclusiveLock, RULERELNAME, SearchSysCacheCopy2, simple_heap_update(), and HeapTupleData::t_self.

Referenced by ExecRenameStmt().

    Oid         relid;
    Relation    targetrel;
    Relation    pg_rewrite_desc;
    HeapTuple   ruletup;
    Form_pg_rewrite ruleform;
    Oid         ruleOid;

     * Look up name, check permissions, and acquire lock (which we will NOT
     * release until end of transaction).
    relid = RangeVarGetRelidExtended(relation, AccessExclusiveLock,
                                     false, false,

    /* Have lock already, so just need to build relcache entry. */
    targetrel = relation_open(relid, NoLock);

    /* Prepare to modify pg_rewrite */
    pg_rewrite_desc = heap_open(RewriteRelationId, RowExclusiveLock);

    /* Fetch the rule's entry (it had better exist) */
    ruletup = SearchSysCacheCopy2(RULERELNAME,
    if (!HeapTupleIsValid(ruletup))
                 errmsg("rule \"%s\" for relation \"%s\" does not exist",
                        oldName, RelationGetRelationName(targetrel))));
    ruleform = (Form_pg_rewrite) GETSTRUCT(ruletup);
    ruleOid = HeapTupleGetOid(ruletup);

    /* rule with the new name should not already exist */
    if (IsDefinedRewriteRule(relid, newName))
                 errmsg("rule \"%s\" for relation \"%s\" already exists",
                        newName, RelationGetRelationName(targetrel))));

     * We disallow renaming ON SELECT rules, because they should always be
     * named "_RETURN".
    if (ruleform->ev_type == CMD_SELECT + '0')
                 errmsg("renaming an ON SELECT rule is not allowed")));

    /* OK, do the update */
    namestrcpy(&(ruleform->rulename), newName);

    simple_heap_update(pg_rewrite_desc, &ruletup->t_self, ruletup);

    /* keep system catalog indexes current */
    CatalogUpdateIndexes(pg_rewrite_desc, ruletup);

    heap_close(pg_rewrite_desc, RowExclusiveLock);

     * Invalidate relation's relcache entry so that other backends (and this
     * one too!) are sent SI message to make them rebuild relcache entries.
     * (Ideally this should happen automatically...)

     * Close rel, but keep exclusive lock!
    relation_close(targetrel, NoLock);

    return ruleOid;

void setRuleCheckAsUser ( Node node,
Oid  userid 

Definition at line 714 of file rewriteDefine.c.

References setRuleCheckAsUser_walker().

Referenced by RelationBuildRuleLock().

    (void) setRuleCheckAsUser_walker(node, &userid);