The virtual machine is pre-installed with PHP 5.4 (Zend Engine) and includes the following extensions:
- bcmath
- bz2
- calendar
- Core
- curl
- ctype
- date
- dba
- dom
- ereg
- exif
- fileinfo
- filter
- ftp
- gd
- gettext
- hash
- iconv
- intl
- json
- libxml
- mbstring
- mcrypt
- mhash
- mysql
- openssl
- pcntl
- pcre
- pgsql
- Phar
- posix
- readline
- Reflection
- session
- shmop
- SimpleXML
- soap
- sockets
- sqlite
- standard
- sysvmsg
- sysvsem
- sysvshm
- tidy
- tokenizer
- wddx
- xml
- xmlreader
- xmlwriter
- zip
- zlib
Example using pear:
sudo pear channel-discover
sudo pear install aws/sdk
Example using composer:
composer install
TODO: pyrus is not yet installed. If you would like support for pyrus / pear2 please let us know.
Unit Test
By default, your PHP project is configured to execute tests with PHP Unit:
phpunit --coverage-text .
Composer & 403 Errors
At some point you may encounter an error message that looks like this:
The '' URL could not be accessed: HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
There is a known issue with running composer on high volume build servers. Composer attempts to download package tarballs directly from GitHub using the GitHub API, which is limited to 60 requests per hour per IP address. High volume build servers (like quickly exceed these limits.
The recommended approach is to use the --prefer-source
command line flag.
This will git clone
your dependencies as opposed to downloading tarballs
using the GitHub API.
composer install --prefer-source