This document covers archiving / deploying files Amazon’s Simple Storage
Service (S3). Here is the configuration screen for S3:
Amazon Key and Secret
You’ll need to provide the AWS Access Key and Secret Access Key in order for Drone to authenticate and upload files to your S3 bucket.
The name of your S3 bucket.
Choose the region where your bucket is located:
- us-east-1
- us-west-1
- us-west-2
- eu-west-1
- ap-southeast-1
- ap-southeast-2
- ap-northeast-1
- sa-east-1
You an choose the access level for the files being uploaded:
- private
- public-read
- public-read-write
- authenticated-read
- bucket-owner-read
- bucket-owner-full-control
Learn more about S3 access control
Specify which files are getting uploaded to S3. The Source path is relative to the root of your repository. See some common examples below:
Upload your entire repository:
Upload the contents of a folder:
Upload the contents of a folder, including all subdirectories:
Upload a single file:
Upload files matching a pattern:
Specify the base directory where the files should be uploaded. For example,
if you archive file bar.txt
and specify the target directory foo
, your
file will get uploaded to /foo/bar.txt
in s3.
It is important to note that you source directory structure will not be preserved
when uploading to s3. For example, if you archive /folder/file.txt
it will
be uploaded to /file.txt
in s3 (with /folder/
stripped from the path). In
order to preserve the source directory structure, you would set your target
to /folder
Branch Optional
If the Branch filter is empty, Drone will execute your deployment for all branches. If you only want certain branches to automatically deploy, you can specify them in this field as a comma-separated list.
During its Beta period, the following limitations will be placed on S3 uploads:
- 1000 file max upload
- 100MB max file size