7.1. Course Overview

Each course must have an overview page. Learners see the overview page when searching and registering for the course.

7.1.1. Create the Overview File

In the overview directory, you create an HTML file called overview.html.

7.1.2. Overview Sections

The overview.html must contain specific sections.

Each section is wrapped in section tags. The value of the class attribute specifies what the section is for and how it is displayed to learners. Within the section tags, you use valid HTML.

The overview must contain sections with the following names.

  • about
  • prerequisites
  • course-staff
  • teacher
  • faq

7.1.3. A Template For Your Course Overview

Replace the placeholders in the following template with your information.

<section class="about">
  <h2>About This Course</h2>
  <p>Include your long course description here. The long course description
    should contain 150-400 words.</p>
  <p>This is paragraph 2 of the long course description. Add more paragraphs
    as needed. Make sure to enclose them in paragraph tags.</p>
<section class="prerequisites">
  <p>Add information about class prerequisites here.</p>
<section class="course-staff">
  <h2>Course Team</h2>
  <article class="teacher">
    <div class="teacher-image">
      <!-- Replace the path below with the path to your faculty image. -->
      <img src="/c4x/edX/edX101/asset/Placeholder_FacultyImage.jpg"
        align="left" style="margin:0 20 px 0"/>
    <h3>Team Member</h3>
    <p>Biography of course team member</p>
  <article class="teacher">
    <div class="teacher-image">
      <img src="/c4x/edX/edX101/asset/Placeholder_FalcutyImage.jpg"/>
    <h3>Team Member Name</h3>
    <p>Biography of course team member</p>
<section class="faq">
  <section class="responses">
    <h2>Frequently Asked Questions</h2>
    <article class="response">
      <h3>What web browser should I use?</h3>
      <p>The Open edX platform works best with the current versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Microsoft Edge.</p>
      <p>See our <a href="http://edx.readthedocs.org/projects/open-edx-learner-guide/en/latest/front_matter/browsers.html">list of supported browsers</a> for the most up-to-date information.</p>
    <article class="response">
      <h3>Question 2?</h3>
      <p>Answer 2.</p>