12.2. Guidelines for Modifying Group Configurations

Review these guidelines if you must modify a group configuration after a course starts. These guidelines apply for courses built in Studio or using OLX (open learning XML).

12.2.1. Modifying a Group Configuration

After the course starts, do not:

  • Delete group configurations.
  • Change the id value of a group configuration.

12.2.2. Modifying Experiment Groups

After the course starts, do not change the id value of an experiment group.

You can change experiment group names at any time.

12.2.3. Removing Experiment Groups from Group Configurations

After a course in which you are running a content experiment has started, learners in a specific experiment group might have difficulties with the content or with the course experience. In this situation, you can remove the experiment group from the group configuration. Content that was specified for that experiment group is then no longer visible to learners.

Learners in the removed experiment group are reassigned evenly to one of the other experiment groups in the group configuration. Any problems that these learners completed in the removed experiment group content do not count toward their grades. The learners must begin the problem set again and complete all the problems in the experiment group content to which they are reassigned.

Removing an experiment group affects event data for the course. Ensure that researchers who are evaluating your course results are aware of the experiment group that you removed and the date on which you removed it.