10.3. Video Components

You can add video components to any container in your course (such as a vertical or sequential). Studio places all video components inside verticals (which it calls units).

10.3.1. Create the XML File for a Video Component

To add a video component to your course, add it to the course XML tree as follows.

  display_name="Introduction Lecture"

If you prefer to place the video component in its own file, you create an XML file in the video directory for each video component in your course.

The name of the XML file must match the value of the @url_name attribute of the video element in the vertical XML file.

For example, the vertical XML file uses the following format.

 <vertical display_name="Lesson_1_Unit_1">
    <video url_name="Introduction_Lecture"/>
    . . .

You create the file video/Introduction_Lecture.xml to define the video component.

10.3.2. Video Component XML File Elements

The root element of the XML file for the HTML component is file is video.

The video element contains a single source element. source Element

The source element contains the following attribute.

Attribute Meaning
src The file path for the video file.

10.3.3. video Element Attributes

Attribute Meaning
display_name Required. The value that is displayed to students as the name of the video component. If you do not supply a display_name value, “video” is supplied for you.
youtube The speed and ID pairings for the YouTube video source. The value can contain multiple speed:ID pairs, separated by commas.
download_track Whether students can download the video track. true or false.
download_video Whether students can download the video. true or false.
html5_sources The file path for the HTML5 version of the video.
show_captions Whether students can view the video captions. true or false.
source TBD
sub TBD
youtube_id_0_75 The YouTube ID for the video that plays at 75% normal speed.
youtube_id_1_0 The YouTube ID for the video that plays at 100% normal speed.
youtube_id_1_25 The YouTube ID for the video that plays at 125% normal speed.
youtube_id_1_5 The YouTube ID for the video that plays at 150% normal speed.

10.3.4. Example Video Component XML File

The following example shows an XML file for a video component.

  display_name="Introduction Lecture"

  <source src="https://s3.amazonaws.com/edx-course-videos/mit-6002x/6002-Tutorial-00010_100.mov"/>