12.3. Set Up Group Configuration for OLX Courses

You define group configurations in the policy.json file in the policies directory of an OLX (open learning XML) course.

To specify group configurations, you modify the value for the user_partitions policy key.


user_partitions is the internal edX Platform name for group configurations.

The value for user_partitions is a JSON collection of group configurations, each of which defines the experiment groups of learners.


Use names for group configurations that are meaningful. You select from the list of group configuration names when you add a content experiment.

See the following examples for more information.

12.3.1. Example: One Group Configuration

The following code shows an example JSON object that defines a group configuration with two learner segments.

"user_partitions": [{"id": 0,
                   "name": "Name of the group configuration",
                   "description": "Description of the group configuration.",
                   "version": 1,
                   "groups": [{"id": 0,
                               "name": "Group 1",
                               "version": 1},
                              {"id": 1,
                               "name": "Group 2",
                               "version": 1}]

In this example:

  • The "id": 0 identifies the group configuration. For XML courses, the value is referenced in the user_partition attribute of the <split_test> element in the content experiment file.
  • The groups array identifies the experiment groups to which learners are randomly assigned. For XML courses, each group id value is referenced in the group_id_to_child attribute of the <split_test> element.

12.3.2. Example: Multiple Group Configurations

The following code shows an example JSON object that defines two group configurations. The first group configuration divides learners into two experiment groups, and the second divides learners into three experiment groups.

"user_partitions": [{"id": 0,
                     "name": "Name of Group Configuration 1",
                     "description": "Description of Group Configuration 1.",
                     "version": 1,
                     "groups": [{"id": 0,
                                 "name": "Group 1",
                                 "version": 1},
                                {"id": 1,
                                 "name": "Group 2",
                                 "version": 1}]}
                    {"id": 1,
                     "name": "Name of Group Configuration 2",
                     "description": "Description of Group Configuration 2.",
                     "version": 1,
                     "groups": [{"id": 0,
                                 "name": "Group 1",
                                 "version": 1},
                                {"id": 1,
                                 "name": "Group 2",
                                 "version": 1}
                                 {"id": 2,
                                 "name": "Group 3",
                                 "version": 1}


As this example shows, each group configuration is independent. Group IDs and names must be unique within a group configuration, but not across all group configurations in your course.