Fabric8 Vagrant Image
This is the fastest way to get going with Fabric8 and OpenShift on your laptop.
Here is a video walking you through these steps
How to vagrant up
- Download and install VirtualBox
- Download and install Vagrant
Now clone the fabric8 installer git repository repository and type these commands:
$ git clone https://github.com/fabric8io/fabric8-installer.git
$ cd fabric8-installer/vagrant/openshift
Depending on your host operating system you need to install an additional vagrant plugin:
vagrant plugin install landrush
for Linux and OS Xvagrant plugin install vagrant-hostmanager
for Windows
The next steps are needed for proper routing from the host to OpenShift services which are exposed via routes:
Linux: Setup a
DNS proxy locally. The detailed procedure depends on the Linux distribution used. Here is the example for Ubuntu:sudo apt-get install -y resolvconf dnsmasq sudo sh -c 'echo "server=/vagrant.f8/" > /etc/dnsmasq.d/vagrant-landrush' sudo service dnsmasq restart
Windows: Unfortunately for Windows no automatic routing for new services is possible. You have to add new routes manually to
. For your convenience, a set of routes for default Fabric8 applications has been pre-added. For new services look for the following line and add your new routes (<service-name>.vagrant.f8
) to this file on a new line like this:## vagrant-hostmanager-start id: 9a4ba3f3-f5e4-4ad4-9e80-b4045c6cf2fc vagrant.f8 fabric8.vagrant.f8 jenkins.vagrant.f8 ..... myservice.vagrant.f8 ## vagrant-hostmanager-end
OS X: Nothing has to be done. OS X will automatically resolve all routes to
to your Vagrant VM. This is done via OS X's resolver feature (seeman 5 resolver
for details).
Now startup the Vagrant VM.
vagrant up
Note the vagrant image is by default configured with 2 CPU cores and
4 gigs of memory. It is recommended to not exceed about half of your
machine’s resources. In case you have plenty of resources on your
machine you can increase the settings by editing the
. The settings are defined in the bottom of the file:
v.cpus = 2
To update the RAM you can use an environment variable. For example to run the cd-pipeline
application we recommend about 8Gb of RAM:
export FABRIC8_VM_MEMORY=8000
Then follow the on screen instructions.
- You should now have a running vagrant image running at IP address
or atvagrant.f8
- Downloading the docker images may take a few minutes so you might want to jump ahead to the Local Setup recipe then coming back here when you're done.
- After the vagrant box is created and docker images are downloaded, the fabric8 console should appear at http://fabric8.vagrant.f8/
When you first open your browser Chrome will say:
Your connection is not private
You will want to accept the self signed cert, follow these steps and return here
- Enter
- You should now be in the main fabric8 console! That was easy eh! :)
- Make sure you start off in the
Installing other applications
When you are on the Apps
tab in the
fabric8 console click on the
This will list all of the installed OpenShift Templates on your installation.
- To Run any of the installed templates just click the
button (the green play button). - To install any new
OpenShift Templates
or other Kubernetes resources just drag and drop the JSON file onto
tab! - You can download the
fabric8 templates 2.2.89 distribution
unzip and drag the JSON files you want to install onto the
fabric8 console and they
should appear on the
page - You can install or upgrade application using the helm command line tool
You can also install other OpenShift Templates or Kubernetes resources via the oc command line tool:
oc create -f jsonOr YamlFileOrUrl
Setting up your local machine
In order to communicate with the Vagrant VM from you localhost it is recommended to install the OpenShift client tools. This is explained in an extra document.
This is also useful using the fabric8 maven tooling or reusing the docker daemon inside vagrant; so that all images built are accessible inside the OpenShift environment.
Alternatively you can log into the Vagrant VM also via vagrant
. The OpenShift tools (oc
, oadmn
) are installed in the VM,
Trying a fresh image
Note: in case you already ran the above and want to update to the latest vagrant image, OpenShift and Fabric8 release you need to destroy and recreate the vagrant image. You can do that using:
vagrant destroy -f
git pull
vagrant up
The oc
command can be really useful for viewing resources (pods,
services, RCs, templates etc) and deleting pods so they get recreated,
looking at logs etc.
If you add the fabric8-installer/bin
folder to your $PATH
there are a few handy shell scripts
oc-bash name
finds the first pod with the given name pattern and runs a bash shell in the docker containeroc-log name
finds the first pod with the given name pattern and shows the container's log
On your host machine or inside the vagrant image you should have access to docker thanks to the environment variable:
export DOCKER_HOST=tcp://vagrant.f8:2375
So you should be able to run things like
docker ps
docker logs nameOfContainer
You can SSH into the vagrant image using:
vagrant ssh
Then you can look around.
Docker pull issues
If you have issues with docker pull; you can pre-download the docker
images you need before you try running the app from the OpenShift
Template or via the Run...
button in the console.
To pull the images for one or more templates use the following gofabric8 command:
vagrant ssh
sudo bash
gofabric8 pull logging
where logging
is the name of the template to download (you can list
as many template names as you like).
Errors like "tcp: lookup index.docker.io: no such host"
If you shut your laptop and open it later or switch WiFi networks then the docker daemon can struggle to connect to the upstream docker registry to download images. There must be some issue with Vagrant/VirtualBox DNS or something.
If this ever happens the simplest thing to do is just type this:
vagrant reload
This will then reload the box; you should have OpenShift running with all your images and the DNS issue should hopefully go away!
Looking at the OpenShift logs
If you hit any issues then try look at the logs for the openshift
vagrant ssh
sudo journalctl -u openshift
Or you can tail the logs via
vagrant ssh
sudo journalctl -fu openshift
You can watch the docker daemon too via
vagrant ssh
sudo journalctl -fu docker
Tracing the openshift binaries download
The provision script in the VagrantFile includes a curl command to download the openshift binaries. To observe that the download is functioning correctly, remove the silent options from the curl command. Replace:
curl ... -sSL https://github.com/openshift/origin/..../openshift-origin.....tar.gz | tar xzv -C /tmp/openshift
curl ... -L https://github.com/openshift/origin/..../openshift-origin.....tar.gz | tar xzv -C /tmp/openshift
Ensuring celluloid gem version not incompatible with landrush vagrant plugin
If you experience DNS issues during vagrant provisioning of the VM then ensure that you do not have landrush vagrant plugin version 0.18.0 installed with celluloid gem version 0.16.1.
Display the landrush version:
vagrant plugin list
Display the celluloid version:
export GEM_HOME=~/.vagrant.d/gems
gem list
If the landrush version is 0.18.0 and the celluloid version is 0.16.1 then downgrade celluloid to version 0.16.0:
export GEM_HOME=~/.vagrant.d/gems
gem uninstall celluloid -v 0.16.1
gem install celluloid -v 0.16.0
For further information see: fabric8io/fabric8#4294, phinze/landrush#120 and ioquatix/rubydns#55.
Can not find / ping "vagrat.f8" from OS X
In some rare case the DNS cache can get stale when you are updating
your Vagrant or when doing restarts of the VM on OS X. In that case OS
X will refuse to resolve host addresses like vagrant.f8
. In that
case, flushing the DNS cache helps:
sudo dscacheutil -flushcache
sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder
Updating: tear down fabric8 and re-install after a new fabric8 release
If you want to avoid performing a vagrant destroy && vagrant up
when a new release is available you should be able to follow these commands from within the fabric8-installer dir..
git pull
cd vagrant/openshift
vagrant provision
vagrant ssh
sudo su
oc login --username=admin --password=any
oc delete all -l provider=fabric8
oc delete templates --all
gofabric8 deploy -y
gofabric8 secrets -y
NOTE after a vagrant reload
you may run into the DNS cache issue above