Walk through a simple quickstart

This is a more detailed guide showing step by step how to try the fabric8 quickstarts.

A video of this walkthrough is also available.

First, make sure you have followed the Get Started Guide so you should have things running and you have setup your local machine.

Please also check out how to develop applications locally that you have your local tools available.

You can run any of the quickstarts either directly out of a git checked out repository or from a project created by an quickstart archetype.

In this guide we will start with one of the simplest which is the java-simple-fatjar quickstart.

To get started you can checkout the quickstart source code using the following git command:

git clone https://github.com/fabric8io/ipaas-quickstarts.git
cd ipaas-quickstarts

And then change directory to

cd quickstart
cd java
cd simple-fatjar

Check your environment

In order to build docker images you must have access to a Docker daemon. The easiest way is to setup the environment variable DOCKER_HOST.

Also for applying to OpenShift / Kubernetes, you need to login into OpenShift with oc login. See the documentation of fabric8:apply for details.

In this guide we assume you have setup the DOCKER_HOST environment, such as:


.. and using the OpenShift Client we can login to OpenShift with

# Use admin/admin if using the default credentials
oc login      

Build the application and run locally

Almost every quickstart can run locally, which allows you as a developer to quickly try it. First we need to build the project with Maven

mvn clean install

We can then run the quickstart locally using:

mvn exec:java

This quickstart is a simple Java standalone application that prints a random string to the console, as shown below:

[INFO] --- exec-maven-plugin:1.4.0:java (default-cli) @ quickstart-java-simple-fatjar ---
Hello Fabric8! Here's your random string: q83b6
Hello Fabric8! Here's your random string: 3ZyNE
Hello Fabric8! Here's your random string: B6uV4
Hello Fabric8! Here's your random string: hpcmf

You can use ctrl + c to stop the application.

As this quickstart is a fat jar type of application you can also run it using java -jar as shown:

java -jar target/quickstart-java-simple-fatjar-2.2.89.jar

Now lets try to build and deploy this application to docker and kubernetes.

Build the application and the Docker image

The Docker image can be easily created by using the following goals:

mvn clean install docker:build

For you convenience, these goals are combined by using a pre-configured goal:

mvn -Pf8-build

Please note that by default the Docker username is "fabric8" and the default registry is "docker.io". This works by default when you are not pushing to a registry with docker:push. Please see changing Docker user and registry for details how to push to a custom registry.

Deploy the application on Kubernetes / OpenShift

Now let's deploy the image into the Kubernetes environment:

mvn fabric8:json fabric8:apply

Alternatively you can use the shortcut

mvn -Pf8-local-deploy

which will include the install and docker:build steps.

During the docker the docker daemon may need to pull docker images during the build which will show on the console. Have a bit patience as that can take a little time.

The application will be deployed and running on Kubernetes as a pod.

Showing the state of the deployment and view logs

After you have deployed the application, you often would like to see if everything is as expected. We can do this by listing all the running pods and their state:

oc get pods

What you should see in the list, is a pod with the name of quickstart-java-simple-fatjar and a random suffix as shown below:

ipaas-quickstarts/quickstart/java/simple-fatjar/$ oc get pods
NAME                                  READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
docker-registry-1-68nz6               1/1       Running   0          6m
fabric8-jccyj                         1/1       Running   0          7m
fluentd-elasticsearch-    1/1       Running   0          5m
quickstart-java-simple-fatjar-o8hxg   1/1       Running   0          9s
router-1-lz02h                        1/1       Running   0          6m

We can see our example is running with the pod name quickstart-java-simple-fatjar-o8hxg

To see the logs of the running pod we can type oc logs <name> such as:

oc logs quickstart-java-simple-fatjar-o8hxg

That will dump the logs which can be massive. What you may want to do is to follow the logs using the -f flag, by doing:

oc logs -f quickstart-java-simple-fatjar-o8hxg

And then the console is updated in real time, you can use ctrl + c to exit the logging.

Updating the source code

We would now like to update the source code so the application prints a different message to the log, and then redeploy the changed application.

To do that we start by changing the source code which you can load into your favorite Java editor, or use a plain text editor as the source code is so simple we can change it without a full blown Java editor.

The source code is in the src/main/java/io/fabric8/quickstarts/java/simple/fatjar/Main.java java file, which we change as follows:

public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
        while(true) {
            System.out.println("I was here: " + randomAlphanumeric(5));


Notice we changed the text to be I was here:

Then we can just deploy the application using the following goal:

mvn -Pf8-local-deploy

Which will clean and compile the source, do a docker image build, and re-deploy to kubernetes.

When the application is de-deployed then kubernetes will shutdown the old pod, and start a new pod, so we will list all the running pods with oc get pods:

ipaas-quickstarts/quickstart/java/simple-fatjar/$ oc get pods
NAME                                  READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
docker-registry-1-68nz6               1/1       Running   0          15m
fabric8-jccyj                         1/1       Running   0          16m
fluentd-elasticsearch-    1/1       Running   0          14m
quickstart-java-simple-fatjar-2nnx7   1/1       Running   0          42s
router-1-lz02h                        1/1       Running   0          15m

And as you can see the pod name has changed to quickstart-java-simple-fatjar-2nnx7. To see our code change we can show the logs of the pods with:

oc logs -f quickstart-java-simple-fatjar-2nnx7

And you should see our changed logging message:

ipaas-quickstarts/quickstart/java/simple-fatjar/$ oc logs -f quickstart-java-simple-fatjar-2nnx7
I> No access restrictor found, access to all MBean is allowed
Jolokia: Agent started with URL
I was here: PorTM
I was here: GT7rh
I was here: gYQu0
I was here: hzEoO
I was here: YEk5a

Deleting the running quickstart

Kubernetes is designed as a resilliant platform, so for example if for some reason a pod is killed (a node crashes, or something), then the platform is self healing and will spin up a new pod.

So if you want to delete the running quickstart, you would either need to scale it down to 0, or delete the replication controlller that is monitoring the pod state and would scale up or down pods depending on your desired state.

So what we can do is to delete the controller using

oc delete rc quickstart-java-simple-fatjar

Then the pod will automatic be shutdown and deleted as well.

You can get a list of all running replication controllers with:

oc get rc

Another easy way would be to use the fabric8 web console to delete the quickstat.

Closing remarks

Yay you made through this first walk through of the most simple quickstart we have. For the next walk lets up the game a bit and use Camel and Kubernetes services.