Secret Annotations

Pods (and PodSpecs) can reference secrets via volumes in kubernetes and if the secrets are not yet created, Kubernetes will wait to instantiate the pod.

Secret Annotations provide a way to annotate a PodTemplate with the kind of secret that is required when mounting secrets into volumes so that tools such as the gofabric8 command line installer can automatically generate ssh or gpg keys for you or let you import them at install time.

e.g. so that run a secret install step after you create Templates or ReplicationControllers to install/create any required secrets automatically.

This means that Kubernetes List or OpenShift Template resources can refer to secrets and be installed; but then pods which need secrets won't activate until a user or tool creates the associated secrets. It also means any mechanism can be used to install/create the secrets. Hopefully over time more tools cna support these annotation too.

Longer term this metadata should really be encoded concretely in the SecretVolume directly in the PodTemplate.


We use different annotations for different kinds of secrets

SSH keys

Use an annotation with the key = mysecretname

This will indicate that the secret called mysecretname needs to be created as an SSH public and private key pair

If you need multiple ssh key secrets then use a comma separated list = secret1,secret2,anothersecret

This will generate/import 3 secrets which all contain public/private keys.

SSH public keys

Use an annotation with the key

Often you need to create secrets that only contain the public key; so that the private key is not visible in a pod.

To do this name your secret with .pub on the end. =

This will indicate that the secret called needs to be created as secret which only contains the SSH public key from the secret mysecretname which has the private and public key.

i.e. there will be 2 secrets created

  • mysecretname contains a public and private ssh key
  • contains just the public ssh key
folders of public keys

Its common to want to create a single secret that contains a number of public keys inside the same secret that is then mounted to single volume.

To do this name your secret appending [,secret2,secret3] on the end of the secret name. = mybagofsecrets[,]

This will create a secret called mybagofsecrets which contains files and for the public keys of the SSH key secrets cheese and beer

i.e. there will be 3 secrets created

  • cheese contains a public and private ssh key
  • beer contains a public and private ssh key
  • mybagofsecrets contains the public keys and


Use an annotation of the form = mysecretname

Maven settings

Use an annotation of the form = jenkins-maven-settings

This will import a settings.xml from folder jenkins-maven-settings, if the folder is not found it will use the default maven settings.xml here

Docker auth config

Use an annotation of the form = jenkins-docker-cfg

This will import a config.json from folder jenkins-docker-cfg, if none is found an empty secret is generated.

GitHub API token

Use an annotation of the form = jenkins-github-api-token

This will import a file name of apitoken from folder jenkins-github-api-token, if none is found an empty secret is generated.

Mounting SSH keys

Mounting all secretes end up being a volume with a file for each data entry inside the secret.

Annotation Files in the secret volume folder id_rsa


This is an example folder structure that the fabric8 release uses itslef when creating its CD environment.

Running gofabric8 secrets from the root folder..

 +- jenkins-git-ssh                    
 |   +- ssh-key
 |   +-

 +- jenkins-release-gpg
 |   +- pubring.gpg
 |   +- secring.gpg
 |   +- trustdb.gpg

 +- jenkins-docker-cfg
 |   +- config.json

 +- jenkins-github-api-token
 |   +- apitoken

 +- jenkins-maven-settings
 |   +- settings.xml

Once secrets have been added in the example of Jenkins we can mount those secrets using kubernetes-workflow into pods that run our workflows..

    echo 'worked'
      .inside {

        checkout scm
        sh "cat `/home/jenkins/.docker/config.json`"
        sh 'mvn clean install deploy'
