Software Engineer's Guide to Developing OpenLaszlo Applications

Laszlo Systems, Inc.

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March, 2007

Table of Contents

I. Preface
II. Overview
1. OpenLaszlo Architecture
2. Language Preliminaries
3. OpenLaszlo for Designers
4. Overview of OpenLaszlo Application Development
III. Tutorial Introduction
5. OpenLaszlo Basics
6. Introduction to Components
7. Introduction to Views
8. Introduction to Media and Art Assets
9. Introduction to Text and Fonts
10. Introduction to Scripting
11. Introduction to Databinding
12. Introduction to Classes and Object Oriented Programming
13. Introduction to Drawing
14. Building a Calculator
IV. Fundamental Concepts
15. Program Structure
16. Getting More from Components
17. Layout and Design
18. Media Resources
19. Cascading Style Sheets
20. Color
21. Text Views
22. Rich Text
23. Fonts
24. Animation
V. In Depth
25. Proxied and SOLO Applications
27. Constraints
28. Classes
29. Methods, Events, Handlers, and Attributes
30. Delegates
31. Input Devices and Gestures
32. States
33. Extending Classes
34. Designing Custom Components
35. Browser Integration
VI. Data and Databinding
36. Data, XML, and XPath
37. Data Access and Binding
38. Building Data-Driven Applications
VII. Media
39. Audio and Video
VIII. Examining Applications
40. A Components-based application
IX. Performance Monitoring and Tuning
41. Performance Monitoring and Tuning
X. Server Integration
42. Cookies and Sessions
43. The Persistent Connection
XI. OpenLaszlo RPC
44. OpenLaszlo RPC
45. JavaRPC
46. SOAP
XII. Development Methodology
48. Understanding Compilation
49. Editing
50. Debugging
51. Unit Testing
XIII. Appendices
A. Understanding Instantiation
B. ECMAScript