1.7.2. Absolute limits

Absolute limits are specified as name/value pairs. The name of the absolute limit uniquely identifies the limit within a deployment. Please consult your provider for an exhaustive list of absolute value names. An absolute limit value is always specified as an integer. The name of the absolute limit determines the unit type of the integer value. For example, the name maxServerMeta implies that the value is in terms of server metadata items.

Table 1.2. Sample Absolute Limits
Name Value Description
maxTotalRAMSize 51200 Maximum total amount of RAM (MB)
maxServerMeta 5 Maximum number of metadata items associated with a server
maxImageMeta 5 Maximum number of metadata items associated with an Image
maxPersonality 5 The maximum number of file path/content pairs that can be supplied on server build
maxPersonalitySize 10240 The maximum size, in bytes, for each personality file
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