3.36.1. Get server password


Gets the administrative password for a specified server.

Normal response codes: 200 Request

This table shows the URI parameters for the get server password request:




The UUID for the server of interest to you.

This operation does not require a request body. Response


Example 3.309. Get server password: JSON response

    "password": "xlozO3wLCBRWAa2yDjCCVx8vwNPypxnypmRYDa/zErlQ+EzPe1S/Gz6nfmC52mOlOSCRuUOmG7kqqgejPof6M7bOezS387zjq4LSvvwp28zUknzy4YzfFGhnHAdai3TxUJ26pfQCYrq8UTzmKF2Bq8ioSEtVVzM0A96pDh8W2i7BOz6MdoiVyiev/I1K2LsuipfxSJR7Wdke4zNXJjHHP2RfYsVbZ/k9ANu+Nz4iIH8/7Cacud/pphH7EjrY6a4RZNrjQskrhKYed0YERpotyjYk1eDtRe72GrSiXteqCM4biaQ5w3ruS+AcX//PXk3uJ5kC7d67fPXaVz4WaQRYMg=="


Example 3.310. Get server password: XML response

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>

This operation does not return a response body.

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