3.27.2. Show hypervisor information


Shows information for a specified hypervisor. Typically configured as an admin-only extension by using policy.json settings.

Normal response codes: 200 Request

This table shows the URI parameters for the show hypervisor information request:




The ID for the tenant or account in a multi-tenancy cloud.

This operation does not require a request body. Response


Example 3.231. Show hypervisor information: JSON response

    "hypervisors": [
            "cpu_info": "?",
            "current_workload": 0,
            "disk_available_least": null,
            "free_disk_gb": 1028,
            "free_ram_mb": 7680,
            "hypervisor_hostname": "fake-mini",
            "hypervisor_type": "fake",
            "hypervisor_version": 1,
            "id": 1,
            "local_gb": 1028,
            "local_gb_used": 0,
            "memory_mb": 8192,
            "memory_mb_used": 512,
            "running_vms": 0,
            "service": {
                "host": "1e0d7892083548cfb347e782d3b20342",
                "id": 2
            "vcpus": 1,
            "vcpus_used": 0


Example 3.232. Show hypervisor information: XML response

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
  <hypervisor vcpus_used="0" hypervisor_type="fake" local_gb_used="0" hypervisor_hostname="fake-mini" memory_mb_used="512" memory_mb="8192" current_workload="0" vcpus="1" cpu_info="?" running_vms="0" free_disk_gb="1028" hypervisor_version="1" disk_available_least="None" local_gb="1028" free_ram_mb="7680" id="1">
    <service host="4400f556a66d44ce95dfa61e75a23aaf" id="2"/>

This operation does not return a response body.

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