3.29.4. Show keypair information


Shows a keypair associated with the account.

Normal response codes: 200 Request

This table shows the URI parameters for the show keypair information request:




The ID for the tenant or account in a multi-tenancy cloud.



The name associated with a keypair.

This operation does not require a request body. Response


Example 3.249. Show keypair information: JSON response

    "keypair": {
        "public_key": "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAAAgQDCSLxfzqB+e5yHdUSXvbxKkajjlfuhV+GArdseqPjfkKJ6no5echpin7dJp0FLXMJKxJZE3WWIRu25CQrJntmi7no27RkDfAGaTFbjz3DWY4A1HLeKAB5tFTwYQlr7CjMdoC/DY7UvKaatwLhH4Wvh5vMmXgF7AFzdkI28urwo+Q== nova@use03147k5-eth0\n",
        "name": "hpdefault",
        "fingerprint": "8b:2f:aa:b0:b8:97:dc:c8:50:aa:d4:8e:d0:34:61:d9"

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