1.7.1. Rate limits

Rate limits are specified in terms of both a human-readable wild-card URI and a machine-processable regular expression. The human-readable limit is intended for displaying in graphical user interfaces. The machine-processable form is intended to be used directly by client applications.

The regular expression boundary matcher "^" for the rate limit takes effect after the root URI path. For example, the regular expression ^/servers would match the bolded portion of the following URI: https://servers.api.openstack.org/v2/3542812/servers.

Table 1.1. Sample rate limits
Verb URI RegEx Default
POST * .* 120/min
POST */servers ^/servers 120/min
PUT * .* 120/min
GET *changes-since* .*changes-since.* 120/min
DELETE * .* 120/min
GET */os-fping* ^/os-fping 12/min

Rate limits are applied in order relative to the verb, going from least to most specific.

In the event a request exceeds the thresholds established for your account, a 413 HTTP response will be returned with a Retry-After header to notify the client when they can attempt to try again.

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