neutron commands

The neutron client is the command-line interface (CLI) for the OpenStack Networking API.

For help on a specific neutron command, enter:

$ neutron help COMMAND

Example A.7. Usage

 neutron [--version] [-v] [-q] [-h] [--debug]
         [--os-auth-strategy <auth-strategy>] [--os-auth-url <auth-url>]
         [--os-tenant-name <auth-tenant-name>]
         [--os-tenant-id <auth-tenant-id>]
         [--os-username <auth-username>] [--os-password <auth-password>]
         [--os-region-name <auth-region-name>] [--os-token <token>]
         [--endpoint-type <endpoint-type>] [--os-url <url>]
         [--os-cacert <ca-certificate>] [--insecure]


Example A.8. Positional arguments

  agent-delete                   Delete a given agent.
  agent-list                     List agents.
  agent-show                     Show information of a given agent.
  agent-update                   Update a given agent.
  cisco-credential-create        Creates a credential.
  cisco-credential-delete        Delete a  given credential.
  cisco-credential-list          List credentials that belong to a given tenant.
  cisco-credential-show          Show information of a given credential.
  cisco-network-profile-create   Creates a network profile.
  cisco-network-profile-delete   Delete a given network profile.
  cisco-network-profile-list     List network profiles that belong to a given tenant.
  cisco-network-profile-show     Show information of a given network profile.
  cisco-network-profile-update   Update network profile's information.
  cisco-policy-profile-list      List policy profiles that belong to a given tenant.
  cisco-policy-profile-show      Show information of a given policy profile.
  cisco-policy-profile-update    Update policy profile's information.
  dhcp-agent-list-hosting-net    List DHCP agents hosting a network.
  dhcp-agent-network-add         Add a network to a DHCP agent.
  dhcp-agent-network-remove      Remove a network from a DHCP agent.
  ext-list                       List all extensions.
  ext-show                       Show information of a given resource.
  firewall-create                Create a firewall.
  firewall-delete                Delete a given firewall.
  firewall-list                  List firewalls that belong to a given tenant.
  firewall-policy-create         Create a firewall policy.
  firewall-policy-delete         Delete a given firewall policy.
  firewall-policy-insert-rule    Insert a rule into a given firewall policy.
  firewall-policy-list           List firewall policies that belong to a given tenant.
  firewall-policy-remove-rule    Remove a rule from a given firewall policy.
  firewall-policy-show           Show information of a given firewall policy.
  firewall-policy-update         Update a given firewall policy.
  firewall-rule-create           Create a firewall rule.
  firewall-rule-delete           Delete a given firewall rule.
  firewall-rule-list             List firewall rules that belong to a given tenant.
  firewall-rule-show             Show information of a given firewall rule.
  firewall-rule-update           Update a given firewall rule.
  firewall-show                  Show information of a given firewall.
  firewall-update                Update a given firewall.
  floatingip-associate           Create a mapping between a floating ip and a fixed ip.
  floatingip-create              Create a floating ip for a given tenant.
  floatingip-delete              Delete a given floating ip.
  floatingip-disassociate        Remove a mapping from a floating ip to a fixed ip.
  floatingip-list                List floating ips that belong to a given tenant.
  floatingip-show                Show information of a given floating ip.
  help                           print detailed help for another command
  ipsec-site-connection-create   Create an IPsecSiteConnection.
  ipsec-site-connection-delete   Delete a given IPsecSiteConnection.
  ipsec-site-connection-list     List IPsecSiteConnections that belong to a given tenant.
  ipsec-site-connection-show     Show information of a given IPsecSiteConnection.
  ipsec-site-connection-update   Update a given IPsecSiteConnection.
  l3-agent-list-hosting-router   List L3 agents hosting a router.
  l3-agent-router-add            Add a router to a L3 agent.
  l3-agent-router-remove         Remove a router from a L3 agent.
  lb-agent-hosting-pool          Get loadbalancer agent hosting a pool.
  lb-healthmonitor-associate     Create a mapping between a health monitor and a pool.
  lb-healthmonitor-create        Create a healthmonitor.
  lb-healthmonitor-delete        Delete a given healthmonitor.
  lb-healthmonitor-disassociate  Remove a mapping from a health monitor to a pool.
  lb-healthmonitor-list          List healthmonitors that belong to a given tenant.
  lb-healthmonitor-show          Show information of a given healthmonitor.
  lb-healthmonitor-update        Update a given healthmonitor.
  lb-member-create               Create a member.
  lb-member-delete               Delete a given member.
  lb-member-list                 List members that belong to a given tenant.
  lb-member-show                 Show information of a given member.
  lb-member-update               Update a given member.
  lb-pool-create                 Create a pool.
  lb-pool-delete                 Delete a given pool.
  lb-pool-list                   List pools that belong to a given tenant.
  lb-pool-list-on-agent          List the pools on a loadbalancer agent.
  lb-pool-show                   Show information of a given pool.
  lb-pool-stats                  Retrieve stats for a given pool.
  lb-pool-update                 Update a given pool.
  lb-vip-create                  Create a vip.
  lb-vip-delete                  Delete a given vip.
  lb-vip-list                    List vips that belong to a given tenant.
  lb-vip-show                    Show information of a given vip.
  lb-vip-update                  Update a given vip.
  net-create                     Create a network for a given tenant.
  net-delete                     Delete a given network.
  net-external-list              List external networks that belong to a given tenant.
  net-gateway-connect            Add an internal network interface to a router.
  net-gateway-create             Create a network gateway.
  net-gateway-delete             Delete a given network gateway.
  net-gateway-disconnect         Remove a network from a network gateway.
  net-gateway-list               List network gateways for a given tenant.
  net-gateway-show               Show information of a given network gateway.
  net-gateway-update             Update the name for a network gateway.
  net-list                       List networks that belong to a given tenant.
  net-list-on-dhcp-agent         List the networks on a DHCP agent.
  net-show                       Show information of a given network.
  net-update                     Update network's information.
  port-create                    Create a port for a given tenant.
  port-delete                    Delete a given port.
  port-list                      List ports that belong to a given tenant.
  port-show                      Show information of a given port.
  port-update                    Update port's information.
  queue-create                   Create a queue.
  queue-delete                   Delete a given queue.
  queue-list                     List queues that belong to a given tenant.
  queue-show                     Show information of a given queue.
  quota-delete                   Delete defined quotas of a given tenant.
  quota-list                     List defined quotas of all tenants.
  quota-show                     Show quotas of a given tenant
  quota-update                   Define tenant's quotas not to use defaults.
  router-create                  Create a router for a given tenant.
  router-delete                  Delete a given router.
  router-gateway-clear           Remove an external network gateway from a router.
  router-gateway-set             Set the external network gateway for a router.
  router-interface-add           Add an internal network interface to a router.
  router-interface-delete        Remove an internal network interface from a router.
  router-list                    List routers that belong to a given tenant.
  router-list-on-l3-agent        List the routers on a L3 agent.
  router-port-list               List ports that belong to a given tenant, with specified router.
  router-show                    Show information of a given router.
  router-update                  Update router's information.
  security-group-create          Create a security group.
  security-group-delete          Delete a given security group.
  security-group-list            List security groups that belong to a given tenant.
  security-group-rule-create     Create a security group rule.
  security-group-rule-delete     Delete a given security group rule.
  security-group-rule-list       List security group rules that belong to a given tenant.
  security-group-rule-show       Show information of a given security group rule.
  security-group-show            Show information of a given security group.
  security-group-update          Update a given security group.
  service-provider-list          List service providers.
  subnet-create                  Create a subnet for a given tenant.
  subnet-delete                  Delete a given subnet.
  subnet-list                    List networks that belong to a given tenant.
  subnet-show                    Show information of a given subnet.
  subnet-update                  Update subnet's information.
  vpn-ikepolicy-create           Create an IKEPolicy.
  vpn-ikepolicy-delete           Delete a given IKE Policy.
  vpn-ikepolicy-list             List IKEPolicies that belong to a tenant.
  vpn-ikepolicy-show             Show information of a given IKEPolicy.
  vpn-ikepolicy-update           Update a given IKE Policy.
  vpn-ipsecpolicy-create         Create an ipsecpolicy.
  vpn-ipsecpolicy-delete         Delete a given ipsecpolicy.
  vpn-ipsecpolicy-list           List ipsecpolicies that belongs to a given tenant connection.
  vpn-ipsecpolicy-show           Show information of a given ipsecpolicy.
  vpn-ipsecpolicy-update         Update a given ipsec policy.
  vpn-service-create             Create a VPNService.
  vpn-service-delete             Delete a given VPNService.
  vpn-service-list               List VPNService configurations that belong to a given tenant.
  vpn-service-show               Show information of a given VPNService.
  vpn-service-update             Update a given VPNService.


Example A.9. Optional arguments

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -v, --verbose         Increase verbosity of output. Can be repeated.
  -q, --quiet           suppress output except warnings and errors
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --debug               show tracebacks on errors
  --os-auth-strategy <auth-strategy>
                        Authentication strategy (Env: OS_AUTH_STRATEGY,
                        default keystone). For now, any other value will
                        disable the authentication
  --os-auth-url <auth-url>
                        Authentication URL (Env: OS_AUTH_URL)
  --os-tenant-name <auth-tenant-name>
                        Authentication tenant name (Env: OS_TENANT_NAME)
  --os-tenant-id <auth-tenant-id>
                        Authentication tenant name (Env: OS_TENANT_ID)
  --os-username <auth-username>
                        Authentication username (Env: OS_USERNAME)
  --os-password <auth-password>
                        Authentication password (Env: OS_PASSWORD)
  --os-region-name <auth-region-name>
                        Authentication region name (Env: OS_REGION_NAME)
  --os-token <token>    Defaults to env[OS_TOKEN]
  --endpoint-type <endpoint-type>
                        Defaults to env[OS_ENDPOINT_TYPE] or publicURL.
  --os-url <url>        Defaults to env[OS_URL]
  --insecure            Explicitly allow neutronclient to perform "insecure"
                        SSL (https) requests. The server's certificate will
                        not be verified against any certificate authorities.
                        This option should be used with caution.

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