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 Create subnets

  • Create a subnet:

    $ neutron subnet-create net1 --name subnet1
    Created a new subnet:
    | Field            | Value                                            |
    | allocation_pools | {"start": "", "end": ""} |
    | cidr             |                                   |
    | dns_nameservers  |                                                  |
    | enable_dhcp      | True                                             |
    | gateway_ip       |                                      |
    | host_routes      |                                                  |
    | id               | 15a09f6c-87a5-4d14-b2cf-03d97cd4b456             |
    | ip_version       | 4                                                |
    | name             | subnet1                                          |
    | network_id       | 2d627131-c841-4e3a-ace6-f2dd75773b6d             |
    | tenant_id        | 3671f46ec35e4bbca6ef92ab7975e463                 |

    The subnet-create command has the following positional and optional parameters:

    • The name or ID of the network to which the subnet belongs.

      In this example, net1 is a positional argument that specifies the network name.

    • The CIDR of the subnet.

      In this example, is a positional argument that specifies the CIDR.

    • The subnet name, which is optional.

      In this example, --name subnet1 specifies the name of the subnet.

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