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 Manage objects and containers

The OpenStack Object Storage Service provides the swift client, which is a command-line interface (CLI). Use this client to list objects and containers, upload objects to containers, and download or delete objects from containers. You can also gather statistics and update metadata for accounts, containers, and objects.

This client is based on the native swift client library,, which seamlessly re-authenticates if the current token expires during processing, retries operations multiple times, and provides a processing concurrency of 10.

 Create and manage containers

  1. To create a container:

    $ swift post CONTAINER

    Replace CONTAINER with the name of your container.

    Users have roles on accounts. For example, a user with the admin role has full access to all containers and objects in an account. You can set access control lists (ACLs) at the container level and support lists for read and write access, which you set with the X-Container-Read and X-Container-Write header, respectively.

    To give a user read access, use the swift post command with the -r parameter. To give a user write access, use the -w parameter.

    The following example enables the testuser user to read objects in the container:

    $ swift post -r 'testuser'

    You can also use this command with a list of users.

    If you use StaticWeb middleware to enable Object Storage to serve public web content, use .r:, followed by a list of allowed referrers.

    The following command gives object access to all referring domains:

    $ swift post -r '.r:*'
  2. To list all containers:

    $ swift list
  3. To check the status of containers:

    $ swift stat
    Account: AUTH_7b5970fbe7724bf9b74c245e77c03bcg
    Containers: 2
    Objects: 3
    Bytes: 268826
    Accept-Ranges: bytes
    X-Timestamp: 1392683866.17952
    Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

    You can also use the swift stat command with the ACCOUNT or CONTAINER names as parameters.

    $ swift stat CONTAINER
    Account: AUTH_7b5970fbe7724bf9b74c245e77c03bcg
    Container: storage1
    Objects: 2
    Bytes: 240221
    Read ACL:
    Write ACL:
    Sync To:
    Sync Key:
    Accept-Ranges: bytes
    X-Timestamp: 1392683866.20180
    Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

 Manage objects

  1. To upload an object to a container:


    To upload in chunks, for large files:

  2. To check the status of the object:

    Account: AUTH_7b5970fbe7724bf9b74c245e77c03bcg
    Container: storage1
    Object: images
    Content Type: application/octet-stream
    Content Length: 211616
    Last Modified: Tue, 18 Feb 2014 00:40:36 GMT
    ETag: 82169623d55158f70a0d720f238ec3ef
    Meta Orig-Filename: images.jpg
    Accept-Ranges: bytes
    X-Timestamp: 1392684036.33306
  3. To list objects in a container:

  4. To download an object from a container:

    $ swift download CONTAINER OBJECT_FILENAME
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