swift commands

The swift client is the command-line interface for the OpenStack Object Storage API.

For help on a specific swift command, enter:

$ swift help COMMAND

Example A.16. Usage

swift [--version] [--help] [--snet] [--verbose]
             [--debug] [--quiet] [--auth <auth_url>]
             [--auth-version <auth_version>] [--user <username>]
             [--key <api_key>] [--retries <num_retries>]
             [--os-username <auth-user-name>] [--os-password <auth-password>]
             [--os-tenant-name <auth-tenant-name>]
             [--os-tenant-id <auth-tenant-id>]
             [--os-auth-url <auth-url>] [--os-auth-token <auth-token>]
             [--os-storage-url <storage-url>] [--os-region-name <region-name>]
             [--os-service-type <service-type>]
             [--os-endpoint-type <endpoint-type>]
             [--os-cacert <ca-certificate>] [--insecure]
             <subcommand> ... 


Example A.17. Commands

    delete               Delete a container or objects within a container
    download             Download objects from containers
    list                 Lists the containers for the account or the objects
                         for a container
    post                 Updates meta information for the account, container,
                         or object
    stat                 Displays information for the account, container,
                         or object
    upload               Uploads files or directories to the given container


Example A.18. Examples

$ swift -A https://auth.api.rackspacecloud.com/v1.0 -U user -K key stat
$ swift --os-auth-url https://api.example.com/v2.0 --os-tenant-name tenant \
      --os-usernameuser --os-password password list
$ swift --os-auth-token 6ee5eb33efad4e45ab46806eac010566 \
      --os-storage-url \
$ swift list --lh

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