Database Management

This is the panel containing all the information about the current database.


Represents the database structure as clusters. Each cluster has the following information:

  • ID, is the cluster ID
  • Name, is the name of the cluster
  • Records, are the total number of records stored in the cluster
  • Conflict Strategy, is the conflict strategy used. I empty, the database's strategy is used as default



Contains the database configuration and custom properties. Here you can display and change the following settings:

  • dateFormat, is the date format used in the database by default. Example: yyyy-MM-dd
  • dateTimeFormat is the datetime format used in the database by default. Example: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
  • localeCountry, is the country used. "NO" means no country set
  • localeLanguage, is the language used. "no" means no language set
  • charSet, is the charset used. Default is UTF-8
  • timezone, is the timezone used. Timezone is taken on database creation
  • definitionVersion, is the internal version used to store the metadata
  • clusterSelection, is the strategy used on selecting the cluster on creation of new record of a class
  • minimumClusters, minimum number of clusters to create whenat class creation
  • conflictStrategy, is the database strategy for resolving conflicts



Allows to export the current database in GZipped JSON format. To import the file into another database, use the Import Console Command.


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