Import Filters
It's possible to apply filters to the import process through the include and exclude arguments.
With the include argument you'll import the listed tables according to the following syntax:
-include <tableName1>,<tableName2>,...,<tableNameX>
With the exclude argument you'll import all the tables except for the listed ones according to the following syntax:
-exclude <tableName1>,<tableName2>,...,<tableNameX>
For both arguments recognizing tables is case sensitive.
These arguments are mutually exclusive, thus you can use just one of them during the same execution.
Example 1: include usage
Importing only the "actor" and "film" tables from the source DB.
./ -jdriver postgresql -jurl jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/dvdrental
-juser username -jpasswd password -ourl plocal:$ORIENTDB_HOME/databases/dvdrental
-include actor,film
Example 2: exclude usage
Importing all tables from the source DB except for the "actor" table.
./ -jdriver postgresql -jurl jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/dvdrental
-juser username -jpasswd password -ourl plocal:$ORIENTDB_HOME/databases/dvdrental
-exclude actor