Using the Blueprints Extensions

OrientDB is a graph database that merges graph, document and object-oriented worlds together. Below are some of the features exclusive to OrientDB through the Blueprints Extensions.

For information on tuning your graph database, see Performance Tuning Blueprints.

Custom Types

OrientDB supports custom types for vertices and edges in an Object Oriented manner. This feature is not supported directly through Blueprints, but there is a way to implement them. If you want to create a schema to work with custom types, see Graph Schema.

Additionally, OrientDB introduces a few variants to Blueprint methods for working with types.

Creating Vertices and Edges in Specific Clusters

By default, each class has one cluster with the same name. You can add multiple clusters to the class, allowing OrientDB to write vertices and edges on multiple files. Furthermore, when working in Distributed Mode, you can configure different servers to manage each cluster.

For instance,


Retrieving Vertices and Edges by Type

To retrieve all vertices of the Person class, use the special getVerticesOfClass(String className) method.

For instance,

for (Vertex v : graph.getVerticesOfClass("Person")) {

Here, it retrieves all vertices of the class Person as well as all sub-classes. It does this because OrientDB uses polymorphism by default. If you would like to retrieve only those vertices of the Person class, excluding sub-types, use the getVerticesOfClass(String className, boolean polymorphic) method, specifying false in the polymorphic argument. For instance,

for (Vertex v : graph.getVerticesOfClass("Person", false)) {

You can also use variations on these with the .getEdges() method:

  • getEdgesOfClass(String className)
  • getEdgesOfClass(String, className, boolean polymorphic)

Ordered Edges

By default, OrientDB uses a set to handle edge collection. But, sometimes it's better to have an ordered list to access the edge by an offset.

  • For instance,

    person.createEdgeProperty(Direction.OUT, "Photos").setOrdered(true);
  • Whenever you access the edge collection, it orders the edges. Consider the example below, which prints all photos in the database in an ordered way:

    for (Edge e : loadedPerson.getEdges(Direction.OUT, "Photos")) {
      System.out.println( "Photo name: " + e.getVertex(Direction.IN).getProperty("name") );
  • To access the underlying edge list, you need to use the Document Database API. Consider this example, which swaps the tenth photo with the last:

    // REPLACE EDGE Photos
    List<ODocument> photos = loadedPerson.getRecord().field("out_Photos");
  • You can get the same result through SQL by executing the following commands in the terminal:

    orientdb> CREATE PROPERTY out_Photos LINKLIST
    orientdb> ALTER PROPERTY User.out_Photos CUSTOM ORDERED=TRUE

Detached Elements

When working with web applications, it is very common to query elements and render them to the user, allowing them to apply changes.

Consider what happens when the user changes some fields and saves. Previously, the developer had to track the changes in a separate structure, load the vertex or edge from the database, and then apply the changes to the element. Beginning in version 1.7 OrientDB, there are two new methods in the Graph API on the OrientElement and OrientBaseGraph classes:

  • OrientElement.detach() and OrientBaseGraph.detach(OrientElement) methods fetch all record content in memory and resets the connection to the Graph instance.
  • OrientElement.attach() and OrientBaseGraph.attach(OrientElement) methods save the detached element back into the database and restores the connection between the Graph Element and the Graph instance.

For instance, to use these begin by loading a vertex and detaching it:

OrientGraph g = OrientGraph("plocal:/temp/db");
try {
    Iterable<OrientVertex> results = g.query().has("name", EQUALS, "fast");
    for (OrientVertex v : results)
} finally {

Update the element, either from the GUI or by application:

v.setProperty("name", "super fast!");

When the user saves, re-attach the element and save it to the database:

OrientGraph g = OrientGraph("plocal:/temp/db");
try {
} finally {


Do detach() methods work recursively to detach all connected elements? No, it only works on the current element.

Can you add an edge against detached elements? No, you can only get, set or remove a property while it's detached. Any other operation that requires the database it throws an IllegalStateException exception.

Executing Commands

The OrientDB Blueprints implementation allows you to execute commands using SQL, JavaScript and all other supported languages.

SQL Queries

It is possible to have parameters in a query using prepared queries.

for (Vertex v : (Iterable<Vertex>) graph.command(new OCommandSQL(
            "SELECT EXPAND( out('bought') ) FROM Customer WHERE name = 'Jay'")).execute()) {
    System.out.println("- Bought: " + v);

To execute an asynchronous query:

          new OSQLAsynchQuery<Vertex>("SELECT FROM Member",
            new OCommandResultListener() {
              int resultCount =0;
              public boolean result(Object iRecord) {
                Vertex doc = graph.getVertex( iRecord );
               return resultCount < 100;
            } ).execute();

SQL Commands

In addition to queries, you can also execute any SQL command, such as CREATE VERTEX, UPDATE, or DELETE VERTEX. For instance, consider a case where you want to set a new property called local to true on all the customers that live in Rome.

int modified = graph.command(
          new OCommandSQL("UPDATE Customer SET local = true WHERE 'Rome' IN out('lives').name")).execute());

If the command modifies the schema, (such as in cases like CREATE CLASS, ALTER CLASS, DROP CLASS, CREATE PROPERTY, ALTER PROPERTY, and DROP PROPERTY, remember you need to force the schema update of the database instance you're using by calling the .reload() method.


For more information, see SQL Commands

SQL Batch

To execute multiple SQL commands in a batch, use the OCommandScript and SQL as the language. This is recommended when creating edges on the server-side, to minimize the network roundtrip.

String cmd = "BEGIN\n";
cmd += "LET a = CREATE VERTEX SET script = true\n";
cmd += "LET b = SELECT FROM V LIMIT 1\n";
cmd += "LET e = CREATE EDGE FROM $a TO $b RETRY 100\n";
cmd += "COMMIT\n";
cmd += "return $e";

OIdentifiable edge = graph.command(new OCommandScript("sql", cmd)).execute();

For more information, see SQL Batch

Database Functions

To execute database functions, you must write it in JavaScript or any other supported languages. For the examples, consider a function called updateAllTheCustomersInCity(cityName) that executes the same update as above. Note the 'Rome' attribute passed in the attribute apssed int he execute() method:

graph.command(new OCommandFunction(

Executing Code

To execute code on the server side, you can select between the supported language, (which by default is JavaScript):

          new OCommandScript("javascript", "for(var i=0;i<10;++i){ print('\nHello World!'); }")).execute());

This prints the line "Hello World!" ten times in the server conssole, or in the local console, if the database has been opened in PLocal mode.

Accessing the Graph

The TinkerPop Blueprints API is quite raw and doesn't provide ad hoc methods for very common use cases. To get around this, you may need to access the ODatabaseGraphTx object to extend what you can do through the underlying graph engine. Common operations are:

  • Counting incoming and outgoing edges without browsing them.
  • Getting incoming and outgoing vertices without browsing the edges.
  • Executing a query using an SQL-like language integrated in the engine.

The OrientGraph class provides the method .getRawGraph() to return the underlying Document database. For instance,

final OrientGraph graph = new OrientGraph("plocal:C:/temp/graph/db");
try {
  List<ODocument> result = graph.getRawGraph().query(
            new OSQLSynchQuery("SELECT FROM V WHERE color = 'red'"));
} finally {


If you want to use OrientDB security, use the construction that retrieves the Database URL, user and password. For more information on OrientDB security, see Security. By default, it uses the admin user.

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