We are pleased to announce the 1.1 release of ServiceMix!

New and Noteworthy

  • JAX WS support
  • Publish Subscribe Routing for 1-many message dispatching
  • a new RSS outbound component as well as inbound so you can generate RSS feeds from message flows
  • new JMS flow for reliable asynchronous message pipelines
  • WS Notification support into and out of JBI

In addition a number of bug fixes and performance enhancements were made.


For a more detailed view of new features and bug fixes, see the release notes

We welcome contributions, please do come and join our team.

For more information see the getting started guide.

Download Here

Download Description
servicemix-1.1.zip Binary Distribution in zip package
servicemix-1.1-src.zip Source Distribution in zip package
servicemix-1.1.tar.gz Binary Distribution in gz package
servicemix-1.1-src.tar.gz Source Distribution in gz package


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About ServiceMix

ServiceMix is an open source ESB designed from the ground up on JBI (JSR 208) principles, semantics and APIs. ServiceMix includes a complete JBI container including the Normalised Message Service and Router, the JBI Management MBeans support for JBI deployment units and Ant tasks to install components and manage the container.

In addition ServiceMix contains a suite of JBI Components list such as


SOAP Bindings:

  • SAAJ & Apache Axis, WSIF, ActiveSOAP and XFire

Transport components:

  • email, Files, HTTP, JMS, Jabber, RSS and WebDAV

ServiceMix includes a fully integrated JCA container for high performance messaging and is fully integrated into Geronimo, Spring and JBoss.