What is phpDocumentor? What can it do?
phpDocumentor is a tool written in PHP designed to create complete documentation
directly from both PHP code and external documentation. The truth is, PHP source code
is so lucid, it can practically serve as its own documentation. phpDocumentor taps
into this fact by parsing out all kinds of logical structures already found in PHP,
such as files, classes, functions, define constants, global variables, and class
variables/methods and organizes them into a traditional manual format. In addition, new
with version 1.3.0, source code elements introduced in PHP 5 (class constants,
interfaces, and others) can also be parsed, if phpDocumentor is run through PHP 5.
Output can be created for remote web
browsing, print, and integration into IDE help systems through
converters for HTML, PDF, and CHM (windows help files).
phpDocumentor generates manual-format documentation by reading it from special
PHP comments called DocBlocks.
DocBlocks are where you as the author of a software project should document helpful
information that can be used by others (or your future self) to
determine how to use and extend your PHP package.
Although the ability to add succinct documentation in the source code is essential,
it cannot replace the importance of verbose documentation that is not
in the source code, such as a user manual, or tutorials such as the one you
are reading now. If the text you see here were placed in the source code
for phpDocumentor, it would serve little useful purpose, clutter up the code,
and be difficult to locate. However, the ability to hyperlink between documentation
in the source code and external documentation is essential. External documentation
for function foo must be able to reference the generated in-code documentation, and
with phpDocumentor this is finally possible. To learn more, read about
phpDocumentor Tutorials.
There are two official installation methods for phpDocumentor. The first is through
downloading and extracting one of the available archives downloadable through
sourceforge.net, and the other is through the PEAR installer. There is planning for
a Phing task and for distribution through other
new and promising installation frameworks like the ZZ/OSS installer.
However, only the two official installation methods are supported by phpDocumentor's developers.
Download from Sourceforge.net
To install phpDocumentor from a .zip or tarball downloaded directly from
sourceforge.net, first determine whether you will be using phpDocumentor's web or command-line
interface (see the Basic usage of phpDocumentor tool section for
help in making this decision).
If you wish to use the command-line interface, unzip the archive into any directory,
say /home/myuser/phpdoc or C:\Program Files\phpdoc,
and add that directory to your path statement. To use, run the "phpdoc"
command. In windows, you will need to edit the phpdoc.bat file, and change the
first line to the path of the CLI version of PHP (usually C:\php4\cli\php.exe by
To use the web interface, you must have a web server such as Apache installed, and
must have a working PHP sapi for that webserver. To test, save the code below as
phpinfo.php in your document root and browse to http://localhost/phpinfo.php
If you see a beautiful purple display of PHP information, then your PHP setup is
working. To use phpDocumentor's web interface, simply unzip the archive into
a subdirectory of your document root (such as phpdoc) and browse to that location
A Javascript-enabled browser such as Netscape, Mozilla, Internet Explorer, Opera, or Konqueror is
required to view the newer web interface. If you wish to use a non-javascript browser such as
links/lynx, use the old web interface, phpdoc.php at http://localhost/phpdoc/phpdoc.php.
Installation through PEAR
To install phpDocumentor through PEAR, you must first have a working installation of
PEAR. Instructions for properly installing PEAR are located at the official
PEAR website, http://pear.php.net. phpDocumentor developers do not support
installation issues with PEAR, instead seek help from PEAR developers.
Installing phpDocumentor for use on the command-line is simple. Simply run:
$ pear install PhpDocumentor
and you then have full access
to the phpdoc command, both in windows and unix, without further configuration.
To install phpDocumentor to use the web interface, you must first change one of
PEAR's configuration variables, data_dir, to be a sub-directory of your web
server's document root. The simplest way to do this is through PEAR's command-line
interface with the command:
$ pear config-set data_dir /path/to/document_root/pear
Configuring this value through the web interface is also simple. Click on the
configuration icon in the left-hand frame, and type in the path in the data_dir
text box.
Once this configuration is complete, simply install phpDocumentor as described
in the second paragraph above, and you can then browse to
http://localhost/pear/PhpDocumentor to have access to the web interface. Once
this configuration step has been taken, there is never any need to change, and you
can easily upgrade to future phpDocumentor versions by using pear's upgrade command.
How to document your code for use with phpDocumentor
Documenting your code projects is straightforward and intuitive for the most part.
Before you begin, you may wish to download the sample documentation project and
try running phpDocumentor on them as you read along, found at
Source code for sample1.php, Source code for sample2.php, Source code for sample3.php or found
bundled in the tutorials/ directory of your phpDocumentor distribution. Before parsing,
copy the examples to another directory.
First of all, run phpDocumentor on the blank file sample1.php. If you are using the command-line interface, run this command from the tutorials/sample directory:
$ phpdoc -o HTML:frames:earthli -f sample1.php -t docs
If you are using the web interface, click the "Files" tab, and type in
the full path to tutorials/sample/sample1.php. Then click the "Output"
tab and type in the full path to tutorials/sample/docs, and finally click the
"Create" button in the lower right-hand corner.
With a web browser, open the newly created tutorials/sample/docs/index.html file
and you will see the rich array of information that phpDocumentor can parse from
the source code even without any documentation comments. Inheritance information,
polymorphism and constants are all recognized automatically. Note that the only
element that is not automatically documented is the global variable - to do this,
you must use a phpDocumentor DocBlock as described in the next section of this
quickstart manual. Also note that although the include_once specifies a file
within the include_path, phpDocumentor will not automatically parse sample2.php,
you must manually specify the files or directories to parse.
If you're feeling adventurous, experiment with the parse options available and
parse the sample files a few times to see how they affect the documentation output.
To find out options in the command-line interface, type
$ phpdoc -h
Documenting your PHP source code with comments
Now open sample2.php. This is the same code content as
sample1.php, but it contains a full array of phpDocumentor DocBlock comments.
Note that every DocBlock comment is a C-style comment with two leading asterisks
(*), like so:
All other comments are ignored by the documentation parser. Note that although most
of the documentation is plain English, there are a few "@" characters
floating around the source code. This symbol is used to pass a special command to
the parser, and is called a tag. If the symbol is at the beginning of a line, it
is a standard tag, and if it is enclosed in {curly brackets}, it is an inline tag.
You can read more about tags at phpDocumentor tags and phpDocumentor Inline tags.
* {@inlinetag}
* this is @not a standardtag - must begin a line.
* this is a valid {@inlinetag} also
* @standardtag
Documenting global variables
Notice this code from sample2.php:
* Special global variable declaration DocBlock
* @global integer $GLOBALS['_myvar']
* @name $_myvar
$GLOBALS['_myvar'] = 6;
In this segment, we can see the two important tags used for documenting global
variables. The @global tag is used to tell the parser how to
find a global variable declaration. Without this tag, no documentation would
be generated for $_myvar. The @global tag can take many forms - be sure to specify
the type and global name, with no description, or the parser will generate a warning
and fail to document the variable.
Now, parse sample3.php and observe the generated documentation.
The @name tag is used to tell the parser how the global
variable would be referenced by a global statement in a function.
* @global integer this is a function-based @global tag,
* because the variable name is missing
function someFunction()
global $_myvar;
The @global tag here will associate the information with the declared global statements in the
function body in the same order of their declaration.
Page-level DocBlock warnings
The single most commonly asked question about using phpDocumentor involves
warnings about Page-level DocBlocks. This section will answer any
questions about this warning once and for all.
phpDocumentor organizes procedural elements and classes into special groupings called
In earlier versions of phpDocumentor, if package was not specified explicitly using
the @package tag, the program would make an educated guess
as to which package a source element belongs to.
Over time, it became apparent that in many cases, source elements were incorrectly
grouped into a package due to the guesswork phpDocumentor uses. Finally, the decision
was made to require an explicit @package tag, and to raise a warning any time this
tag was missing from a top-level source element.
The greatest confusion comes from the documenting of files. phpDocumentor documents all
source elements by reading the DocBlock that immediately precedes the element, like so:
* Documents the class following
* @package SomePackage
class SomeClass {
phpDocumentor also can document the contents of a file. But how can a DocBlock immediately precede
the file that contains it? The easy answer is to assume the first DocBlock in a file documents the
file that contains it, and this works well, but can be deceptive:
* Documents the class following or the file?
* @package SomePackage
class SomeClass {
The same example shows the ambiguity - does this DocBlock document the class, or the file? To resolve
this ambiguity, phpDocumentor uses a simple algorithm to make its decision.
- If the first DocBlock in a file contains a @package tag, it documents the file unless it
precedes a class declaration
- If the first DocBlock in a file precedes another DocBlock, it documents the file
* This is a file-level DocBlock
* A warning will be raised, saying that to document the define, use
* another DocBlock
* @package SomePackage
* This is a not a file-level DocBlock
* A warning will be raised, saying that no file-level DocBlock is present
* and this DocBlock will attach to the define statement
* This is a not a file-level DocBlock
* A warning will be raised, saying that no file-level DocBlock is present
* and this DocBlock will attach to the class statement
class foo {}
* This is a not a file-level DocBlock, because it precedes a class declaration
* A warning will be raised, saying that no file-level DocBlock is present
* and this DocBlock will attach to the class statement
* @package SomePackage
class foo {}
* This is a file-level DocBlock
* A warning will be raised saying that the package was assumed to be
* SomePackage
* This is a normal class-level DocBlock
* this DocBlock will attach to the class statement
* @package SomePackage
class foo {}
* This is a file-level DocBlock
* A warning will be raised saying that the package was assumed to be
* SomePackage because no @package tag was used
* This is a not a file-level DocBlock, because it precedes a class declaration
* A warning will be raised, saying that no file-level DocBlock is present
* and this DocBlock will attach to the class statement
* @package SomePackage
class foo {}
* This is a file-level DocBlock
* No warning will be raised. This is the recommended usage
* @package SomePackage
* This is a not a file-level DocBlock, because it precedes a class declaration
* This is also the recommended usage
* @package SomePackage
class foo {}
Writing external documentation and linking to source code documentation
Although documentation parsed directly from source code is tremendously useful, it cannot stand on its own.
In addition, truly useful in-code documentation must be succinct enough so that the code is not completely
obscured by the documentation. External documentation is a must for a complete documentation solution.
However, external documentation must be able to link to API source documentation to be useful. With a
constantly changing API documentation, it is very easy for external documentation to become out of date.
In addition, external documentation must be in a format that can be converted into other formats such as
phpDocumentor provides a simple and elegant solution to all of these problems. External
documentation in DocBook format can be easily converted to other formats. Using inline
tags, phpDocumentor can generate a consistent manual in many different formats by combining
the output from parsing the source and parsing external documentation. The words you read at this
moment are in a DocBook-based file located in tutorials/phpDocumentor/phpDocumentor.quickstart.pkg
<refentry id="{@id}">
<refname>Simple Tutorial</refname>
<refpurpose>The simplest Tutorial Possible</refpurpose>
Gregory Beaver
<refsect1 id="{@id intro}">
<para>Hello World</para>