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Procedural File: add_cvs.php

Source Location: /scripts/add_cvs.php

Page Details

CVS file adding iterator

This file iterates over a directory, and adds everything to CVS that is found, ignoring any error messages, until all files in each directory and subdirectory have been added to cvs. It then commits the files to cvs

Filesource:  Source Code for this file
Version:  1.0
Copyright:  Copyright 2003, Greg Beaver
Author:  Greg Beaver <[email protected]>
require_once ("$dir/phpDocumentor/") [line 35]

phpDocumentor include files. If you don't have phpDocumentor, go get it!

Your php life will be changed forever

[ Top ]

require_once ("$dir/phpDocumentor/") [line 36]

phpDocumentor include files. If you don't have phpDocumentor, go get it!

Your php life will be changed forever

[ Top ]

string   $cvsadd_directory [line 43]

Physical location on this computer of the package to parse

Default value:  realpath('.')

[ Top ]

Io   $files [line 60]
Default value:  new Io

[ Top ]

string   $ignore [line 51]

Comma-separated list of files and directories to ignore

This uses wildcards * and ? to remove extra files/directories that are not part of the package or release

Default value:  array('CVS/')

[ Top ]

addToCVS  [line 124]

void addToCVS( array $struc  )

Recursively add files to cvs

array   $struc:  the sorted directory structure

[ Top ]
mystrucsort  [line 73]

void mystrucsort( string $a, string $b  )

Sorting functions for the file list

string   $a: 
string   $b: 

[ Top ]
sortfiles  [line 68]

void sortfiles( string $a, string $b  )

Sorting functions for the file list

string   $a: 
string   $b: 

[ Top ]

Documentation generated on Tue, 24 Oct 2006 09:20:36 -0500 by phpDocumentor 1.3.1