Part 3.  Model Reference

Table of Contents

16. Top Level Model Element Reference
16.1. Introduction
16.2. The Model
16.2.1. Model Details Tabs
16.2.2. Model Property Toolbar
16.2.3. Property Fields For The Model
16.3. Datatype
16.3.1. Datatype Details Tabs
16.3.2. Datatype Property Toolbar
16.3.3. Property Fields For Datatype
16.4. Enumeration
16.4.1. Enumeration Details Tabs
16.4.2. Enumeration Property Toolbar
16.4.3. Property Fields For Enumeration
16.5. Enumeration Literal
16.6. Stereotype
16.6.1. Stereotype Details Tabs
16.6.2. Stereotype Property Toolbar
16.6.3. Property Fields For Stereotype
16.7. Tag Definition
16.8. Diagram
16.8.1. Diagram Details Tabs
16.8.2. Diagram Property Toolbar
16.8.3. Property Fields For Diagram
17. Use Case Diagram Model Element Reference
17.1. Introduction
17.1.1. ArgoUML Limitations Concerning Use Case Diagrams
17.2. Actor
17.2.1. Actor Details Tabs
17.2.2. Actor Property Toolbar
17.2.3. Property Fields For Actor
17.3. Use Case
17.3.1. Use Case Details Tabs
17.3.2. Use Case Property Toolbar
17.3.3. Property Fields For Use Case
17.4. Extension Point
17.4.1. Extension Point Details Tabs
17.4.2. Extension Point Property Toolbar
17.4.3. Property Fields For Extension Point
17.5. Association
17.6. Association End
17.7. Dependency
17.8. Generalization
17.8.1. Generalization Details Tabs
17.8.2. Generalization Property Toolbar
17.8.3. Property Fields For Generalization
17.9. Extend
17.9.1. Extend Details Tabs
17.9.2. Extend Property Toolbar
17.9.3. Property Fields For Extend
17.10. Include
17.10.1. Include Details Tabs
17.10.2. Include Property Toolbar
17.10.3. Property Fields For Include
18. Class Diagram Model Element Reference
18.1. Introduction
18.1.1. Limitations Concerning Class Diagrams in ArgoUML
18.2. Package
18.2.1. Package Details Tabs
18.2.2. Package Property Toolbar
18.2.3. Property Fields For Package
18.3. Datatype
18.4. Enumeration
18.5. Stereotype
18.6. Class
18.6.1. Class Details Tabs
18.6.2. Class Property Toolbar
18.6.3. Property Fields For Class
18.7. Attribute
18.7.1. Attribute Details Tabs
18.7.2. Attribute Property Toolbar
18.7.3. Property Fields For Attribute
18.8. Operation
18.8.1. Operation Details Tabs
18.8.2. Operation Property Toolbar
18.8.3. Property Fields For Operation
18.9. Parameter
18.9.1. Parameter Details Tabs
18.9.2. Parameter Property Toolbar
18.9.3. Property Fields For Parameter
18.10. Signal
18.10.1. Signal Details Tabs
18.10.2. Signal Property Toolbar
18.10.3. Property Fields For Signal
18.11. Reception (to be written)
18.12. Association
18.12.1. Three-way and Greater Associations and Association Classes
18.12.2. Association Details Tabs
18.12.3. Association Property Toolbar
18.12.4. Property Fields For Association
18.13. Association End
18.13.1. Association End Details Tabs
18.13.2. Association End Property Toolbar
18.13.3. Property Fields For Association End
18.14. Dependency
18.14.1. Dependency Details Tabs
18.14.2. Dependency Property Toolbar
18.14.3. Property Fields For Dependency
18.15. Generalization
18.16. Interface
18.16.1. Interface Details Tabs
18.16.2. Interface Property Toolbar
18.16.3. Property Fields For Interface
18.17. Abstraction
18.17.1. Abstraction Details Tabs
18.17.2. Abstraction Property Toolbar
18.17.3. Property Fields For Abstraction
19. Sequence Diagram Model Element Reference
19.1. Introduction
19.1.1. Limitations Concerning Sequence Diagrams in ArgoUML
19.2. Object
19.2.1. Object Details Tabs
19.2.2. Object Property Toolbar
19.2.3. Property Fields For Object
19.3. Stimulus
19.3.1. Stimulus Details Tabs
19.3.2. Stimulus Property Toolbar
19.3.3. Property Fields For Stimulus
19.4. Stimulus Call
19.5. Stimulus Create
19.6. Stimulus Destroy
19.7. Stimulus Send
19.8. Stimulus Return
19.9. Link
19.9.1. Link Details Tabs
19.9.2. Link Property Toolbar
19.9.3. Property Fields For Link
20. Statechart Diagram Model Element Reference
20.1. Introduction
20.1.1. Limitations Concerning Statechart Diagrams in ArgoUML
20.2. State
20.2.1. State Details Tabs
20.2.2. State Property Toolbar
20.2.3. Property Fields For State
20.3. Action
20.3.1. Action Details Tabs
20.3.2. Action Property Toolbar
20.3.3. Property Fields For Action
20.4. Composite State
20.5. Concurrent Region
20.6. Submachine State
20.7. Stub State
20.8. Transition
20.8.1. Transition Details Tabs
20.8.2. Transition Property Toolbar
20.8.3. Property Fields For Transition
20.9. Event
20.9.1. Event Details Tabs
20.9.2. Event Property Toolbar
20.9.3. Property Fields For Event
20.10. Guard
20.10.1. Guard Details Tabs
20.10.2. Guard Property Toolbar
20.10.3. Property Fields For Guard
20.11. Pseudostate
20.11.1. Pseudostate Details Tabs
20.11.2. Pseudostate Property Toolbar
20.11.3. Property Fields For Pseudostate
20.12. Initial State
20.13. Final State
20.13.1. Final State Details Tabs
20.13.2. Final State Property Toolbar
20.13.3. Property Fields For Final State
20.14. Junction
20.15. Choice
20.16. Fork
20.17. Join
20.18. Shallow History
20.19. Deep History
20.20. Synch State
20.20.1. Synch State Details Tabs
20.20.2. Synch State Property Toolbar
20.20.3. Property Fields For Synch State
21. Collaboration Diagram Model Element Reference
21.1. Introduction
21.1.1. Limitations Concerning Collaboration Diagrams in ArgoUML
21.2. Classifier Role
21.2.1. Classifier Role Details Tabs
21.2.2. Classifier Role Property Toolbar
21.2.3. Property Fields For Classifier Role
21.3. Association Role
21.3.1. Association Role Details Tabs
21.3.2. Association Role Property Toolbar
21.3.3. Property Fields For Association Role
21.4. Association End Role
21.4.1. Association End Role Details Tabs
21.4.2. Association End Role Property Toolbar
21.4.3. Property Fields For Association End Role
21.5. Message
21.5.1. Message Details Tabs
21.5.2. Message Property Toolbar
21.5.3. Property Fields For Message
22. Activity Diagram Model Element Reference
22.1. Introduction
22.1.1. Limitations Concerning Activity Diagrams in ArgoUML
22.2. Action State
22.2.1. Action State Details Tabs
22.2.2. Action State Property ToolBar
22.2.3. Property fields for action state
22.3. Action
22.4. Transition
22.5. Guard
22.6. Initial State
22.7. Final State
22.8. Junction (Decision)
22.9. Fork
22.10. Join
22.11. ObjectFlowState
23. Deployment Diagram Model Element Reference
23.1. Introduction
23.1.1. Limitations Concerning Deployment Diagrams in ArgoUML
23.2. Node
23.2.1. Node Details Tabs
23.2.2. Node Property Toolbar
23.2.3. Property Fields For Node
23.3. Node Instance
23.3.1. Node Instance Details Tabs
23.3.2. Node Instance Property Toolbar
23.3.3. Property Fields For Node Instance
23.4. Component
23.4.1. Component Details Tabs
23.4.2. Component Property Toolbar
23.4.3. Property Fields For Component
23.5. Component Instance
23.5.1. Component Instance Details Tabs
23.5.2. Component Instance Property Toolbar
23.5.3. Property Fields For Component Instance
23.6. Dependency
23.7. Class
23.8. Interface
23.9. Association
23.10. Object
23.11. Link
24. Profiles
24.1. Introduction
24.2. The UML 1.4 Standard Elements Profile
24.2.1. Datatypes
24.2.2. Enumerations
24.2.3. Stereotypes
24.2.4. Tag Definitions
24.3. The Java Profile
24.3.1. Datatypes
24.3.2. Classes
24.3.3. Interfaces