
To properly evaluate the effectiveness of any coverage tool, it is necessary to
understand what kinds of logic are able to be analyzed and which kinds of logic
are unable to be analyzed (along with a reason for why the logic cannot be
adequately covered). Understanding the limitations of tools up front can often
guide the user of those tools to make better decisions in their usage. In the
case of Covered and the open source community, it may also help drive ideas to
how to correct or get around these limitations.
For these reasons, a list of what type of logic can be analyzed and what type of
logic cannot be currently analyzed is listed below. Note that both of these lists
may not be exhaustive and are subject to change between releases of the tool. Also
note that it is the goal of Covered to be able to parse all of the Verilog-1995,
Verilog-2001, and a subset of SystemVerilog constructs though some
portions of these may be ignored for coverage purposes.
All expressional logic which is comprised of the following data types and operators
which exist in an assign block, always block, initial block, task, function or
named begin/end block:
- Nets: wire, tri, tri0, tri1, wor, wand, trior, triand, supply0, suppl1
- Triregs: trireg
- Registers: reg
- Parameter values
- String values
- Integer values
- Unary operators: +, -, ~, &, |, ^, ~&, ~|, ~^
- Arithmetic operators: +, -, *, /, %
- Logical operators: &&, ||, !
- Relational operators: > < >= <=
- Equality operators: ==, ===, !=, !==
- Bitwise operators: &, |, ^, ~&, ~|, ~^
- Shift operators: << >>
- Concatentation/replication operators: {}, {{}}
- Bit select operators: [], [:]
- Conditional operator: ?:
- case, casex, casez statements
- if, if/else statements
- Delays when delay value is integer
- Delayed procedural assignments (i.e., "a = #5 b;" or "a = @(c) b;")
- Event waits and triggers: wait, @(posedge), @(negedge), @(), ->
- Repetition statements (for, while and repeat)
- Fork/join statements
- Memories
- `ifndef and `elsif directives
- `file and `line directives
- Constant functions calls
- Inline parameter passing by name
- Localparam support
- Implicit event sensitivity lists (@*)
- Comma-separated event lists (alternative to the "or" keyword)
- Signed value support
- Immediate register assignment (reg a = 1'b0)
- Variable multi-bit selects (a[b+:3], a[b-:3]
- Exponential power operator (a**b)
- The "<<<" and ">>>" shift operators
- Pre-port parameter listing (module foo #(parameter a=0) (...);)
- Inline port listing (module foo (input wire a, output reg b);)
- Attributes (note: Covered only performs attributes that it recognizes)
- Arrays of instances
- Generate blocks
- "Automatic" or reentrant tasks/recursive functions
- New integer types: char, byte, bit, logic, int, shortint, longint
- Op-and-assign statements: +=, -=, *=, /=, %=, &=, |=, ^=, <<=, >>=, <<<=, >>>=, ++, --
- Proper support for always_comb, always_latch and always_ff blocks
- do..while loops
- Enumerations
- Typedefs
- $root scope support
- Unnamed scope support
- Multi-dimensional arrays including packed/unpacked dimensions and bit-select, part-select and slicing
- Parsing support for unique and priority if/case labels
- Parsing support for implicit .name ports (ex. "foo f( .a, .b, .c );")
- Parsing support for implicit .* ports (ex. "foo f( .* );")
- Parsing support for assertions, properties and sequences
- All gate types (i.e., buf, not, or, and, etc.)
- All user defined primitives (UDPs)
- All expressions containing types: time, real, realtime
- System task calls (or any $... call)
- Configuration statements
When logic is encountered that cannot be analyzed within an always, initial,
task, function or named block, Covered will disregard the entire always block.
If the entire block cannot be analyzed, it does not try to get coverage
statistics as these will most likely be incorrect (i.e., disregarded logic could
affect the state of the logic that is being covered).

Contents |
First Page |
Previous Page |
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Last Page
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License: GPL
This Manual was originally created with ManStyle.