| MODULE_AUTHOR ("Anna Lukin, [email protected]") |
int | bypass_proc_create_dev_sd (bpctl_dev_t *pbp_device_block) |
int | bypass_proc_remove_dev_sd (bpctl_dev_t *pbp_device_block) |
int | bp_proc_create (void) |
int | is_bypass_fn (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | get_dev_idx_bsf (int bus, int slot, int func) |
int | wdt_time_left (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
void | send_bypass_clear_pulse (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev, unsigned int value) |
int | cmnd_on (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | cmnd_off (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | bypass_on (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | bypass_off (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | tap_off (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | tap_on (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | disc_off (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | disc_on (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | disc_port_on (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | disc_port_off (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | tpl_hw_on (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | tpl_hw_off (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | wdt_off (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | wdt_on (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev, unsigned int timeout) |
void | bp75_put_hw_semaphore_generic (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
s32 | bp75_get_hw_semaphore_generic (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
s32 | bp75_read_phy_reg_mdic (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev, u32 offset, u16 *data) |
s32 | bp75_write_phy_reg_mdic (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev, u32 offset, u16 data) |
int | reset_cont (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | dis_bypass_cap (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | en_bypass_cap (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | bypass_state_pwron (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | normal_state_pwron (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | bypass_state_pwroff (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | normal_state_pwroff (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | tap_state_pwron (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | dis_tap_cap (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | en_tap_cap (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | disc_state_pwron (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | dis_disc_cap (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | disc_port_state_pwron (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | normal_port_state_pwron (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | en_disc_cap (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | std_nic_on (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | std_nic_off (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | bp_wait_at_pwup_en (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | bp_wait_at_pwup_dis (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | bp_hw_reset_en (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | bp_hw_reset_dis (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | wdt_exp_mode (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev, int mode) |
int | bypass_fw_ver (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | bypass_sign_check (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | bypass_from_last_read (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | bypass_status_clear (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | bypass_flag_status (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | bypass_flag_status_clear (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | bypass_change_status (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | bypass_off_status (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | default_pwron_status (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | dis_bypass_cap_status (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | cmd_en_status (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | wdt_en_status (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | wdt_programmed (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev, int *timeout) |
int | bypass_support (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | tap_support (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | normal_support (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | get_bp_prod_caps (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | tap_flag_status (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | tap_flag_status_clear (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | tap_change_status (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | tap_off_status (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | tap_status (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | default_pwron_tap_status (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | dis_tap_cap_status (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | disc_flag_status (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | disc_flag_status_clear (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | disc_change_status (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | disc_off_status (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | default_pwron_disc_status (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | dis_disc_cap_status (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | disc_port_status (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | default_pwron_disc_port_status (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | wdt_exp_mode_status (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | tpl2_flag_status (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | tpl_hw_status (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | bp_wait_at_pwup_status (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | bp_hw_reset_status (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | std_nic_status (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
void | bypass_caps_init (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | bypass_off_init (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
void | remove_bypass_wd_auto (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | init_bypass_wd_auto (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | set_bypass_wd_auto (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev, unsigned int param) |
int | get_bypass_wd_auto (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | set_bypass_fn (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev, int bypass_mode) |
int | get_bypass_fn (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | get_bypass_change_fn (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | set_dis_bypass_fn (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev, int dis_param) |
int | get_dis_bypass_fn (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | set_bypass_pwoff_fn (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev, int bypass_mode) |
int | get_bypass_pwoff_fn (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | set_bypass_pwup_fn (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev, int bypass_mode) |
int | get_bypass_pwup_fn (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | set_bypass_wd_fn (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev, int timeout) |
int | get_bypass_wd_fn (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev, int *timeout) |
int | get_wd_expire_time_fn (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev, int *time_left) |
int | reset_bypass_wd_timer_fn (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | get_wd_set_caps_fn (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | set_std_nic_fn (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev, int nic_mode) |
int | get_std_nic_fn (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | set_tap_fn (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev, int tap_mode) |
int | get_tap_fn (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | set_tap_pwup_fn (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev, int tap_mode) |
int | get_tap_pwup_fn (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | get_tap_change_fn (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | set_dis_tap_fn (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev, int dis_param) |
int | get_dis_tap_fn (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | set_disc_fn (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev, int disc_mode) |
int | get_disc_fn (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | set_disc_pwup_fn (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev, int disc_mode) |
int | get_disc_pwup_fn (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | get_disc_change_fn (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | set_dis_disc_fn (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev, int dis_param) |
int | get_dis_disc_fn (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | set_disc_port_fn (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev, int disc_mode) |
int | get_disc_port_fn (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | set_disc_port_pwup_fn (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev, int disc_mode) |
int | get_disc_port_pwup_fn (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | get_wd_exp_mode_fn (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | set_wd_exp_mode_fn (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev, int param) |
int | reset_cont_fn (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | set_tx_fn (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev, int tx_state) |
int | set_bp_force_link_fn (int dev_num, int tx_state) |
int | set_wd_autoreset_fn (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev, int param) |
int | get_wd_autoreset_fn (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | get_bypass_caps_fn (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | get_bypass_slave_fn (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev, bpctl_dev_t **pbpctl_dev_out) |
int | is_bypass (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | get_tx_fn (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | get_bp_force_link_fn (int dev_num) |
void | remove_bypass_tpl_auto (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | init_bypass_tpl_auto (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | set_bypass_tpl_auto (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev, unsigned int param) |
int | get_bypass_tpl_auto (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | set_tpl_fn (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev, int tpl_mode) |
int | get_tpl_fn (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | set_bp_wait_at_pwup_fn (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev, int tap_mode) |
int | get_bp_wait_at_pwup_fn (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | set_bp_hw_reset_fn (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev, int tap_mode) |
int | get_bp_hw_reset_fn (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev) |
int | get_bypass_info_fn (bpctl_dev_t *pbpctl_dev, char *dev_name, char *add_param) |
| module_init (bypass_init_module) |
| module_exit (bypass_cleanup_module) |
int | is_bypass_sd (int ifindex) |
int | set_bypass_sd (int ifindex, int bypass_mode) |
int | get_bypass_sd (int ifindex) |
int | get_bypass_change_sd (int ifindex) |
int | set_dis_bypass_sd (int ifindex, int dis_param) |
int | get_dis_bypass_sd (int ifindex) |
int | set_bypass_pwoff_sd (int ifindex, int bypass_mode) |
int | get_bypass_pwoff_sd (int ifindex) |
int | set_bypass_pwup_sd (int ifindex, int bypass_mode) |
int | get_bypass_pwup_sd (int ifindex) |
int | set_bypass_wd_sd (int if_index, int ms_timeout, int *ms_timeout_set) |
int | get_bypass_wd_sd (int ifindex, int *timeout) |
int | get_wd_expire_time_sd (int ifindex, int *time_left) |
int | reset_bypass_wd_timer_sd (int ifindex) |
int | get_wd_set_caps_sd (int ifindex) |
int | set_std_nic_sd (int ifindex, int nic_mode) |
int | get_std_nic_sd (int ifindex) |
int | set_tap_sd (int ifindex, int tap_mode) |
int | get_tap_sd (int ifindex) |
int | set_tap_pwup_sd (int ifindex, int tap_mode) |
int | get_tap_pwup_sd (int ifindex) |
int | get_tap_change_sd (int ifindex) |
int | set_dis_tap_sd (int ifindex, int dis_param) |
int | get_dis_tap_sd (int ifindex) |
int | set_bp_disc_sd (int ifindex, int disc_mode) |
int | get_bp_disc_sd (int ifindex) |
int | set_bp_disc_pwup_sd (int ifindex, int disc_mode) |
int | get_bp_disc_pwup_sd (int ifindex) |
int | get_bp_disc_change_sd (int ifindex) |
int | set_bp_dis_disc_sd (int ifindex, int dis_param) |
int | get_bp_dis_disc_sd (int ifindex) |
int | get_wd_exp_mode_sd (int ifindex) |
int | set_wd_exp_mode_sd (int ifindex, int param) |
int | reset_cont_sd (int ifindex) |
int | set_tx_sd (int ifindex, int tx_state) |
int | set_tpl_sd (int ifindex, int tpl_state) |
int | set_bp_hw_reset_sd (int ifindex, int status) |
int | set_wd_autoreset_sd (int ifindex, int param) |
int | get_wd_autoreset_sd (int ifindex) |
int | get_bypass_caps_sd (int ifindex) |
int | get_bypass_slave_sd (int ifindex) |
int | get_tx_sd (int ifindex) |
int | get_tpl_sd (int ifindex) |
int | get_bp_hw_reset_sd (int ifindex) |
int | get_bypass_info_sd (int ifindex, struct bp_info *bp_info) |
int | bp_if_scan_sd (void) |
| EXPORT_SYMBOL_NOVERS (is_bypass_sd) |
| EXPORT_SYMBOL_NOVERS (get_bypass_slave_sd) |
| EXPORT_SYMBOL_NOVERS (get_bypass_caps_sd) |
| EXPORT_SYMBOL_NOVERS (get_wd_set_caps_sd) |
| EXPORT_SYMBOL_NOVERS (set_bypass_sd) |
| EXPORT_SYMBOL_NOVERS (get_bypass_sd) |
| EXPORT_SYMBOL_NOVERS (get_bypass_change_sd) |
| EXPORT_SYMBOL_NOVERS (set_dis_bypass_sd) |
| EXPORT_SYMBOL_NOVERS (get_dis_bypass_sd) |
| EXPORT_SYMBOL_NOVERS (set_bypass_pwoff_sd) |
| EXPORT_SYMBOL_NOVERS (get_bypass_pwoff_sd) |
| EXPORT_SYMBOL_NOVERS (set_bypass_pwup_sd) |
| EXPORT_SYMBOL_NOVERS (get_bypass_pwup_sd) |
| EXPORT_SYMBOL_NOVERS (set_bypass_wd_sd) |
| EXPORT_SYMBOL_NOVERS (get_bypass_wd_sd) |
| EXPORT_SYMBOL_NOVERS (get_wd_expire_time_sd) |
| EXPORT_SYMBOL_NOVERS (reset_bypass_wd_timer_sd) |
| EXPORT_SYMBOL_NOVERS (set_std_nic_sd) |
| EXPORT_SYMBOL_NOVERS (get_std_nic_sd) |
| EXPORT_SYMBOL_NOVERS (set_tx_sd) |
| EXPORT_SYMBOL_NOVERS (get_tx_sd) |
| EXPORT_SYMBOL_NOVERS (set_tpl_sd) |
| EXPORT_SYMBOL_NOVERS (get_tpl_sd) |
| EXPORT_SYMBOL_NOVERS (set_bp_hw_reset_sd) |
| EXPORT_SYMBOL_NOVERS (get_bp_hw_reset_sd) |
| EXPORT_SYMBOL_NOVERS (set_tap_sd) |
| EXPORT_SYMBOL_NOVERS (get_tap_sd) |
| EXPORT_SYMBOL_NOVERS (get_tap_change_sd) |
| EXPORT_SYMBOL_NOVERS (set_dis_tap_sd) |
| EXPORT_SYMBOL_NOVERS (get_dis_tap_sd) |
| EXPORT_SYMBOL_NOVERS (set_tap_pwup_sd) |
| EXPORT_SYMBOL_NOVERS (get_tap_pwup_sd) |
| EXPORT_SYMBOL_NOVERS (set_wd_exp_mode_sd) |
| EXPORT_SYMBOL_NOVERS (get_wd_exp_mode_sd) |
| EXPORT_SYMBOL_NOVERS (set_wd_autoreset_sd) |
| EXPORT_SYMBOL_NOVERS (get_wd_autoreset_sd) |
| EXPORT_SYMBOL_NOVERS (set_bp_disc_sd) |
| EXPORT_SYMBOL_NOVERS (get_bp_disc_sd) |
| EXPORT_SYMBOL_NOVERS (get_bp_disc_change_sd) |
| EXPORT_SYMBOL_NOVERS (set_bp_dis_disc_sd) |
| EXPORT_SYMBOL_NOVERS (get_bp_dis_disc_sd) |
| EXPORT_SYMBOL_NOVERS (set_bp_disc_pwup_sd) |
| EXPORT_SYMBOL_NOVERS (get_bp_disc_pwup_sd) |
| EXPORT_SYMBOL_NOVERS (get_bypass_info_sd) |
| EXPORT_SYMBOL_NOVERS (bp_if_scan_sd) |
int | bypass_proc_create_entry_sd (struct pfs_unit_sd *pfs_unit_curr, char *proc_name, write_proc_t *write_proc, read_proc_t *read_proc, struct proc_dir_entry *parent_pfs, void *data) |
int | get_bypass_info_pfs (char *page, char **start, off_t off, int count, int *eof, void *data) |
int | get_bypass_slave_pfs (char *page, char **start, off_t off, int count, int *eof, void *data) |
int | get_bypass_caps_pfs (char *page, char **start, off_t off, int count, int *eof, void *data) |
int | get_wd_set_caps_pfs (char *page, char **start, off_t off, int count, int *eof, void *data) |
int | set_bypass_pfs (struct file *file, const char *buffer, unsigned long count, void *data) |
int | set_tap_pfs (struct file *file, const char *buffer, unsigned long count, void *data) |
int | set_disc_pfs (struct file *file, const char *buffer, unsigned long count, void *data) |
int | get_bypass_pfs (char *page, char **start, off_t off, int count, int *eof, void *data) |
int | get_tap_pfs (char *page, char **start, off_t off, int count, int *eof, void *data) |
int | get_disc_pfs (char *page, char **start, off_t off, int count, int *eof, void *data) |
int | get_bypass_change_pfs (char *page, char **start, off_t off, int count, int *eof, void *data) |
int | get_tap_change_pfs (char *page, char **start, off_t off, int count, int *eof, void *data) |
int | get_disc_change_pfs (char *page, char **start, off_t off, int count, int *eof, void *data) |
int | set_bypass_wd_pfs (struct file *file, const char *buffer, unsigned long count, void *data) |
int | get_bypass_wd_pfs (char *page, char **start, off_t off, int count, int *eof, void *data) |
int | get_wd_expire_time_pfs (char *page, char **start, off_t off, int count, int *eof, void *data) |
int | get_tpl_pfs (char *page, char **start, off_t off, int count, int *eof, void *data) |
int | reset_bypass_wd_pfs (char *page, char **start, off_t off, int count, int *eof, void *data) |
int | set_dis_bypass_pfs (struct file *file, const char *buffer, unsigned long count, void *data) |
int | set_dis_tap_pfs (struct file *file, const char *buffer, unsigned long count, void *data) |
int | set_dis_disc_pfs (struct file *file, const char *buffer, unsigned long count, void *data) |
int | get_dis_bypass_pfs (char *page, char **start, off_t off, int count, int *eof, void *data) |
int | get_dis_tap_pfs (char *page, char **start, off_t off, int count, int *eof, void *data) |
int | get_dis_disc_pfs (char *page, char **start, off_t off, int count, int *eof, void *data) |
int | set_bypass_pwup_pfs (struct file *file, const char *buffer, unsigned long count, void *data) |
int | set_bypass_pwoff_pfs (struct file *file, const char *buffer, unsigned long count, void *data) |
int | set_tap_pwup_pfs (struct file *file, const char *buffer, unsigned long count, void *data) |
int | set_disc_pwup_pfs (struct file *file, const char *buffer, unsigned long count, void *data) |
int | get_bypass_pwup_pfs (char *page, char **start, off_t off, int count, int *eof, void *data) |
int | get_bypass_pwoff_pfs (char *page, char **start, off_t off, int count, int *eof, void *data) |
int | get_tap_pwup_pfs (char *page, char **start, off_t off, int count, int *eof, void *data) |
int | get_disc_pwup_pfs (char *page, char **start, off_t off, int count, int *eof, void *data) |
int | set_std_nic_pfs (struct file *file, const char *buffer, unsigned long count, void *data) |
int | get_std_nic_pfs (char *page, char **start, off_t off, int count, int *eof, void *data) |
int | get_wd_exp_mode_pfs (char *page, char **start, off_t off, int count, int *eof, void *data) |
int | set_wd_exp_mode_pfs (struct file *file, const char *buffer, unsigned long count, void *data) |
int | get_wd_autoreset_pfs (char *page, char **start, off_t off, int count, int *eof, void *data) |
int | set_wd_autoreset_pfs (struct file *file, const char *buffer, unsigned long count, void *data) |
int | set_tpl_pfs (struct file *file, const char *buffer, unsigned long count, void *data) |
int get_bypass_caps_sd |
( |
int |
if_index | ) |
get_bypass_caps - get second port participate in the Bypass pair : network device index
Output: flags word on success;flag word is a 32-bit mask word with each bit defines different capability as described bellow. Value of 1 for supporting this feature. 0 for not supporting this feature. -1 - on failure (if the device is not capable of the operation or not a Bypass device) Bit feature description
0 BP_CAP The interface is Bypass capable in general
1 BP_STATUS_CAP The interface can report of the current Bypass mode
2 BP_STATUS_CHANGE_CAP The interface can report on a change to bypass mode from the last time the mode was defined
3 SW_CTL_CAP The interface is Software controlled capable for bypass/non bypass modes.
4 BP_DIS_CAP The interface is capable of disabling the Bypass mode at all times. This mode will retain its mode even during power loss and also after power recovery. This will overcome on any bypass operation due to watchdog timeout or set bypass command.
5 BP_DIS_STATUS_CAP The interface can report of the current DIS_BP_CAP
6 STD_NIC_CAP The interface is capable to be configured to operate as standard, non Bypass, NIC interface (have direct connection to interfaces at all power modes)
7 BP_PWOFF_NO_CAP The interface can be in Bypass mode at power off state
8 BP_PWOFF_OFF_CAP The interface can disconnect the Bypass mode at power off state without effecting all the other states of operation
9 BP_PWOFF_CTL_CAP The behavior of the Bypass mode at Power-off state can be controlled by software without effecting any other state
*10 BP_PWUP_ON_CAP The interface can be in Bypass mode when power is turned on (until the system take control of the bypass functionality)
*11 BP_PWUP_OFF_CAP The interface can disconnect from Bypass mode when power is turned on (until the system take control of the bypass functionality)
*12 BP_PWUP_CTL_CAP The behavior of the Bypass mode at Power-up can be controlled by software
*13 WD_CTL_CAP The interface has watchdog capabilities to turn to Bypass mode when not reset for defined period of time.
*14 WD_STATUS_CAP The interface can report on the watchdog status (Active/inactive)
*15 WD_TIMEOUT_CAP The interface can report the time left till watchdog triggers to Bypass mode.
Definition at line 7449 of file bp_mod.c.