LLVM API Documentation

Namespaces | Classes | Enumerations | Functions
llvm::sys::fs Namespace Reference


namespace  detail


struct  space_info
 space_info - Self explanatory. More...
class  UniqueID
class  file_status
struct  file_magic
class  mapped_file_region
class  directory_entry
class  directory_iterator
class  recursive_directory_iterator


enum  file_type {
  status_error, file_not_found, regular_file, directory_file,
  symlink_file, block_file, character_file, fifo_file,
  socket_file, type_unknown
 An enumeration for the file system's view of the type. More...
enum  perms {
  no_perms = 0, owner_read = 0400, owner_write = 0200, owner_exe = 0100,
  owner_all = owner_read | owner_write | owner_exe, group_read = 040, group_write = 020, group_exe = 010,
  group_all = group_read | group_write | group_exe, others_read = 04, others_write = 02, others_exe = 01,
  others_all = others_read | others_write | others_exe, all_read = owner_read | group_read | others_read, all_write = owner_write | group_write | others_write, all_exe = owner_exe | group_exe | others_exe,
  all_all = owner_all | group_all | others_all, set_uid_on_exe = 04000, set_gid_on_exe = 02000, sticky_bit = 01000,
  perms_not_known = 0xFFFF
enum  AccessMode { Exist, Write, Execute }
enum  OpenFlags {
  F_None = 0, F_Excl = 1, F_Append = 2, F_Text = 4,
  F_RW = 8


perms operator| (perms l, perms r)
perms operator& (perms l, perms r)
permsoperator|= (perms &l, perms r)
permsoperator&= (perms &l, perms r)
perms operator~ (perms x)
std::error_code make_absolute (SmallVectorImpl< char > &path)
 Make path an absolute path.
std::error_code create_directories (const Twine &path, bool IgnoreExisting=true)
 Create all the non-existent directories in path.
std::error_code create_directory (const Twine &path, bool IgnoreExisting=true)
 Create the directory in path.
std::error_code create_link (const Twine &to, const Twine &from)
 Create a link from from to to.
std::error_code current_path (SmallVectorImpl< char > &result)
 Get the current path.
std::error_code remove (const Twine &path, bool IgnoreNonExisting=true)
 Remove path. Equivalent to POSIX remove().
std::error_code rename (const Twine &from, const Twine &to)
 Rename from to to. Files are renamed as if by POSIX rename().
std::error_code copy_file (const Twine &From, const Twine &To)
 Copy the contents of From to To.
std::error_code resize_file (const Twine &path, uint64_t size)
 Resize path to size. File is resized as if by POSIX truncate().
bool exists (file_status status)
 Does file exist?
std::error_code access (const Twine &Path, AccessMode Mode)
 Can the file be accessed?
bool exists (const Twine &Path)
 Does file exist?
bool can_execute (const Twine &Path)
 Can we execute this file?
bool can_write (const Twine &Path)
 Can we write this file?
bool equivalent (file_status A, file_status B)
 Do file_status's represent the same thing?
std::error_code equivalent (const Twine &A, const Twine &B, bool &result)
 Do paths represent the same thing?
bool equivalent (const Twine &A, const Twine &B)
 Simpler version of equivalent for clients that don't need to differentiate between an error and false.
bool is_directory (file_status status)
 Does status represent a directory?
std::error_code is_directory (const Twine &path, bool &result)
 Is path a directory?
bool is_directory (const Twine &Path)
 Simpler version of is_directory for clients that don't need to differentiate between an error and false.
bool is_regular_file (file_status status)
 Does status represent a regular file?
std::error_code is_regular_file (const Twine &path, bool &result)
 Is path a regular file?
bool is_regular_file (const Twine &Path)
 Simpler version of is_regular_file for clients that don't need to differentiate between an error and false.
bool is_other (file_status status)
 Does this status represent something that exists but is not a directory, regular file, or symlink?
std::error_code is_other (const Twine &path, bool &result)
 Is path something that exists but is not a directory, regular file, or symlink?
std::error_code status (const Twine &path, file_status &result)
 Get file status as if by POSIX stat().
std::error_code status (int FD, file_status &Result)
 A version for when a file descriptor is already available.
std::error_code file_size (const Twine &Path, uint64_t &Result)
 Get file size.
std::error_code setLastModificationAndAccessTime (int FD, TimeValue Time)
 Set the file modification and access time.
bool status_known (file_status s)
 Is status available?
std::error_code status_known (const Twine &path, bool &result)
 Is status available?
std::error_code createUniqueFile (const Twine &Model, int &ResultFD, SmallVectorImpl< char > &ResultPath, unsigned Mode=all_read|all_write)
 Create a uniquely named file.
std::error_code createUniqueFile (const Twine &Model, SmallVectorImpl< char > &ResultPath)
 Simpler version for clients that don't want an open file.
std::error_code createTemporaryFile (const Twine &Prefix, StringRef Suffix, int &ResultFD, SmallVectorImpl< char > &ResultPath)
 Create a file in the system temporary directory.
std::error_code createTemporaryFile (const Twine &Prefix, StringRef Suffix, SmallVectorImpl< char > &ResultPath)
 Simpler version for clients that don't want an open file.
std::error_code createUniqueDirectory (const Twine &Prefix, SmallVectorImpl< char > &ResultPath)
OpenFlags operator| (OpenFlags A, OpenFlags B)
OpenFlagsoperator|= (OpenFlags &A, OpenFlags B)
std::error_code openFileForWrite (const Twine &Name, int &ResultFD, OpenFlags Flags, unsigned Mode=0666)
std::error_code openFileForRead (const Twine &Name, int &ResultFD)
file_magic identify_magic (StringRef magic)
 Identify the type of a binary file based on how magical it is.
std::error_code identify_magic (const Twine &path, file_magic &result)
 Get and identify path's type based on its content.
std::error_code getUniqueID (const Twine Path, UniqueID &Result)
std::string getMainExecutable (const char *argv0, void *MainExecAddr)
static std::error_code createTemporaryFile (const Twine &Model, int &ResultFD, llvm::SmallVectorImpl< char > &ResultPath, FSEntity Type)
static std::error_code createTemporaryFile (const Twine &Prefix, StringRef Suffix, int &ResultFD, llvm::SmallVectorImpl< char > &ResultPath, FSEntity Type)

Enumeration Type Documentation


Definition at line 351 of file FileSystem.h.

An enumeration for the file system's view of the type.


Definition at line 53 of file FileSystem.h.


F_Excl - When opening a file, this flag makes raw_fd_ostream report an error if the file already exists.


F_Append - When opening a file, if it already exists append to the existing file instead of returning an error. This may not be specified with F_Excl.


The file should be opened in text mode on platforms that make this distinction.


Open the file for read and write.

Definition at line 572 of file FileSystem.h.


Definition at line 73 of file FileSystem.h.

Function Documentation

std::error_code llvm::sys::fs::access ( const Twine &  Path,
AccessMode  Mode 

Can the file be accessed?

PathInput path.
errc::success if the path can be accessed, otherwise a platform-specific error_code.

Referenced by can_execute(), can_write(), createUniqueEntity(), exists(), and llvm::LockFileManager::waitForUnlock().

bool llvm::sys::fs::can_execute ( const Twine &  Path) [inline]

Can we execute this file?

PathInput path.
True if we can execute it, false otherwise.

Definition at line 372 of file FileSystem.h.

References access(), and Execute().

bool llvm::sys::fs::can_write ( const Twine &  Path) [inline]

Can we write this file?

PathInput path.
True if we can write to it, false otherwise.

Definition at line 380 of file FileSystem.h.

References access(), and Write.

std::error_code llvm::sys::fs::copy_file ( const Twine From,
const Twine To 

Copy the contents of From to To.

FromThe path to copy from.
ToThe path to copy to. This is created.

Definition at line 819 of file Path.cpp.

References F_None, openFileForRead(), openFileForWrite(), llvm::LibFunc::read, and llvm::LibFunc::write.

std::error_code llvm::sys::fs::create_directories ( const Twine path,
bool  IgnoreExisting = true 

Create all the non-existent directories in path.

pathDirectories to create.
errc::success if is_directory(path), otherwise a platform specific error_code. If IgnoreExisting is false, also returns error if the directory already existed.

Definition at line 796 of file Path.cpp.

References create_directory(), llvm::StringRef::empty(), llvm::no_such_file_or_directory, P, llvm::sys::path::parent_path(), and llvm::Twine::toStringRef().

std::error_code llvm::sys::fs::create_directory ( const Twine &  path,
bool  IgnoreExisting = true 

Create the directory in path.

pathDirectory to create.
errc::success if is_directory(path), otherwise a platform specific error_code. If IgnoreExisting is false, also returns error if the directory already existed.

Referenced by create_directories(), and createUniqueEntity().

std::error_code llvm::sys::fs::create_link ( const Twine &  to,
const Twine &  from 

Create a link from from to to.

The link may be a soft or a hard link, depending on the platform. The caller may not assume which one. Currently on windows it creates a hard link since soft links require extra privileges. On unix, it creates a soft link since hard links don't work on SMB file systems.

toThe path to hard link to.
fromThe path to hard link from. This is created.
errc::success if the link was created, otherwise a platform specific error_code.

Referenced by llvm::LockFileManager::LockFileManager().

std::error_code llvm::sys::fs::createTemporaryFile ( const Twine Prefix,
StringRef  Suffix,
int ResultFD,
SmallVectorImpl< char > &  ResultPath 

Create a file in the system temporary directory.

The filename is of the form prefix-random_chars.suffix. Since the directory is not know to the caller, Prefix and Suffix cannot have path separators. The files are created with mode 0600.

This should be used for things like a temporary .s that is removed after running the assembler.

Definition at line 721 of file Path.cpp.

References FS_File.

Referenced by llvm::LTOCodeGenerator::compile_to_file(), llvm::createGraphFilename(), and createTemporaryFile().

std::error_code llvm::sys::fs::createTemporaryFile ( const Twine Prefix,
StringRef  Suffix,
SmallVectorImpl< char > &  ResultPath 

Simpler version for clients that don't want an open file.

Definition at line 727 of file Path.cpp.

References createTemporaryFile(), llvm::NVPTXISD::Dummy, and FS_Name.

static std::error_code llvm::sys::fs::createTemporaryFile ( const Twine Model,
int ResultFD,
llvm::SmallVectorImpl< char > &  ResultPath,
FSEntity  Type 
) [static]
static std::error_code llvm::sys::fs::createTemporaryFile ( const Twine Prefix,
StringRef  Suffix,
int ResultFD,
llvm::SmallVectorImpl< char > &  ResultPath,
FSEntity  Type 
) [static]

Definition at line 714 of file Path.cpp.

References createTemporaryFile(), and llvm::StringRef::empty().

std::error_code llvm::sys::fs::createUniqueDirectory ( const Twine Prefix,
SmallVectorImpl< char > &  ResultPath 

Definition at line 736 of file Path.cpp.

References createUniqueEntity(), llvm::NVPTXISD::Dummy, and FS_Dir.

std::error_code llvm::sys::fs::createUniqueFile ( const Twine Model,
int ResultFD,
SmallVectorImpl< char > &  ResultPath,
unsigned  Mode = all_read | all_write 

Create a uniquely named file.

Generates a unique path suitable for a temporary file and then opens it as a file. The name is based on model with '' replaced by a random char in [0-9a-f]. If model is not an absolute path, a suitable temporary directory will be prepended.

Example: clang-%%-%%-%%-%%-%%.s => clang-a0-b1-c2-d3-e4.s

This is an atomic operation. Either the file is created and opened, or the file system is left untouched.

The intendend use is for files that are to be kept, possibly after renaming them. For example, when running 'clang -c foo.o', the file can be first created as foo-abc123.o and then renamed.

ModelName to base unique path off of.
ResultFDSet to the opened file's file descriptor.
ResultPathSet to the opened file's absolute path.
errc::success if Result{FD,Path} have been successfully set, otherwise a platform-specific error_code.

Definition at line 689 of file Path.cpp.

References createUniqueEntity(), and FS_File.

Referenced by llvm::FileOutputBuffer::create(), and llvm::LockFileManager::LockFileManager().

std::error_code llvm::sys::fs::createUniqueFile ( const Twine Model,
SmallVectorImpl< char > &  ResultPath 

Simpler version for clients that don't want an open file.

Definition at line 695 of file Path.cpp.

References createUniqueEntity(), llvm::NVPTXISD::Dummy, and FS_Name.

std::error_code llvm::sys::fs::current_path ( SmallVectorImpl< char > &  result)

Get the current path.

resultHolds the current path on return.
errc::success if the current path has been stored in result, otherwise a platform-specific error_code.

Referenced by make_absolute(), and llvm::MCContext::MCContext().

bool llvm::sys::fs::equivalent ( file_status  A,
file_status  B 

Do file_status's represent the same thing?

AInput file_status.
BInput file_status.

assert(status_known(A) || status_known(B));

True if A and B both represent the same file system entity, false otherwise.
std::error_code llvm::sys::fs::equivalent ( const Twine &  A,
const Twine &  B,
bool result 

Do paths represent the same thing?

assert(status_known(A) || status_known(B));

AInput path A.
BInput path B.
resultSet to true if stat(A) and stat(B) have the same device and inode (or equivalent).
errc::success if result has been successfully set, otherwise a platform-specific error_code.
bool llvm::sys::fs::equivalent ( const Twine &  A,
const Twine &  B 
) [inline]

Simpler version of equivalent for clients that don't need to differentiate between an error and false.

Definition at line 409 of file FileSystem.h.

bool llvm::sys::fs::exists ( file_status  status)

Does file exist?

statusA file_status previously returned from stat.
True if the file represented by status exists, false if it does not.

Definition at line 853 of file Path.cpp.

References file_not_found, status_known(), and llvm::sys::fs::file_status::type().

Referenced by llvm::sys::Process::FindInEnvPath(), is_other(), llvm::LockFileManager::LockFileManager(), and llvm::LockFileManager::waitForUnlock().

bool llvm::sys::fs::exists ( const Twine &  Path) [inline]

Does file exist?

PathInput path.
True if it exists, false otherwise.

Definition at line 364 of file FileSystem.h.

References access(), and Exist.

std::error_code llvm::sys::fs::file_size ( const Twine &  Path,
uint64_t &  Result 
) [inline]

Get file size.

PathInput path.
ResultSet to the size of the file in Path.
errc::success if result has been successfully set, otherwise a platform-specific error_code.

Definition at line 494 of file FileSystem.h.

References llvm::sys::fs::file_status::getSize(), and status().

std::string llvm::sys::fs::getMainExecutable ( const char *  argv0,
void *  MainExecAddr 

Return the path to the main executable, given the value of argv[0] from program startup and the address of main itself. In extremis, this function may fail and return an empty path.

std::error_code llvm::sys::fs::getUniqueID ( const Twine  Path,
UniqueID &  Result 

Definition at line 680 of file Path.cpp.

References llvm::sys::fs::file_status::getUniqueID(), and status().

std::error_code llvm::sys::fs::identify_magic ( const Twine path,
file_magic &  result 

Get and identify path's type based on its content.

pathInput path.
resultSet to the type of file, or file_magic::unknown.
errc::success if result has been successfully set, otherwise a platform-specific error_code.

Definition at line 1044 of file Path.cpp.

References identify_magic(), openFileForRead(), and llvm::LibFunc::read.

bool llvm::sys::fs::is_directory ( file_status  status)

Does status represent a directory?

statusA file_status previously returned from status.
status.type() == file_type::directory_file.

Definition at line 861 of file Path.cpp.

References directory_file, and llvm::sys::fs::file_status::type().

Referenced by is_directory(), and is_other().

std::error_code llvm::sys::fs::is_directory ( const Twine path,
bool result 

Is path a directory?

pathInput path.
resultSet to true if path is a directory, false if it is not. Undefined otherwise.
errc::success if result has been successfully set, otherwise a platform-specific error_code.

Definition at line 865 of file Path.cpp.

References is_directory(), and status().

bool llvm::sys::fs::is_directory ( const Twine &  Path) [inline]

Simpler version of is_directory for clients that don't need to differentiate between an error and false.

Definition at line 431 of file FileSystem.h.

bool llvm::sys::fs::is_other ( file_status  status)

Does this status represent something that exists but is not a directory, regular file, or symlink?

statusA file_status previously returned from status.
exists(s) && !is_regular_file(s) && !is_directory(s)

Definition at line 885 of file Path.cpp.

References exists(), is_directory(), and is_regular_file().

std::error_code llvm::sys::fs::is_other ( const Twine &  path,
bool result 

Is path something that exists but is not a directory, regular file, or symlink?

pathInput path.
resultSet to true if path exists, but is not a directory, regular file, or a symlink, false if it does not. Undefined otherwise.
errc::success if result has been successfully set, otherwise a platform-specific error_code.
bool llvm::sys::fs::is_regular_file ( file_status  status)

Does status represent a regular file?

statusA file_status previously returned from status.
status_known(status) && status.type() == file_type::regular_file.

Definition at line 873 of file Path.cpp.

References regular_file, and llvm::sys::fs::file_status::type().

Referenced by is_other(), and is_regular_file().

std::error_code llvm::sys::fs::is_regular_file ( const Twine path,
bool result 

Is path a regular file?

pathInput path.
resultSet to true if path is a regular file, false if it is not. Undefined otherwise.
errc::success if result has been successfully set, otherwise a platform-specific error_code.

Definition at line 877 of file Path.cpp.

References is_regular_file(), and status().

bool llvm::sys::fs::is_regular_file ( const Twine &  Path) [inline]

Simpler version of is_regular_file for clients that don't need to differentiate between an error and false.

Definition at line 453 of file FileSystem.h.

std::error_code llvm::sys::fs::make_absolute ( SmallVectorImpl< char > &  path)

Make path an absolute path.

Makes path absolute using the current directory if it is not already. An empty path will result in the current directory.

/absolute/path => /absolute/path relative/../path => <current-directory>/relative/../path

pathA path that is modified to be an absolute path.
errc::success if path has been made absolute, otherwise a platform-specific error_code.

Definition at line 743 of file Path.cpp.

References llvm::sys::path::append(), llvm::StringRef::begin(), current_path(), llvm::SmallVectorTemplateCommon< T, typename >::data(), llvm::StringRef::end(), llvm::sys::path::has_root_directory(), llvm::sys::path::has_root_name(), llvm_unreachable, llvm::sys::path::relative_path(), llvm::sys::path::root_directory(), llvm::sys::path::root_name(), llvm::SmallVectorTemplateCommon< T, typename >::size(), and llvm::SmallVectorImpl< T >::swap().

Referenced by llvm::LockFileManager::LockFileManager().

std::error_code llvm::sys::fs::openFileForRead ( const Twine &  Name,
int ResultFD 
std::error_code llvm::sys::fs::openFileForWrite ( const Twine &  Name,
int ResultFD,
OpenFlags  Flags,
unsigned  Mode = 0666 
perms llvm::sys::fs::operator& ( perms  l,
perms  r 
) [inline]

Definition at line 102 of file FileSystem.h.

perms& llvm::sys::fs::operator&= ( perms &  l,
perms  r 
) [inline]

Definition at line 110 of file FileSystem.h.

perms llvm::sys::fs::operator| ( perms  l,
perms  r 
) [inline]

Definition at line 98 of file FileSystem.h.

OpenFlags llvm::sys::fs::operator| ( OpenFlags  A,
OpenFlags  B 
) [inline]

Definition at line 592 of file FileSystem.h.

perms& llvm::sys::fs::operator|= ( perms &  l,
perms  r 
) [inline]

Definition at line 106 of file FileSystem.h.

OpenFlags& llvm::sys::fs::operator|= ( OpenFlags &  A,
OpenFlags  B 
) [inline]

Definition at line 596 of file FileSystem.h.

perms llvm::sys::fs::operator~ ( perms  x) [inline]

Definition at line 114 of file FileSystem.h.

std::error_code llvm::sys::fs::remove ( const Twine &  path,
bool  IgnoreNonExisting = true 

Remove path. Equivalent to POSIX remove().

pathInput path.
errc::success if path has been removed or didn't exist, otherwise a platform-specific error code. If IgnoreNonExisting is false, also returns error if the file didn't exist.

Referenced by ExecGraphViewer(), and llvm::LockFileManager::LockFileManager().

std::error_code llvm::sys::fs::rename ( const Twine &  from,
const Twine &  to 

Rename from to to. Files are renamed as if by POSIX rename().

fromThe path to rename from.
toThe path to rename to. This is created.
std::error_code llvm::sys::fs::resize_file ( const Twine &  path,
uint64_t  size 

Resize path to size. File is resized as if by POSIX truncate().

pathInput path.
sizeSize to resize to.
errc::success if path has been resized to size, otherwise a platform-specific error_code.

Referenced by llvm::FileOutputBuffer::commit().

std::error_code llvm::sys::fs::setLastModificationAndAccessTime ( int  FD,
TimeValue  Time 

Set the file modification and access time.

errc::success if the file times were successfully set, otherwise a platform-specific error_code or errc::function_not_supported on platforms where the functionality isn't available.
std::error_code llvm::sys::fs::status ( const Twine &  path,
file_status &  result 

Get file status as if by POSIX stat().

pathInput path.
resultSet to the file status.
errc::success if result has been successfully set, otherwise a platform-specific error_code.

Referenced by ConstantFoldConvertToInt(), ConstantFoldScalarCall(), llvm::APFloat::convertFromSignExtendedInteger(), llvm::APFloat::convertToInteger(), llvm::FileOutputBuffer::create(), DecodeJMPL(), DecodeMem(), DecodeReturn(), DecodeSWAP(), file_size(), getOpenFileImpl(), getUniqueID(), is_directory(), is_regular_file(), shouldUseMmap(), and llvm::sys::fs::directory_entry::status().

std::error_code llvm::sys::fs::status ( int  FD,
file_status &  Result 

A version for when a file descriptor is already available.

bool llvm::sys::fs::status_known ( file_status  s)

Is status available?

sInput file status.
True if status() != status_error.

Definition at line 857 of file Path.cpp.

References status_error, and llvm::sys::fs::file_status::type().

Referenced by exists().

std::error_code llvm::sys::fs::status_known ( const Twine &  path,
bool result 

Is status available?

pathInput path.
resultSet to true if status() != status_error.
errc::success if result has been successfully set, otherwise a platform-specific error_code.