#include "postgres.h"
#include <ctype.h>
#include "access/genam.h"
#include "access/heapam.h"
#include "access/htup_details.h"
#include "access/xact.h"
#include "catalog/dependency.h"
#include "catalog/indexing.h"
#include "catalog/objectaccess.h"
#include "catalog/pg_namespace.h"
#include "catalog/pg_proc.h"
#include "catalog/pg_ts_config.h"
#include "catalog/pg_ts_config_map.h"
#include "catalog/pg_ts_dict.h"
#include "catalog/pg_ts_parser.h"
#include "catalog/pg_ts_template.h"
#include "catalog/pg_type.h"
#include "commands/alter.h"
#include "commands/defrem.h"
#include "miscadmin.h"
#include "nodes/makefuncs.h"
#include "parser/parse_func.h"
#include "tsearch/ts_cache.h"
#include "tsearch/ts_utils.h"
#include "utils/builtins.h"
#include "utils/fmgroids.h"
#include "utils/lsyscache.h"
#include "utils/rel.h"
#include "utils/syscache.h"
#include "utils/tqual.h"
Go to the source code of this file.
Oid AlterTSConfiguration | ( | AlterTSConfigurationStmt * | stmt | ) |
Definition at line 1157 of file tsearchcmds.c.
References ACL_KIND_TSCONFIGURATION, aclcheck_error(), ACLCHECK_NOT_OWNER, AlterTSConfigurationStmt::cfgname, AlterTSConfigurationStmt::dicts, DropConfigurationMapping(), ereport, errcode(), errmsg(), ERROR, GetTSConfigTuple(), GetUserId(), heap_close, heap_open(), HeapTupleGetOid, HeapTupleIsValid, InvokeObjectPostAlterHook, makeConfigurationDependencies(), MakeConfigurationMapping(), NameListToString(), pg_ts_config_ownercheck(), ReleaseSysCache(), RowExclusiveLock, AlterTSConfigurationStmt::tokentype, and TSConfigMapRelationId.
Referenced by ProcessUtilitySlow().
{ HeapTuple tup; Oid cfgId; Relation relMap; /* Find the configuration */ tup = GetTSConfigTuple(stmt->cfgname); if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tup)) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_UNDEFINED_OBJECT), errmsg("text search configuration \"%s\" does not exist", NameListToString(stmt->cfgname)))); cfgId = HeapTupleGetOid(tup); /* must be owner */ if (!pg_ts_config_ownercheck(HeapTupleGetOid(tup), GetUserId())) aclcheck_error(ACLCHECK_NOT_OWNER, ACL_KIND_TSCONFIGURATION, NameListToString(stmt->cfgname)); relMap = heap_open(TSConfigMapRelationId, RowExclusiveLock); /* Add or drop mappings */ if (stmt->dicts) MakeConfigurationMapping(stmt, tup, relMap); else if (stmt->tokentype) DropConfigurationMapping(stmt, tup, relMap); /* Update dependencies */ makeConfigurationDependencies(tup, true, relMap); InvokeObjectPostAlterHook(TSConfigMapRelationId, HeapTupleGetOid(tup), 0); heap_close(relMap, RowExclusiveLock); ReleaseSysCache(tup); return cfgId; }
Oid AlterTSDictionary | ( | AlterTSDictionaryStmt * | stmt | ) |
Definition at line 518 of file tsearchcmds.c.
References ACL_KIND_TSDICTIONARY, aclcheck_error(), ACLCHECK_NOT_OWNER, Anum_pg_ts_dict_dictinitoption, DefElem::arg, CatalogUpdateIndexes(), DefElem::defname, deserialize_deflist(), AlterTSDictionaryStmt::dictname, elog, ERROR, get_ts_dict_oid(), GETSTRUCT, GetUserId(), heap_close, heap_freetuple(), heap_modify_tuple(), heap_open(), HeapTupleIsValid, InvokeObjectPostAlterHook, lappend(), lfirst, list_delete_cell(), list_head(), lnext, NameListToString(), ObjectIdGetDatum, AlterTSDictionaryStmt::options, pg_strcasecmp(), pg_ts_dict_ownercheck(), PointerGetDatum, RelationGetDescr, ReleaseSysCache(), RowExclusiveLock, SearchSysCache1, serialize_deflist(), simple_heap_update(), SysCacheGetAttr(), HeapTupleData::t_self, TSDictionaryRelationId, TSDICTOID, and verify_dictoptions().
Referenced by ProcessUtilitySlow().
{ HeapTuple tup, newtup; Relation rel; Oid dictId; ListCell *pl; List *dictoptions; Datum opt; bool isnull; Datum repl_val[Natts_pg_ts_dict]; bool repl_null[Natts_pg_ts_dict]; bool repl_repl[Natts_pg_ts_dict]; dictId = get_ts_dict_oid(stmt->dictname, false); rel = heap_open(TSDictionaryRelationId, RowExclusiveLock); tup = SearchSysCache1(TSDICTOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(dictId)); if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tup)) elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for text search dictionary %u", dictId); /* must be owner */ if (!pg_ts_dict_ownercheck(dictId, GetUserId())) aclcheck_error(ACLCHECK_NOT_OWNER, ACL_KIND_TSDICTIONARY, NameListToString(stmt->dictname)); /* deserialize the existing set of options */ opt = SysCacheGetAttr(TSDICTOID, tup, Anum_pg_ts_dict_dictinitoption, &isnull); if (isnull) dictoptions = NIL; else dictoptions = deserialize_deflist(opt); /* * Modify the options list as per specified changes */ foreach(pl, stmt->options) { DefElem *defel = (DefElem *) lfirst(pl); ListCell *cell; ListCell *prev; ListCell *next; /* * Remove any matches ... */ prev = NULL; for (cell = list_head(dictoptions); cell; cell = next) { DefElem *oldel = (DefElem *) lfirst(cell); next = lnext(cell); if (pg_strcasecmp(oldel->defname, defel->defname) == 0) dictoptions = list_delete_cell(dictoptions, cell, prev); else prev = cell; } /* * and add new value if it's got one */ if (defel->arg) dictoptions = lappend(dictoptions, defel); } /* * Validate */ verify_dictoptions(((Form_pg_ts_dict) GETSTRUCT(tup))->dicttemplate, dictoptions); /* * Looks good, update */ memset(repl_val, 0, sizeof(repl_val)); memset(repl_null, false, sizeof(repl_null)); memset(repl_repl, false, sizeof(repl_repl)); if (dictoptions) repl_val[Anum_pg_ts_dict_dictinitoption - 1] = PointerGetDatum(serialize_deflist(dictoptions)); else repl_null[Anum_pg_ts_dict_dictinitoption - 1] = true; repl_repl[Anum_pg_ts_dict_dictinitoption - 1] = true; newtup = heap_modify_tuple(tup, RelationGetDescr(rel), repl_val, repl_null, repl_repl); simple_heap_update(rel, &newtup->t_self, newtup); CatalogUpdateIndexes(rel, newtup); InvokeObjectPostAlterHook(TSDictionaryRelationId, dictId, 0); /* * NOTE: because we only support altering the options, not the template, * there is no need to update dependencies. This might have to change if * the options ever reference inside-the-database objects. */ heap_freetuple(newtup); ReleaseSysCache(tup); heap_close(rel, RowExclusiveLock); return dictId; }
Definition at line 949 of file tsearchcmds.c.
References ACL_CREATE, ACL_KIND_NAMESPACE, aclcheck_error(), ACLCHECK_OK, Anum_pg_ts_config_cfgname, Anum_pg_ts_config_cfgnamespace, Anum_pg_ts_config_cfgowner, Anum_pg_ts_config_cfgparser, Anum_pg_ts_config_map_mapcfg, Anum_pg_ts_config_map_mapdict, Anum_pg_ts_config_map_mapseqno, Anum_pg_ts_config_map_maptokentype, BTEqualStrategyNumber, CatalogUpdateIndexes(), defGetQualifiedName(), DefElem::defname, elog, ereport, errcode(), errmsg(), ERROR, get_namespace_name(), get_ts_config_oid(), get_ts_parser_oid(), GETSTRUCT, GetUserId(), heap_close, heap_form_tuple(), heap_freetuple(), heap_open(), HeapTupleIsValid, InvokeObjectPostCreateHook, lfirst, makeConfigurationDependencies(), NameGetDatum, namestrcpy(), ObjectIdGetDatum, OidIsValid, pg_namespace_aclcheck(), pg_strcasecmp(), QualifiedNameGetCreationNamespace(), RelationData::rd_att, ReleaseSysCache(), RowExclusiveLock, ScanKeyInit(), SearchSysCache1, simple_heap_insert(), SnapshotNow, systable_beginscan(), systable_endscan(), systable_getnext(), TSConfigMapIndexId, TSConfigMapRelationId, TSCONFIGOID, TSConfigRelationId, and values.
Referenced by ProcessUtilitySlow().
{ Relation cfgRel; Relation mapRel = NULL; HeapTuple tup; Datum values[Natts_pg_ts_config]; bool nulls[Natts_pg_ts_config]; AclResult aclresult; Oid namespaceoid; char *cfgname; NameData cname; Oid sourceOid = InvalidOid; Oid prsOid = InvalidOid; Oid cfgOid; ListCell *pl; /* Convert list of names to a name and namespace */ namespaceoid = QualifiedNameGetCreationNamespace(names, &cfgname); /* Check we have creation rights in target namespace */ aclresult = pg_namespace_aclcheck(namespaceoid, GetUserId(), ACL_CREATE); if (aclresult != ACLCHECK_OK) aclcheck_error(aclresult, ACL_KIND_NAMESPACE, get_namespace_name(namespaceoid)); /* * loop over the definition list and extract the information we need. */ foreach(pl, parameters) { DefElem *defel = (DefElem *) lfirst(pl); if (pg_strcasecmp(defel->defname, "parser") == 0) prsOid = get_ts_parser_oid(defGetQualifiedName(defel), false); else if (pg_strcasecmp(defel->defname, "copy") == 0) sourceOid = get_ts_config_oid(defGetQualifiedName(defel), false); else ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_SYNTAX_ERROR), errmsg("text search configuration parameter \"%s\" not recognized", defel->defname))); } if (OidIsValid(sourceOid) && OidIsValid(prsOid)) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_SYNTAX_ERROR), errmsg("cannot specify both PARSER and COPY options"))); /* * Look up source config if given. */ if (OidIsValid(sourceOid)) { Form_pg_ts_config cfg; tup = SearchSysCache1(TSCONFIGOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(sourceOid)); if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tup)) elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for text search configuration %u", sourceOid); cfg = (Form_pg_ts_config) GETSTRUCT(tup); /* use source's parser */ prsOid = cfg->cfgparser; ReleaseSysCache(tup); } /* * Validation */ if (!OidIsValid(prsOid)) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_OBJECT_DEFINITION), errmsg("text search parser is required"))); /* * Looks good, build tuple and insert */ memset(values, 0, sizeof(values)); memset(nulls, false, sizeof(nulls)); namestrcpy(&cname, cfgname); values[Anum_pg_ts_config_cfgname - 1] = NameGetDatum(&cname); values[Anum_pg_ts_config_cfgnamespace - 1] = ObjectIdGetDatum(namespaceoid); values[Anum_pg_ts_config_cfgowner - 1] = ObjectIdGetDatum(GetUserId()); values[Anum_pg_ts_config_cfgparser - 1] = ObjectIdGetDatum(prsOid); cfgRel = heap_open(TSConfigRelationId, RowExclusiveLock); tup = heap_form_tuple(cfgRel->rd_att, values, nulls); cfgOid = simple_heap_insert(cfgRel, tup); CatalogUpdateIndexes(cfgRel, tup); if (OidIsValid(sourceOid)) { /* * Copy token-dicts map from source config */ ScanKeyData skey; SysScanDesc scan; HeapTuple maptup; mapRel = heap_open(TSConfigMapRelationId, RowExclusiveLock); ScanKeyInit(&skey, Anum_pg_ts_config_map_mapcfg, BTEqualStrategyNumber, F_OIDEQ, ObjectIdGetDatum(sourceOid)); scan = systable_beginscan(mapRel, TSConfigMapIndexId, true, SnapshotNow, 1, &skey); while (HeapTupleIsValid((maptup = systable_getnext(scan)))) { Form_pg_ts_config_map cfgmap = (Form_pg_ts_config_map) GETSTRUCT(maptup); HeapTuple newmaptup; Datum mapvalues[Natts_pg_ts_config_map]; bool mapnulls[Natts_pg_ts_config_map]; memset(mapvalues, 0, sizeof(mapvalues)); memset(mapnulls, false, sizeof(mapnulls)); mapvalues[Anum_pg_ts_config_map_mapcfg - 1] = cfgOid; mapvalues[Anum_pg_ts_config_map_maptokentype - 1] = cfgmap->maptokentype; mapvalues[Anum_pg_ts_config_map_mapseqno - 1] = cfgmap->mapseqno; mapvalues[Anum_pg_ts_config_map_mapdict - 1] = cfgmap->mapdict; newmaptup = heap_form_tuple(mapRel->rd_att, mapvalues, mapnulls); simple_heap_insert(mapRel, newmaptup); CatalogUpdateIndexes(mapRel, newmaptup); heap_freetuple(newmaptup); } systable_endscan(scan); } makeConfigurationDependencies(tup, false, mapRel); /* Post creation hook for new text search configuration */ InvokeObjectPostCreateHook(TSConfigRelationId, cfgOid, 0); heap_freetuple(tup); if (mapRel) heap_close(mapRel, RowExclusiveLock); heap_close(cfgRel, RowExclusiveLock); return cfgOid; }
Definition at line 401 of file tsearchcmds.c.
References ACL_CREATE, ACL_KIND_NAMESPACE, aclcheck_error(), ACLCHECK_OK, Anum_pg_ts_dict_dictinitoption, Anum_pg_ts_dict_dictname, Anum_pg_ts_dict_dictnamespace, Anum_pg_ts_dict_dictowner, Anum_pg_ts_dict_dicttemplate, CatalogUpdateIndexes(), defGetQualifiedName(), DefElem::defname, ereport, errcode(), errmsg(), ERROR, get_namespace_name(), get_ts_template_oid(), GetUserId(), heap_close, heap_form_tuple(), heap_freetuple(), heap_open(), InvokeObjectPostCreateHook, lappend(), lfirst, makeDictionaryDependencies(), NameGetDatum, namestrcpy(), ObjectIdGetDatum, OidIsValid, pg_namespace_aclcheck(), pg_strcasecmp(), PointerGetDatum, QualifiedNameGetCreationNamespace(), RelationData::rd_att, RowExclusiveLock, serialize_deflist(), simple_heap_insert(), TSDictionaryRelationId, values, and verify_dictoptions().
Referenced by ProcessUtilitySlow().
{ ListCell *pl; Relation dictRel; HeapTuple tup; Datum values[Natts_pg_ts_dict]; bool nulls[Natts_pg_ts_dict]; NameData dname; Oid templId = InvalidOid; List *dictoptions = NIL; Oid dictOid; Oid namespaceoid; AclResult aclresult; char *dictname; /* Convert list of names to a name and namespace */ namespaceoid = QualifiedNameGetCreationNamespace(names, &dictname); /* Check we have creation rights in target namespace */ aclresult = pg_namespace_aclcheck(namespaceoid, GetUserId(), ACL_CREATE); if (aclresult != ACLCHECK_OK) aclcheck_error(aclresult, ACL_KIND_NAMESPACE, get_namespace_name(namespaceoid)); /* * loop over the definition list and extract the information we need. */ foreach(pl, parameters) { DefElem *defel = (DefElem *) lfirst(pl); if (pg_strcasecmp(defel->defname, "template") == 0) { templId = get_ts_template_oid(defGetQualifiedName(defel), false); } else { /* Assume it's an option for the dictionary itself */ dictoptions = lappend(dictoptions, defel); } } /* * Validation */ if (!OidIsValid(templId)) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_OBJECT_DEFINITION), errmsg("text search template is required"))); verify_dictoptions(templId, dictoptions); /* * Looks good, insert */ memset(values, 0, sizeof(values)); memset(nulls, false, sizeof(nulls)); namestrcpy(&dname, dictname); values[Anum_pg_ts_dict_dictname - 1] = NameGetDatum(&dname); values[Anum_pg_ts_dict_dictnamespace - 1] = ObjectIdGetDatum(namespaceoid); values[Anum_pg_ts_dict_dictowner - 1] = ObjectIdGetDatum(GetUserId()); values[Anum_pg_ts_dict_dicttemplate - 1] = ObjectIdGetDatum(templId); if (dictoptions) values[Anum_pg_ts_dict_dictinitoption - 1] = PointerGetDatum(serialize_deflist(dictoptions)); else nulls[Anum_pg_ts_dict_dictinitoption - 1] = true; dictRel = heap_open(TSDictionaryRelationId, RowExclusiveLock); tup = heap_form_tuple(dictRel->rd_att, values, nulls); dictOid = simple_heap_insert(dictRel, tup); CatalogUpdateIndexes(dictRel, tup); makeDictionaryDependencies(tup); /* Post creation hook for new text search dictionary */ InvokeObjectPostCreateHook(TSDictionaryRelationId, dictOid, 0); heap_freetuple(tup); heap_close(dictRel, RowExclusiveLock); return dictOid; }
Definition at line 171 of file tsearchcmds.c.
References Anum_pg_ts_parser_prsend, Anum_pg_ts_parser_prsheadline, Anum_pg_ts_parser_prslextype, Anum_pg_ts_parser_prsname, Anum_pg_ts_parser_prsnamespace, Anum_pg_ts_parser_prsstart, Anum_pg_ts_parser_prstoken, CatalogUpdateIndexes(), DatumGetObjectId, DefElem::defname, ereport, errcode(), errmsg(), ERROR, get_ts_parser_func(), heap_close, heap_form_tuple(), heap_freetuple(), heap_open(), InvokeObjectPostCreateHook, lfirst, makeParserDependencies(), NameGetDatum, namestrcpy(), ObjectIdGetDatum, OidIsValid, pg_strcasecmp(), QualifiedNameGetCreationNamespace(), RelationData::rd_att, RowExclusiveLock, simple_heap_insert(), superuser(), TSParserRelationId, and values.
Referenced by ProcessUtilitySlow().
{ char *prsname; ListCell *pl; Relation prsRel; HeapTuple tup; Datum values[Natts_pg_ts_parser]; bool nulls[Natts_pg_ts_parser]; NameData pname; Oid prsOid; Oid namespaceoid; if (!superuser()) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGE), errmsg("must be superuser to create text search parsers"))); /* Convert list of names to a name and namespace */ namespaceoid = QualifiedNameGetCreationNamespace(names, &prsname); /* initialize tuple fields with name/namespace */ memset(values, 0, sizeof(values)); memset(nulls, false, sizeof(nulls)); namestrcpy(&pname, prsname); values[Anum_pg_ts_parser_prsname - 1] = NameGetDatum(&pname); values[Anum_pg_ts_parser_prsnamespace - 1] = ObjectIdGetDatum(namespaceoid); /* * loop over the definition list and extract the information we need. */ foreach(pl, parameters) { DefElem *defel = (DefElem *) lfirst(pl); if (pg_strcasecmp(defel->defname, "start") == 0) { values[Anum_pg_ts_parser_prsstart - 1] = get_ts_parser_func(defel, Anum_pg_ts_parser_prsstart); } else if (pg_strcasecmp(defel->defname, "gettoken") == 0) { values[Anum_pg_ts_parser_prstoken - 1] = get_ts_parser_func(defel, Anum_pg_ts_parser_prstoken); } else if (pg_strcasecmp(defel->defname, "end") == 0) { values[Anum_pg_ts_parser_prsend - 1] = get_ts_parser_func(defel, Anum_pg_ts_parser_prsend); } else if (pg_strcasecmp(defel->defname, "headline") == 0) { values[Anum_pg_ts_parser_prsheadline - 1] = get_ts_parser_func(defel, Anum_pg_ts_parser_prsheadline); } else if (pg_strcasecmp(defel->defname, "lextypes") == 0) { values[Anum_pg_ts_parser_prslextype - 1] = get_ts_parser_func(defel, Anum_pg_ts_parser_prslextype); } else ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_SYNTAX_ERROR), errmsg("text search parser parameter \"%s\" not recognized", defel->defname))); } /* * Validation */ if (!OidIsValid(DatumGetObjectId(values[Anum_pg_ts_parser_prsstart - 1]))) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_OBJECT_DEFINITION), errmsg("text search parser start method is required"))); if (!OidIsValid(DatumGetObjectId(values[Anum_pg_ts_parser_prstoken - 1]))) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_OBJECT_DEFINITION), errmsg("text search parser gettoken method is required"))); if (!OidIsValid(DatumGetObjectId(values[Anum_pg_ts_parser_prsend - 1]))) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_OBJECT_DEFINITION), errmsg("text search parser end method is required"))); if (!OidIsValid(DatumGetObjectId(values[Anum_pg_ts_parser_prslextype - 1]))) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_OBJECT_DEFINITION), errmsg("text search parser lextypes method is required"))); /* * Looks good, insert */ prsRel = heap_open(TSParserRelationId, RowExclusiveLock); tup = heap_form_tuple(prsRel->rd_att, values, nulls); prsOid = simple_heap_insert(prsRel, tup); CatalogUpdateIndexes(prsRel, tup); makeParserDependencies(tup); /* Post creation hook for new text search parser */ InvokeObjectPostCreateHook(TSParserRelationId, prsOid, 0); heap_freetuple(tup); heap_close(prsRel, RowExclusiveLock); return prsOid; }
Definition at line 719 of file tsearchcmds.c.
References Anum_pg_ts_template_tmplinit, Anum_pg_ts_template_tmpllexize, Anum_pg_ts_template_tmplname, Anum_pg_ts_template_tmplnamespace, CatalogUpdateIndexes(), DatumGetObjectId, DefElem::defname, ereport, errcode(), errmsg(), ERROR, get_ts_template_func(), heap_close, heap_form_tuple(), heap_freetuple(), heap_open(), i, InvalidOid, InvokeObjectPostCreateHook, lfirst, makeTSTemplateDependencies(), NameGetDatum, namestrcpy(), ObjectIdGetDatum, OidIsValid, pg_strcasecmp(), QualifiedNameGetCreationNamespace(), RelationData::rd_att, RowExclusiveLock, simple_heap_insert(), superuser(), TSTemplateRelationId, and values.
Referenced by ProcessUtilitySlow().
{ ListCell *pl; Relation tmplRel; HeapTuple tup; Datum values[Natts_pg_ts_template]; bool nulls[Natts_pg_ts_template]; NameData dname; int i; Oid tmplOid; Oid namespaceoid; char *tmplname; if (!superuser()) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGE), errmsg("must be superuser to create text search templates"))); /* Convert list of names to a name and namespace */ namespaceoid = QualifiedNameGetCreationNamespace(names, &tmplname); for (i = 0; i < Natts_pg_ts_template; i++) { nulls[i] = false; values[i] = ObjectIdGetDatum(InvalidOid); } namestrcpy(&dname, tmplname); values[Anum_pg_ts_template_tmplname - 1] = NameGetDatum(&dname); values[Anum_pg_ts_template_tmplnamespace - 1] = ObjectIdGetDatum(namespaceoid); /* * loop over the definition list and extract the information we need. */ foreach(pl, parameters) { DefElem *defel = (DefElem *) lfirst(pl); if (pg_strcasecmp(defel->defname, "init") == 0) { values[Anum_pg_ts_template_tmplinit - 1] = get_ts_template_func(defel, Anum_pg_ts_template_tmplinit); nulls[Anum_pg_ts_template_tmplinit - 1] = false; } else if (pg_strcasecmp(defel->defname, "lexize") == 0) { values[Anum_pg_ts_template_tmpllexize - 1] = get_ts_template_func(defel, Anum_pg_ts_template_tmpllexize); nulls[Anum_pg_ts_template_tmpllexize - 1] = false; } else ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_SYNTAX_ERROR), errmsg("text search template parameter \"%s\" not recognized", defel->defname))); } /* * Validation */ if (!OidIsValid(DatumGetObjectId(values[Anum_pg_ts_template_tmpllexize - 1]))) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_OBJECT_DEFINITION), errmsg("text search template lexize method is required"))); /* * Looks good, insert */ tmplRel = heap_open(TSTemplateRelationId, RowExclusiveLock); tup = heap_form_tuple(tmplRel->rd_att, values, nulls); tmplOid = simple_heap_insert(tmplRel, tup); CatalogUpdateIndexes(tmplRel, tup); makeTSTemplateDependencies(tup); /* Post creation hook for new text search template */ InvokeObjectPostCreateHook(TSTemplateRelationId, tmplOid, 0); heap_freetuple(tup); heap_close(tmplRel, RowExclusiveLock); return tmplOid; }
Definition at line 1542 of file tsearchcmds.c.
References DatumGetTextP, elog, ereport, errcode(), errmsg(), ERROR, lappend(), makeDefElem(), makeString(), palloc(), pfree(), pstrdup(), text_to_cstring(), VARDATA, and VARSIZE.
Referenced by AlterTSDictionary(), lookup_ts_dictionary_cache(), and ts_headline_byid_opt().
{ text *in = DatumGetTextP(txt); /* in case it's toasted */ List *result = NIL; int len = VARSIZE(in) - VARHDRSZ; char *ptr, *endptr, *workspace, *wsptr = NULL, *startvalue = NULL; typedef enum { CS_WAITKEY, CS_INKEY, CS_INQKEY, CS_WAITEQ, CS_WAITVALUE, CS_INSQVALUE, CS_INDQVALUE, CS_INWVALUE } ds_state; ds_state state = CS_WAITKEY; workspace = (char *) palloc(len + 1); /* certainly enough room */ ptr = VARDATA(in); endptr = ptr + len; for (; ptr < endptr; ptr++) { switch (state) { case CS_WAITKEY: if (isspace((unsigned char) *ptr) || *ptr == ',') continue; if (*ptr == '"') { wsptr = workspace; state = CS_INQKEY; } else { wsptr = workspace; *wsptr++ = *ptr; state = CS_INKEY; } break; case CS_INKEY: if (isspace((unsigned char) *ptr)) { *wsptr++ = '\0'; state = CS_WAITEQ; } else if (*ptr == '=') { *wsptr++ = '\0'; state = CS_WAITVALUE; } else { *wsptr++ = *ptr; } break; case CS_INQKEY: if (*ptr == '"') { if (ptr + 1 < endptr && ptr[1] == '"') { /* copy only one of the two quotes */ *wsptr++ = *ptr++; } else { *wsptr++ = '\0'; state = CS_WAITEQ; } } else { *wsptr++ = *ptr; } break; case CS_WAITEQ: if (*ptr == '=') state = CS_WAITVALUE; else if (!isspace((unsigned char) *ptr)) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_SYNTAX_ERROR), errmsg("invalid parameter list format: \"%s\"", text_to_cstring(in)))); break; case CS_WAITVALUE: if (*ptr == '\'') { startvalue = wsptr; state = CS_INSQVALUE; } else if (*ptr == 'E' && ptr + 1 < endptr && ptr[1] == '\'') { ptr++; startvalue = wsptr; state = CS_INSQVALUE; } else if (*ptr == '"') { startvalue = wsptr; state = CS_INDQVALUE; } else if (!isspace((unsigned char) *ptr)) { startvalue = wsptr; *wsptr++ = *ptr; state = CS_INWVALUE; } break; case CS_INSQVALUE: if (*ptr == '\'') { if (ptr + 1 < endptr && ptr[1] == '\'') { /* copy only one of the two quotes */ *wsptr++ = *ptr++; } else { *wsptr++ = '\0'; result = lappend(result, makeDefElem(pstrdup(workspace), (Node *) makeString(pstrdup(startvalue)))); state = CS_WAITKEY; } } else if (*ptr == '\\') { if (ptr + 1 < endptr && ptr[1] == '\\') { /* copy only one of the two backslashes */ *wsptr++ = *ptr++; } else *wsptr++ = *ptr; } else { *wsptr++ = *ptr; } break; case CS_INDQVALUE: if (*ptr == '"') { if (ptr + 1 < endptr && ptr[1] == '"') { /* copy only one of the two quotes */ *wsptr++ = *ptr++; } else { *wsptr++ = '\0'; result = lappend(result, makeDefElem(pstrdup(workspace), (Node *) makeString(pstrdup(startvalue)))); state = CS_WAITKEY; } } else { *wsptr++ = *ptr; } break; case CS_INWVALUE: if (*ptr == ',' || isspace((unsigned char) *ptr)) { *wsptr++ = '\0'; result = lappend(result, makeDefElem(pstrdup(workspace), (Node *) makeString(pstrdup(startvalue)))); state = CS_WAITKEY; } else { *wsptr++ = *ptr; } break; default: elog(ERROR, "unrecognized deserialize_deflist state: %d", state); } } if (state == CS_INWVALUE) { *wsptr++ = '\0'; result = lappend(result, makeDefElem(pstrdup(workspace), (Node *) makeString(pstrdup(startvalue)))); } else if (state != CS_WAITKEY) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_SYNTAX_ERROR), errmsg("invalid parameter list format: \"%s\"", text_to_cstring(in)))); pfree(workspace); return result; }
static void DropConfigurationMapping | ( | AlterTSConfigurationStmt * | stmt, | |
HeapTuple | tup, | |||
Relation | relMap | |||
) | [static] |
Definition at line 1421 of file tsearchcmds.c.
References Anum_pg_ts_config_map_mapcfg, Anum_pg_ts_config_map_maptokentype, BTEqualStrategyNumber, ereport, errcode(), errmsg(), ERROR, GETSTRUCT, getTokenTypes(), HeapTupleGetOid, HeapTupleIsValid, i, Int32GetDatum, lfirst, AlterTSConfigurationStmt::missing_ok, NOTICE, ObjectIdGetDatum, ScanKeyInit(), simple_heap_delete(), SnapshotNow, strVal, systable_beginscan(), systable_endscan(), systable_getnext(), HeapTupleData::t_self, AlterTSConfigurationStmt::tokentype, TSConfigMapIndexId, and val.
Referenced by AlterTSConfiguration().
{ Oid cfgId = HeapTupleGetOid(tup); ScanKeyData skey[2]; SysScanDesc scan; HeapTuple maptup; int i; Oid prsId; int *tokens; ListCell *c; prsId = ((Form_pg_ts_config) GETSTRUCT(tup))->cfgparser; tokens = getTokenTypes(prsId, stmt->tokentype); i = 0; foreach(c, stmt->tokentype) { Value *val = (Value *) lfirst(c); bool found = false; ScanKeyInit(&skey[0], Anum_pg_ts_config_map_mapcfg, BTEqualStrategyNumber, F_OIDEQ, ObjectIdGetDatum(cfgId)); ScanKeyInit(&skey[1], Anum_pg_ts_config_map_maptokentype, BTEqualStrategyNumber, F_INT4EQ, Int32GetDatum(tokens[i])); scan = systable_beginscan(relMap, TSConfigMapIndexId, true, SnapshotNow, 2, skey); while (HeapTupleIsValid((maptup = systable_getnext(scan)))) { simple_heap_delete(relMap, &maptup->t_self); found = true; } systable_endscan(scan); if (!found) { if (!stmt->missing_ok) { ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_UNDEFINED_OBJECT), errmsg("mapping for token type \"%s\" does not exist", strVal(val)))); } else { ereport(NOTICE, (errmsg("mapping for token type \"%s\" does not exist, skipping", strVal(val)))); } } i++; } }
Definition at line 64 of file tsearchcmds.c.
References Anum_pg_ts_parser_prsend, Anum_pg_ts_parser_prsheadline, Anum_pg_ts_parser_prslextype, Anum_pg_ts_parser_prsstart, Anum_pg_ts_parser_prstoken, defGetQualifiedName(), elog, ereport, errcode(), errmsg(), ERROR, format_type_be(), func_signature_string(), get_func_rettype(), LookupFuncName(), NIL, and ObjectIdGetDatum.
Referenced by DefineTSParser().
{ List *funcName = defGetQualifiedName(defel); Oid typeId[3]; Oid retTypeId; int nargs; Oid procOid; retTypeId = INTERNALOID; /* correct for most */ typeId[0] = INTERNALOID; switch (attnum) { case Anum_pg_ts_parser_prsstart: nargs = 2; typeId[1] = INT4OID; break; case Anum_pg_ts_parser_prstoken: nargs = 3; typeId[1] = INTERNALOID; typeId[2] = INTERNALOID; break; case Anum_pg_ts_parser_prsend: nargs = 1; retTypeId = VOIDOID; break; case Anum_pg_ts_parser_prsheadline: nargs = 3; typeId[1] = INTERNALOID; typeId[2] = TSQUERYOID; break; case Anum_pg_ts_parser_prslextype: nargs = 1; /* * Note: because the lextype method returns type internal, it must * have an internal-type argument for security reasons. The * argument is not actually used, but is just passed as a zero. */ break; default: /* should not be here */ elog(ERROR, "unrecognized attribute for text search parser: %d", attnum); nargs = 0; /* keep compiler quiet */ } procOid = LookupFuncName(funcName, nargs, typeId, false); if (get_func_rettype(procOid) != retTypeId) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_OBJECT_DEFINITION), errmsg("function %s should return type %s", func_signature_string(funcName, nargs, NIL, typeId), format_type_be(retTypeId)))); return ObjectIdGetDatum(procOid); }
Definition at line 639 of file tsearchcmds.c.
References Anum_pg_ts_template_tmplinit, Anum_pg_ts_template_tmpllexize, defGetQualifiedName(), elog, ereport, errcode(), errmsg(), ERROR, format_type_be(), func_signature_string(), get_func_rettype(), LookupFuncName(), NIL, and ObjectIdGetDatum.
Referenced by DefineTSTemplate().
{ List *funcName = defGetQualifiedName(defel); Oid typeId[4]; Oid retTypeId; int nargs; Oid procOid; retTypeId = INTERNALOID; typeId[0] = INTERNALOID; typeId[1] = INTERNALOID; typeId[2] = INTERNALOID; typeId[3] = INTERNALOID; switch (attnum) { case Anum_pg_ts_template_tmplinit: nargs = 1; break; case Anum_pg_ts_template_tmpllexize: nargs = 4; break; default: /* should not be here */ elog(ERROR, "unrecognized attribute for text search template: %d", attnum); nargs = 0; /* keep compiler quiet */ } procOid = LookupFuncName(funcName, nargs, typeId, false); if (get_func_rettype(procOid) != retTypeId) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_OBJECT_DEFINITION), errmsg("function %s should return type %s", func_signature_string(funcName, nargs, NIL, typeId), format_type_be(retTypeId)))); return ObjectIdGetDatum(procOid); }
Definition at line 1203 of file tsearchcmds.c.
References LexDescr::alias, DatumGetPointer, elog, ereport, errcode(), errmsg(), ERROR, i, LexDescr::lexid, TSParserCacheEntry::lextypeOid, lfirst, sort-test::list, list_length(), lookup_ts_parser_cache(), OidFunctionCall1, OidIsValid, palloc(), strVal, and val.
Referenced by DropConfigurationMapping(), and MakeConfigurationMapping().
{ TSParserCacheEntry *prs = lookup_ts_parser_cache(prsId); LexDescr *list; int *res, i, ntoken; ListCell *tn; ntoken = list_length(tokennames); if (ntoken == 0) return NULL; res = (int *) palloc(sizeof(int) * ntoken); if (!OidIsValid(prs->lextypeOid)) elog(ERROR, "method lextype isn't defined for text search parser %u", prsId); /* lextype takes one dummy argument */ list = (LexDescr *) DatumGetPointer(OidFunctionCall1(prs->lextypeOid, (Datum) 0)); i = 0; foreach(tn, tokennames) { Value *val = (Value *) lfirst(tn); bool found = false; int j; j = 0; while (list && list[j].lexid) { /* XXX should we use pg_strcasecmp here? */ if (strcmp(strVal(val), list[j].alias) == 0) { res[i] = list[j].lexid; found = true; break; } j++; } if (!found) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE), errmsg("token type \"%s\" does not exist", strVal(val)))); i++; } return res; }
Definition at line 839 of file tsearchcmds.c.
References elog, ERROR, get_ts_config_oid(), HeapTupleIsValid, ObjectIdGetDatum, OidIsValid, SearchSysCache1, and TSCONFIGOID.
Referenced by AlterTSConfiguration().
{ HeapTuple tup; Oid cfgId; cfgId = get_ts_config_oid(names, true); if (!OidIsValid(cfgId)) return NULL; tup = SearchSysCache1(TSCONFIGOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(cfgId)); if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tup)) /* should not happen */ elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for text search configuration %u", cfgId); return tup; }
static void makeConfigurationDependencies | ( | HeapTuple | tuple, | |
bool | removeOld, | |||
Relation | mapRel | |||
) | [static] |
Definition at line 864 of file tsearchcmds.c.
References add_exact_object_address(), Anum_pg_ts_config_map_mapcfg, BTEqualStrategyNumber, ObjectAddress::classId, CommandCounterIncrement(), deleteDependencyRecordsFor(), deleteSharedDependencyRecordsFor(), DEPENDENCY_NORMAL, free_object_addresses(), GETSTRUCT, HeapTupleGetOid, HeapTupleIsValid, new_object_addresses(), ObjectAddress::objectId, ObjectIdGetDatum, ObjectAddress::objectSubId, record_object_address_dependencies(), recordDependencyOnCurrentExtension(), recordDependencyOnOwner(), ScanKeyInit(), SnapshotNow, systable_beginscan(), systable_endscan(), systable_getnext(), and TSConfigMapIndexId.
Referenced by AlterTSConfiguration(), and DefineTSConfiguration().
{ Form_pg_ts_config cfg = (Form_pg_ts_config) GETSTRUCT(tuple); ObjectAddresses *addrs; ObjectAddress myself, referenced; myself.classId = TSConfigRelationId; myself.objectId = HeapTupleGetOid(tuple); myself.objectSubId = 0; /* for ALTER case, first flush old dependencies, except extension deps */ if (removeOld) { deleteDependencyRecordsFor(myself.classId, myself.objectId, true); deleteSharedDependencyRecordsFor(myself.classId, myself.objectId, 0); } /* * We use an ObjectAddresses list to remove possible duplicate * dependencies from the config map info. The pg_ts_config items * shouldn't be duplicates, but might as well fold them all into one call. */ addrs = new_object_addresses(); /* dependency on namespace */ referenced.classId = NamespaceRelationId; referenced.objectId = cfg->cfgnamespace; referenced.objectSubId = 0; add_exact_object_address(&referenced, addrs); /* dependency on owner */ recordDependencyOnOwner(myself.classId, myself.objectId, cfg->cfgowner); /* dependency on extension */ recordDependencyOnCurrentExtension(&myself, removeOld); /* dependency on parser */ referenced.classId = TSParserRelationId; referenced.objectId = cfg->cfgparser; referenced.objectSubId = 0; add_exact_object_address(&referenced, addrs); /* dependencies on dictionaries listed in config map */ if (mapRel) { ScanKeyData skey; SysScanDesc scan; HeapTuple maptup; /* CCI to ensure we can see effects of caller's changes */ CommandCounterIncrement(); ScanKeyInit(&skey, Anum_pg_ts_config_map_mapcfg, BTEqualStrategyNumber, F_OIDEQ, ObjectIdGetDatum(myself.objectId)); scan = systable_beginscan(mapRel, TSConfigMapIndexId, true, SnapshotNow, 1, &skey); while (HeapTupleIsValid((maptup = systable_getnext(scan)))) { Form_pg_ts_config_map cfgmap = (Form_pg_ts_config_map) GETSTRUCT(maptup); referenced.classId = TSDictionaryRelationId; referenced.objectId = cfgmap->mapdict; referenced.objectSubId = 0; add_exact_object_address(&referenced, addrs); } systable_endscan(scan); } /* Record 'em (this includes duplicate elimination) */ record_object_address_dependencies(&myself, addrs, DEPENDENCY_NORMAL); free_object_addresses(addrs); }
static void MakeConfigurationMapping | ( | AlterTSConfigurationStmt * | stmt, | |
HeapTuple | tup, | |||
Relation | relMap | |||
) | [static] |
Definition at line 1259 of file tsearchcmds.c.
References Anum_pg_ts_config_map_mapcfg, Anum_pg_ts_config_map_mapdict, Anum_pg_ts_config_map_mapseqno, Anum_pg_ts_config_map_maptokentype, BTEqualStrategyNumber, CatalogUpdateIndexes(), AlterTSConfigurationStmt::dicts, get_ts_dict_oid(), GETSTRUCT, getTokenTypes(), heap_form_tuple(), heap_freetuple(), heap_modify_tuple(), HeapTupleGetOid, HeapTupleIsValid, i, Int32GetDatum, lfirst, list_length(), ObjectIdGetDatum, AlterTSConfigurationStmt::override, palloc(), RelationData::rd_att, RelationGetDescr, AlterTSConfigurationStmt::replace, ScanKeyInit(), simple_heap_delete(), simple_heap_insert(), simple_heap_update(), SnapshotNow, systable_beginscan(), systable_endscan(), systable_getnext(), HeapTupleData::t_self, AlterTSConfigurationStmt::tokentype, TSConfigMapIndexId, and values.
Referenced by AlterTSConfiguration().
{ Oid cfgId = HeapTupleGetOid(tup); ScanKeyData skey[2]; SysScanDesc scan; HeapTuple maptup; int i; int j; Oid prsId; int *tokens, ntoken; Oid *dictIds; int ndict; ListCell *c; prsId = ((Form_pg_ts_config) GETSTRUCT(tup))->cfgparser; tokens = getTokenTypes(prsId, stmt->tokentype); ntoken = list_length(stmt->tokentype); if (stmt->override) { /* * delete maps for tokens if they exist and command was ALTER */ for (i = 0; i < ntoken; i++) { ScanKeyInit(&skey[0], Anum_pg_ts_config_map_mapcfg, BTEqualStrategyNumber, F_OIDEQ, ObjectIdGetDatum(cfgId)); ScanKeyInit(&skey[1], Anum_pg_ts_config_map_maptokentype, BTEqualStrategyNumber, F_INT4EQ, Int32GetDatum(tokens[i])); scan = systable_beginscan(relMap, TSConfigMapIndexId, true, SnapshotNow, 2, skey); while (HeapTupleIsValid((maptup = systable_getnext(scan)))) { simple_heap_delete(relMap, &maptup->t_self); } systable_endscan(scan); } } /* * Convert list of dictionary names to array of dict OIDs */ ndict = list_length(stmt->dicts); dictIds = (Oid *) palloc(sizeof(Oid) * ndict); i = 0; foreach(c, stmt->dicts) { List *names = (List *) lfirst(c); dictIds[i] = get_ts_dict_oid(names, false); i++; } if (stmt->replace) { /* * Replace a specific dictionary in existing entries */ Oid dictOld = dictIds[0], dictNew = dictIds[1]; ScanKeyInit(&skey[0], Anum_pg_ts_config_map_mapcfg, BTEqualStrategyNumber, F_OIDEQ, ObjectIdGetDatum(cfgId)); scan = systable_beginscan(relMap, TSConfigMapIndexId, true, SnapshotNow, 1, skey); while (HeapTupleIsValid((maptup = systable_getnext(scan)))) { Form_pg_ts_config_map cfgmap = (Form_pg_ts_config_map) GETSTRUCT(maptup); /* * check if it's one of target token types */ if (tokens) { bool tokmatch = false; for (j = 0; j < ntoken; j++) { if (cfgmap->maptokentype == tokens[j]) { tokmatch = true; break; } } if (!tokmatch) continue; } /* * replace dictionary if match */ if (cfgmap->mapdict == dictOld) { Datum repl_val[Natts_pg_ts_config_map]; bool repl_null[Natts_pg_ts_config_map]; bool repl_repl[Natts_pg_ts_config_map]; HeapTuple newtup; memset(repl_val, 0, sizeof(repl_val)); memset(repl_null, false, sizeof(repl_null)); memset(repl_repl, false, sizeof(repl_repl)); repl_val[Anum_pg_ts_config_map_mapdict - 1] = ObjectIdGetDatum(dictNew); repl_repl[Anum_pg_ts_config_map_mapdict - 1] = true; newtup = heap_modify_tuple(maptup, RelationGetDescr(relMap), repl_val, repl_null, repl_repl); simple_heap_update(relMap, &newtup->t_self, newtup); CatalogUpdateIndexes(relMap, newtup); } } systable_endscan(scan); } else { /* * Insertion of new entries */ for (i = 0; i < ntoken; i++) { for (j = 0; j < ndict; j++) { Datum values[Natts_pg_ts_config_map]; bool nulls[Natts_pg_ts_config_map]; memset(nulls, false, sizeof(nulls)); values[Anum_pg_ts_config_map_mapcfg - 1] = ObjectIdGetDatum(cfgId); values[Anum_pg_ts_config_map_maptokentype - 1] = Int32GetDatum(tokens[i]); values[Anum_pg_ts_config_map_mapseqno - 1] = Int32GetDatum(j + 1); values[Anum_pg_ts_config_map_mapdict - 1] = ObjectIdGetDatum(dictIds[j]); tup = heap_form_tuple(relMap->rd_att, values, nulls); simple_heap_insert(relMap, tup); CatalogUpdateIndexes(relMap, tup); heap_freetuple(tup); } } } }
static void makeDictionaryDependencies | ( | HeapTuple | tuple | ) | [static] |
Definition at line 313 of file tsearchcmds.c.
References ObjectAddress::classId, DEPENDENCY_NORMAL, GETSTRUCT, HeapTupleGetOid, ObjectAddress::objectId, ObjectAddress::objectSubId, recordDependencyOn(), recordDependencyOnCurrentExtension(), and recordDependencyOnOwner().
Referenced by DefineTSDictionary().
{ Form_pg_ts_dict dict = (Form_pg_ts_dict) GETSTRUCT(tuple); ObjectAddress myself, referenced; myself.classId = TSDictionaryRelationId; myself.objectId = HeapTupleGetOid(tuple); myself.objectSubId = 0; /* dependency on namespace */ referenced.classId = NamespaceRelationId; referenced.objectId = dict->dictnamespace; referenced.objectSubId = 0; recordDependencyOn(&myself, &referenced, DEPENDENCY_NORMAL); /* dependency on owner */ recordDependencyOnOwner(myself.classId, myself.objectId, dict->dictowner); /* dependency on extension */ recordDependencyOnCurrentExtension(&myself, false); /* dependency on template */ referenced.classId = TSTemplateRelationId; referenced.objectId = dict->dicttemplate; referenced.objectSubId = 0; recordDependencyOn(&myself, &referenced, DEPENDENCY_NORMAL); }
static void makeParserDependencies | ( | HeapTuple | tuple | ) | [static] |
Definition at line 125 of file tsearchcmds.c.
References ObjectAddress::classId, DEPENDENCY_NORMAL, GETSTRUCT, HeapTupleGetOid, ObjectAddress::objectId, ObjectAddress::objectSubId, OidIsValid, recordDependencyOn(), and recordDependencyOnCurrentExtension().
Referenced by DefineTSParser().
{ Form_pg_ts_parser prs = (Form_pg_ts_parser) GETSTRUCT(tuple); ObjectAddress myself, referenced; myself.classId = TSParserRelationId; myself.objectId = HeapTupleGetOid(tuple); myself.objectSubId = 0; /* dependency on namespace */ referenced.classId = NamespaceRelationId; referenced.objectId = prs->prsnamespace; referenced.objectSubId = 0; recordDependencyOn(&myself, &referenced, DEPENDENCY_NORMAL); /* dependency on extension */ recordDependencyOnCurrentExtension(&myself, false); /* dependencies on functions */ referenced.classId = ProcedureRelationId; referenced.objectSubId = 0; referenced.objectId = prs->prsstart; recordDependencyOn(&myself, &referenced, DEPENDENCY_NORMAL); referenced.objectId = prs->prstoken; recordDependencyOn(&myself, &referenced, DEPENDENCY_NORMAL); referenced.objectId = prs->prsend; recordDependencyOn(&myself, &referenced, DEPENDENCY_NORMAL); referenced.objectId = prs->prslextype; recordDependencyOn(&myself, &referenced, DEPENDENCY_NORMAL); if (OidIsValid(prs->prsheadline)) { referenced.objectId = prs->prsheadline; recordDependencyOn(&myself, &referenced, DEPENDENCY_NORMAL); } }
static void makeTSTemplateDependencies | ( | HeapTuple | tuple | ) | [static] |
Definition at line 682 of file tsearchcmds.c.
References ObjectAddress::classId, DEPENDENCY_NORMAL, GETSTRUCT, HeapTupleGetOid, ObjectAddress::objectId, ObjectAddress::objectSubId, OidIsValid, recordDependencyOn(), and recordDependencyOnCurrentExtension().
Referenced by DefineTSTemplate().
{ Form_pg_ts_template tmpl = (Form_pg_ts_template) GETSTRUCT(tuple); ObjectAddress myself, referenced; myself.classId = TSTemplateRelationId; myself.objectId = HeapTupleGetOid(tuple); myself.objectSubId = 0; /* dependency on namespace */ referenced.classId = NamespaceRelationId; referenced.objectId = tmpl->tmplnamespace; referenced.objectSubId = 0; recordDependencyOn(&myself, &referenced, DEPENDENCY_NORMAL); /* dependency on extension */ recordDependencyOnCurrentExtension(&myself, false); /* dependencies on functions */ referenced.classId = ProcedureRelationId; referenced.objectSubId = 0; referenced.objectId = tmpl->tmpllexize; recordDependencyOn(&myself, &referenced, DEPENDENCY_NORMAL); if (OidIsValid(tmpl->tmplinit)) { referenced.objectId = tmpl->tmplinit; recordDependencyOn(&myself, &referenced, DEPENDENCY_NORMAL); } }
void RemoveTSConfigurationById | ( | Oid | cfgId | ) |
Definition at line 1109 of file tsearchcmds.c.
References Anum_pg_ts_config_map_mapcfg, BTEqualStrategyNumber, elog, ERROR, heap_close, heap_open(), HeapTupleIsValid, ObjectIdGetDatum, ReleaseSysCache(), RowExclusiveLock, ScanKeyInit(), SearchSysCache1, simple_heap_delete(), SnapshotNow, systable_beginscan(), systable_endscan(), systable_getnext(), HeapTupleData::t_self, TSConfigMapIndexId, TSConfigMapRelationId, TSCONFIGOID, and TSConfigRelationId.
Referenced by doDeletion().
{ Relation relCfg, relMap; HeapTuple tup; ScanKeyData skey; SysScanDesc scan; /* Remove the pg_ts_config entry */ relCfg = heap_open(TSConfigRelationId, RowExclusiveLock); tup = SearchSysCache1(TSCONFIGOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(cfgId)); if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tup)) elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for text search dictionary %u", cfgId); simple_heap_delete(relCfg, &tup->t_self); ReleaseSysCache(tup); heap_close(relCfg, RowExclusiveLock); /* Remove any pg_ts_config_map entries */ relMap = heap_open(TSConfigMapRelationId, RowExclusiveLock); ScanKeyInit(&skey, Anum_pg_ts_config_map_mapcfg, BTEqualStrategyNumber, F_OIDEQ, ObjectIdGetDatum(cfgId)); scan = systable_beginscan(relMap, TSConfigMapIndexId, true, SnapshotNow, 1, &skey); while (HeapTupleIsValid((tup = systable_getnext(scan)))) { simple_heap_delete(relMap, &tup->t_self); } systable_endscan(scan); heap_close(relMap, RowExclusiveLock); }
void RemoveTSDictionaryById | ( | Oid | dictId | ) |
Definition at line 494 of file tsearchcmds.c.
References elog, ERROR, heap_close, heap_open(), HeapTupleIsValid, ObjectIdGetDatum, ReleaseSysCache(), RowExclusiveLock, SearchSysCache1, simple_heap_delete(), HeapTupleData::t_self, TSDictionaryRelationId, and TSDICTOID.
Referenced by doDeletion().
{ Relation relation; HeapTuple tup; relation = heap_open(TSDictionaryRelationId, RowExclusiveLock); tup = SearchSysCache1(TSDICTOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(dictId)); if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tup)) elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for text search dictionary %u", dictId); simple_heap_delete(relation, &tup->t_self); ReleaseSysCache(tup); heap_close(relation, RowExclusiveLock); }
void RemoveTSParserById | ( | Oid | prsId | ) |
Definition at line 288 of file tsearchcmds.c.
References elog, ERROR, heap_close, heap_open(), HeapTupleIsValid, ObjectIdGetDatum, ReleaseSysCache(), RowExclusiveLock, SearchSysCache1, simple_heap_delete(), HeapTupleData::t_self, TSPARSEROID, and TSParserRelationId.
Referenced by doDeletion().
{ Relation relation; HeapTuple tup; relation = heap_open(TSParserRelationId, RowExclusiveLock); tup = SearchSysCache1(TSPARSEROID, ObjectIdGetDatum(prsId)); if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tup)) elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for text search parser %u", prsId); simple_heap_delete(relation, &tup->t_self); ReleaseSysCache(tup); heap_close(relation, RowExclusiveLock); }
void RemoveTSTemplateById | ( | Oid | tmplId | ) |
Definition at line 812 of file tsearchcmds.c.
References elog, ERROR, heap_close, heap_open(), HeapTupleIsValid, ObjectIdGetDatum, ReleaseSysCache(), RowExclusiveLock, SearchSysCache1, simple_heap_delete(), HeapTupleData::t_self, TSTEMPLATEOID, and TSTemplateRelationId.
Referenced by doDeletion().
{ Relation relation; HeapTuple tup; relation = heap_open(TSTemplateRelationId, RowExclusiveLock); tup = SearchSysCache1(TSTEMPLATEOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(tmplId)); if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tup)) elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for text search template %u", tmplId); simple_heap_delete(relation, &tup->t_self); ReleaseSysCache(tup); heap_close(relation, RowExclusiveLock); }
Definition at line 1497 of file tsearchcmds.c.
References appendStringInfo(), appendStringInfoChar(), buf, cstring_to_text_with_len(), StringInfoData::data, defGetString(), DefElem::defname, ESCAPE_STRING_SYNTAX, initStringInfo(), StringInfoData::len, lfirst, lnext, NULL, pfree(), quote_identifier(), SQL_STR_DOUBLE, and val.
Referenced by AlterTSDictionary(), and DefineTSDictionary().
{ text *result; StringInfoData buf; ListCell *l; initStringInfo(&buf); foreach(l, deflist) { DefElem *defel = (DefElem *) lfirst(l); char *val = defGetString(defel); appendStringInfo(&buf, "%s = ", quote_identifier(defel->defname)); /* If backslashes appear, force E syntax to determine their handling */ if (strchr(val, '\\')) appendStringInfoChar(&buf, ESCAPE_STRING_SYNTAX); appendStringInfoChar(&buf, '\''); while (*val) { char ch = *val++; if (SQL_STR_DOUBLE(ch, true)) appendStringInfoChar(&buf, ch); appendStringInfoChar(&buf, ch); } appendStringInfoChar(&buf, '\''); if (lnext(l) != NULL) appendStringInfo(&buf, ", "); } result = cstring_to_text_with_len(buf.data, buf.len); pfree(buf.data); return result; }
Definition at line 346 of file tsearchcmds.c.
References copyObject(), elog, ereport, errcode(), errmsg(), ERROR, GETSTRUCT, HeapTupleIsValid, IsUnderPostmaster, NameStr, ObjectIdGetDatum, OidFunctionCall1, OidIsValid, PointerGetDatum, ReleaseSysCache(), SearchSysCache1, and TSTEMPLATEOID.
Referenced by AlterTSDictionary(), and DefineTSDictionary().
{ HeapTuple tup; Form_pg_ts_template tform; Oid initmethod; /* * Suppress this test when running in a standalone backend. This is a * hack to allow initdb to create prefab dictionaries that might not * actually be usable in template1's encoding (due to using external files * that can't be translated into template1's encoding). We want to create * them anyway, since they might be usable later in other databases. */ if (!IsUnderPostmaster) return; tup = SearchSysCache1(TSTEMPLATEOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(tmplId)); if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tup)) /* should not happen */ elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for text search template %u", tmplId); tform = (Form_pg_ts_template) GETSTRUCT(tup); initmethod = tform->tmplinit; if (!OidIsValid(initmethod)) { /* If there is no init method, disallow any options */ if (dictoptions) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_SYNTAX_ERROR), errmsg("text search template \"%s\" does not accept options", NameStr(tform->tmplname)))); } else { /* * Copy the options just in case init method thinks it can scribble on * them ... */ dictoptions = copyObject(dictoptions); /* * Call the init method and see if it complains. We don't worry about * it leaking memory, since our command will soon be over anyway. */ (void) OidFunctionCall1(initmethod, PointerGetDatum(dictoptions)); } ReleaseSysCache(tup); }