
V. Client Application Programming Interfaces

This part describes the client programming interfaces distributed with EnterpriseDB. Each of these chapters can be read independently. Note that there are many other programming interfaces for client programs that are distributed separately and contain their own documentation. Readers of this part should be familiar with using SQL commands to manipulate and query the database (see The SQL Language) and of course with the programming language that the interface uses.

Table of Contents
24. EnterpriseDB JDBC Connector
24.1. JDBC Versions
24.2. JDBC Driver Types
24.3. JDBC Interface
24.4. JDBC Installation
24.5. Using EnterpriseDB JDBC Connector with Java applications
24.6. Executing Queries through Statement Objects
24.7. Executing a Query with no results
24.8. Advanced EnterpriseDB JDBC Connector Functionality
25. EnterpriseDB .NET Connector
25.1. EnterpriseDB .NET Connector Introduction
25.2. .NET Data Provider Types
25.3. Installing EnterpriseDB .NET Connector
25.4. Setting up EnterpriseDB .NET Connector
25.5. Data Provider Components
25.6. Performing common database tasks
25.7. Opening a Database Connection
25.8. Retrieving Database Records
25.9. Retrieving a Single Database Records
25.10. Parameterized Queries
25.11. Inserting Records in a Database
25.12. Deleting Records in a Database
25.13. Using SPL Stored Procedures in your .NET Application
25.14. Using REF CURSOR in a .NET Application
25.15. Using BYTEA Data Type in a .NET Application
25.16. Using Connection Pooling
26. EnterpriseDB ODBC Connector
26.1. Setting up the ODBC Driver
26.2. Usage Samples
26.3. PHP
26.4. Python
26.5. Using IN, OUT, and IN OUT Parameter Modes
27. Using ADO with ODBC
27.1. What is ADO?
27.2. ADO Features
27.3. Using ADO
27.4. 9 Classes and 4 Collections
27.5. ADO Object Model
27.6. Accessing EnterpriseDB using ADO
28. ECPG - Embedded SQL in C
28.1. Introduction
28.2. ECPG Concepts
28.3. ecpg Command
28.4. Installation
28.5. Embedded SQL Commands
29. libpq - C Library
29.1. Introduction
29.2. Using libpq with EnterpriseDB SPL
29.3. libpq EnterpriseDB API
29.4. libpq Concepts
29.5. Client Interfaces
29.6. Usage and Example
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