Get Started with Fabric8 and Jube

Note currently Jube got broken as fabric8 followed OpenShift 1.0 and Kubernetes 1.0. We will be fixing this soon ;)

First you need to get the latest Jube by downloading and unzipping it:

curl -O
mkdir jube-2.2.16-image
cd jube-2.2.16-image
unzip ../

You can then startup Jube via:


If your operating system doesn't have the executable flag set on the run script; try

chmod +x *.sh *.bat bin/*

To stop Jube hit Ctrl-C.

If you want to run Jube in the background you can run ./ then you can run ./ to stop it or run ./ to see if its still running.

Setting environment variables

The following environment variables are used by various Tools such as the Console, Maven Plugin, the Forge Addons and the java libraries:

export KUBERNETES_MASTER=http://localhost:8585/
export FABRIC8_CONSOLE=http://localhost:8585/hawtio/

Once you have set those in your shell (or ~/.bashrc) you can then use all the fabric8 tools against your local Jube node.

Using the web console

Once Jube has started up you should be able to open the Console at http://localhost:8585/hawtio/ to view the kubernetes system. You can then view these tabs:

Jube implements the Kubernetes REST API so you can use any kubernetes tools with Jube such as the Console or Forge Addons to work with pods, replication controllers or services - provided that any docker images referenced in the pods and pod templates have a suitable image zip. For more detail on this see the Jube Goals details on Jube Image Zips and check out the differences between Jube and Kubernetes


If maven builds fail it may be you have not setup the environment variables correctly; see above.

Otherwise check out the Jube Troubleshooting Guide for details of how to check the logs and web console.