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HatMaker Enterprise Model Description

Before you begin

This document briefly describes the enterprise model of the HatMaker. It should be read with the actual HatMaker Enterprise Model opened with MetaBoss Design Studio. This way reader should be able to find model elements referred to in this document. Please follow the steps below if you have MetaBoss installed and would like to open HatMaker model:

  1. Run runstudio.bat batch file situated in the bin directory of your MetaBoss installation. This batch file makes certain assumption on installed version and location of JRE (Java Runtime Environment). If version and/or location of JRE installed on your computer is different to the one specified in this file - please modify the file before executing it.
  2. Look at already opened model names (names of the tabs in the model explorer window - the vertical window occupying left hand side of the Design Studio workspace). If one of the tabs says "HatMaker" it means that the model already opened and you do not have to open it again.
  3. If HatMaker model is not opened - execute Open Model command which is located in File menu. Browse to the %METABOSS_HOME%/examples/HatMaker/EnterpriseModel/HatMaker/Model.xml file and open it. After a short wait you should observe that the HatMaker tab has joined the list of opened models.
You are now better equipped to read this document.

Please also keep in mind that HatMaker is a working example and it has enough to demonstrate all MetaBoss concepts and facilities. However HatMaker model and functionality is incomplete and is not intended to be used "as is" anywhere in the real world enterprise.

Major Model Elements

HatMaker consists of one system - Crm (Stands for Customer Relationsip Management). As in any other enterprise HatMaker also has Enterprise wide Technology and Design libraries. To view HatMaker systems diagram (not very busy diagram at all!) - select the Systems folder with your mouse in the model explorer, click the right mouse button and choose "Open Enterprise Systems Diagram" menu item.

The public interface of the Crm system is split into three servicemodules - MiscellaneousServices, CoreDomainSupport and MainDomainSupport. Each of the servicemodules has definitions for servcies and operations they provide as well as data structures and messages they used by these operations. To view Structures diagram for any servicemodule - select desired Servicemodule node with your mouse in the model explorer, click the right mouse button and choose "Open Structures Diagram" menu item.

The Crm system data dictionary also forms part of the public interface. The data dictionary contains definions of the concrete and templated data types specific to Crm.

The Crm system implementation includes two distinct domains - Core domain and Main domain. Core domain looks after User information which includes permissions to execute certain actions. Main domain looks after Customer, Product, Supplier and Order information. Each domain defines necessary Entities and Associations between these entities. To view Domain Entities diagram for any domain - select desired Domain node with your mouse in the model explorer, click the right mouse button and choose "Open Domain Class Diagram" menu item.