User Guides
Beginner's Guide
Configuration Guide
Design Studio Guide
Programming Model Guide
Testing Framework Guide
'How To ...' Guides
Design Model Reference
Design Model UML Profile
Test Schema Reference
MetaBoss design library
Run-time libraries API
Dev-time libraries API
HatMaker Example
Enterprise Model Description
Enterprise Model Reference
SystemTest Example
WebServices Example
About MetaBoss
Quality Assurance
Compatibility Notes
Change Log
Version 1.4.0001
Built on 15 Dec 2005 22:31:47


MetaBoss uses a number of great third party products at both development time and run time phases of its operation. Without them MetaBoss will not be as open as it is and would have taken longer to develop.

Normally the run-time binaries MetaBoss depends on are distributed together with it in the ${metaboss_home}/thirdpartylib directory. The only possible exception is when the product's license disallows such redistribution (we do not have any exceptions as of yet !)

The products, their respective licenses and home pages are:
Product and Home Page Library and Version Short Description License Text
NetBeans MDR
jars under netbeansmdr-20040323 folder Metadata Repository is a subproject of NetBeans. MetaBoss uses it for model storage. Sun Public License (Open Source)

UML 1.4 Interchange Metamodel in XML
packaged inside netbeansmdr-20040323/uml-1.4.jar MetaBoss uses the UML Metamodel to convert models to and from UML Redistributed under special permission from OMG
Log4j Logging Engine
log4j-1.2.8.jar Very popular logging framework. Used by all MetaBoss libraries at development time and run-time to output information / warning / error messages out of MetaBoss internal layers. Apache License (Open Source)
Velocity Template Engine
velocity-1.3.1.jar Text template processor. Used by generators to process code templates (eg. datatype templates). Also contains Anakia tool, which is used to prepare this documentation site. Apache License (Open Source)
Apache XML for Java
jars under xalan-j_2_6_0 folder XML parser and XSL Template processor. Used by generators and testing framework engine. Apache License (Open Source)
Jamon Template Engine
jamon-1.3.jar Text template processor. Used by generators to process code templates (eg. datatype templates). Jamon License (MPL Open Source)
Jakarta Commons
commons-collections-2.1.jar Required by Velocity Apache License (Open Source)
Jakarta Commons
commons-logging-1.0.3.jar Used throughout MetaBoss tools and generated code as a target of logging. Allows to configure concrete logging framework (e.g. Apache Log4j, JDK1.4 Logging etc) as per customer preferences. Apache License (Open Source)
Tyrex J2EE Service Provider
tyrex-1.0.3.jar Tyrex is a J2EE service provider for both Servlet and EJB container, JMS providers and generic connectors. MetaBoss libraries and generated code use it at run-time when "outside of J2EE container" configuration is chosen. Tyrex License (BSD Open Source)
Castor data binding framework for Java
castor- Required by Tyrex Castor License (BSD Open Source)
Java products from Sun Microsystems
ejb-2.0.jar EJB 2.0 Class Files. Required when building J2EE deployment layer. Sun Microsystems Code Sample License
Java products from Sun Microsystems
jdbc-se2.0.jar JDBC Standard Extension library. Required by Tyrex. Sun Microsystems Limited Redistribution License
Java products from Sun Microsystems
jars under jwsdp-1.6 folder Sun's Java Web Services Developer Pack run-time. This package of XML related technologies is produced by Sun Microsystems and includes parts developed by Apache Software Foundation. The parts used in MetaBoss are XML parser and Transformer as well as Java XML Binding framework (JAXB). Sun Microsystems Limited Redistribution License
Java products from Sun Microsystems
jta-1_0_1a.jar Java Transaction Architecture Specification Interfaces. Used to build generated application source. MetaBoss libraries and generated code use it at run-time when "outside of J2EE container" configuration is chosen. Sun Microsystems Limited Redistribution License
JGraph project
jgraph-3.4.1.jar Java Swing Graph control. Used in MetaBoss design studio. JGraph License (LGPL Open Source)
JGoodies user interface producs
looks-1.1.2.jar Java Swing Looks library. Used in MetaBoss design studio. JGoodies License (BSD Open Source)
Java XPath Engine
jaxen-full-1.0.fcs.jar and saxpath-1.0.fcs.jar Java XPath compiler engine. Used in MetaBoss model repository for XPath searches. Jaxen License (Apache-style Open Source)
Java2Html Convertor
java2html-4.1.jar Java Html documentation tool. Used in MetaBoss documentation. Java2Html License (GPL)
Java Monitoring Api
javamonitor-1.0.jar Java Application Monitoring library. Used by MetaBoss's generic profiling proxy. Original source is modified by MetaBoss team. Java Monitor Api License (Modified BSD)
Dresden OCL Compiler
dresden-ocl-injector-1.1.jar OCL Compiler library. Used by MetaBoss for OCL compilation and code generation. Dresden OCL Compiler License (LGPL Open Source)
Prefuse Interactive Visualization Toolkit
prefuse-20050401.jar Used by MetaBoss Design Studio for dependencies study visual tool. Prefuse License (BSD License)
Please note that we have listed the above products solely for acknowledgment purposes. Content of this page should not be taken as if MetaBoss has any special association with any of these products or MetaBoss is in any way endorsed or recommended by makers of the above products.