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MetaBoss Design Model Reference


Every instance of MetaBoss design model consists of number of various model element instances. Every particular type of model element is designed to contain data values pertained to certain portion of Enterprise design. This reference contains description of available types of model elements and relationships between them. It is organised as a collection of annotated UML diagrams. In addition to that we have provided MOF definition of the MetaBoss Design Model and full Model Elements Index.

MetaBoss design model always has a singleton root element. Type of this element determines the type of the actual model:

  • Enterprise Model. This model describes a particular business enterprise and it's information systems. The root element of this model is Enterprise element.
  • Design Library Model. This model describes a library of reuseable designs. The root element of this model is DesignLibrary element.
  • Technology Library Model. This model describes a library of technology specific models and tools. The root element of this model is TechnologyLibrary element.

Each model element is derived from ModelElement and inherits from it Name attribute, Description attribute and ability to have any number of attachments. Following diagram shows the relationship between these core elements:

MetaBossModel.ModelElement MetaBossModel.ModelElementAttachment MetaBossModel.ModelElementTag Core Elements Diagram

The fact that every model element extending ModelElement is not shown on the other diagrams in order not to pollute the picture. Nevertheless it is important to remember that this relationship exists.

Enterprise Model

Enterprise Model is the model of the business from the computing point of view. It contains information about systems used by busines, interactions between these systems and about implementation of these systems. The diagrams below attempt to explore Enterprise model in more details:

The diagram below shows a fundamental relationships between enterprise, systems it contains and libraries it uses. It is important to remember that Enterprise does not distingush between systems purchased from third parties or systems built in-house. It is also not aware at this level of any particular implementation design or technology. MetaBossModel.EnterpriseModel.Enteprise MetaBossModel.EnterpriseModel.System MetaBossModel.DesignLibraryModel.DesignLibrary MetaBossModel.TechnologyLibraryModel.TechnologyLibrary MetaBossModel.DataDictionaryModel.DataDictionary MetaBossModel.EnterpriseModel.SystemDependency Enterprise Diagram

Model Elements Index