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HatMaker Example
Enterprise Model Description
Enterprise Model Reference
SystemTest Example
WebServices Example
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Version 1.4.0001
Built on 15 Dec 2005 22:31:47

MetaBoss HatMaker Example Documentation

HatMaker Example MetaBoss release includes an example enterprise application. We have chosen to model hypothetical business of Milliner (maker of hats). HatMaker Corp is a typical manufacturing / wholesale type business. It has a Client Relationship Management, Order Management, Inventory Management and Staff Management systems. We have not yet covered all of these systems in our example, but we have taken a part of Client Relationship Management system and have created a complete example based on this simplified system. The HatMaker example consists of model, generated middleware code and data base schemas, set of automatically executable test cases and this documentation.

MetaBoss Example Documentation consists of following sections:

  • Enterprise Model Description
    This section contains a short discussion on HatMaker Enterprise Model. It also contains information on how to view HatMaker model with MetaBoss Design Studio.

  • Enterprise Model Reference
    This section contains reference documentation of the HatMaker Enterprise Model. The reference is generated by MetaBoss Documentation Generator tool.

  • Enterprise Model in UML XMI Format
    This XMI file contains the HatMaker Enterprise Model in UML notation. It is prepared by MetaBossToUML Ant Task during the application build. This file can be imported into any XMI compiant UML tool.

  • Enterprise Model in MetaBoss XMI Format
    This XMI file contains the HatMaker Enterprise Model in MetaBoss notation. It is prepared by UMLToMetaBoss Ant Task during the application build.

  • System Test Example Description
    This section contains the description of the HatMaker SystemTest example. This exampe shows how to use MetaBoss Testing Framework to test systems built with MetBoss.

  • WebServices Example Description
    This section contains the description of the HatMaker WebServices example. Note that this part of HatMaker Example is delivered only in source form (generatable source modules and executable modules are not pre-built as opposed to the core of the HatMaker example).