Defining authorship of the end product
In Brief
Authorship properties are defined in file, which is located in
${metaboss_home} directory. The properties are:
- com.metaboss.authorship.authorname
This property should be set to the name of the author of the end product.
Note that this is not the same as the name of the user (e.g. computer user or logged in user).
For example, if Joe Bloggs works for BigSoftwareHouse Corp., which uses MetaBoss to
produce software systems, the com.metaboss.authorship.authorname property
value should most probably be set to 'BigSoftwareHouse Corp.' and not 'Joe Bloggs'
For the commercial licensees this name must match customer name on the license.
- com.metaboss.authorship.copyrightnotice
This property should contain the text of the copyright notice.
The text in this property must sound good to be used as part of phrases like
"Content of this file is ${com.metaboss.authorship.copyrightnotice}" or "This program is ${com.metaboss.authorship.copyrightnotice}".
com.metaboss.authorship.authorname=Softaris Pty. Ltd.
com.metaboss.authorship.copyrightnotice=Copyright 2004 © Softaris Pty.Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Additional Notes
MetaBoss is used to create an end product - an intelectual property comprising enterprise models,
program source code, test cases etc. Copyright and all other rights and obligations related to the end product are
retained by user of MetaBoss, who has produced this end product. Therefore authorship of the end product can be configurred regardles
of type of license MetaBoss is used under.
MetaBoss uses the autorship details when it generates various source files, help files etc.
All these files contain author's name and copyright notice where practical.
The difference between end product, produced by authors who holds MetaBoss Commercial License and the one, produced by authors who uses MetaBoss
under GPL is not in authorship recognition, but in the way end product can be distributed and used.
Please refer to MetaBoss licensing information at MetaBoss site
for more details.