Configuring JNDI Component interface/implementation mapping
In Brief
Following things must be done in order to successfully plugin component implementation:
- The MetaBossComponentNamingProvider.jar must be included in the classpath. This jar contains the special MetaBoss 'component:/' JNDI URL context resolver.
- The jar containing the desired component implementation must be present on the classpath or, alternatively, anywhere in the subdirectory of any directory
listed in com.metaboss.naming.component.ComponentImplPath.
The JNDI component mapping property must be set in the file. This mapping is used to find an implementation class
for the component being looked up. Each mapping property is a key-value pair where key is used to
identify one or more COMPONENT_URLs this mapping property is applicable to and
value is used to locate the object factory used to obtain the implementation of the component. The formal syntax of the mapping key is:
com.metaboss.naming.component.<Interface Package>[.<Interface Name>][/<Caller Identifier>]
- com.metaboss.naming.component. is the constant prefix which sets apart
MetaBoss JNDI properties from others.
- <Interface Package> is the mandatory name of the Java package of the
Component Interface. The name may contain '*' and '**' wildcards (see additional notes below on how wildcards are used)
- <Interface Name> is the optional name of the Java interface of the
Component Interface. The name may contain '*' and '**' wildcards (see additional notes below on how wildcards are used).
If name is not given - all Components whose interfaces are located in the matching package will
match this mapping key.
- <Caller Identifier> is the optional identifier of the client who is doing lookup.
The caller is identified by package, class and method name of the location where the lookup call is made from.
The formal syntax of the caller identifier is:
<Package Name>[.<Class Name>[.<Method Name>]]
The caller identifier may contain '*' and '**' wildcards (see additional notes below on how wildcards are used).
If caller identifier is not given - all callers other than the ones individually
mapped will match this mapping key.
The mapping value contains the name of the package where object factory for the
component implementation can be located. A small number of special macros
can be used to specify special values derived from the mapping key. This is primarily used
when the mapping key contains wildcards and we need to use the
whole or portion of the actual name known only at the run-time. Supported keywords are:
- ${component} this keyword will be replaced by the
full name of the component (package name plus interface name).
- ${componentName} this keyword will be replaced by the
name of the component interface.
- ${componentPackage} this keyword will be replaced by the
name of the component package.
- ${client} this keyword will be replaced by the
full name of the client (package name plus class name).
- ${clientName} this keyword will be replaced by the
name of the client class.
- ${clientPackage} this keyword will be replaced by the
name of the client package.
Some examples
Location of the mapping properties
This area is under construction
Additional Notes
Component Name and Package values can be found in the jndi lookup string. MetaBoss generators usually
generate the public final static String COMPONENT_URL constant into the component interface class.
This constant must be used as a lookup string. This string always starts from the "component:/" prefix. The prefix is used by JNDI to
find and invoke the appropriate context resolver. Following the prefix this string contains the full component name, which includes
the package name and component name in java class naming style (i.e. dot separated). This is sometimes followed by the
component version expression in form "/<major version no>.<minor version no>"
The widcard characters '*' and '**' can be used in the mapping key
to create generic mapping rules covering families of components. They work very
similar to the Apache Ant file name patterns.
The '*' wildcard will match any number of characters excluding '.' - so it does not cross the
package level. The '**' wildcard will match any number of characters including '.' - so it is able to
cross the package level. Note also that the '/' character separating component interface definition from
optional caller identifier can not be substituted by any wildcard, so it always must be
present if caller identifier is present.
When mapping key matching process takes place the more explicit maping keys will
be attempted earlier than the least explicit ones.
The Implementation package stated in the mapping must contain a naming factory class, which implements the
javax.naming.spi.ObjectFactory interface. The name of this factory class is expected to be
<ComponentName>Factory. For example, for component named 'SomeComponent' the expected factory class name
is 'SomeComponentFactory'.