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Built on 15 Dec 2005 22:31:47

Integrating source code generation into the Apache Ant build

In Brief

  • To import all known MetaBoss custom tasks in to the project:
    <!-- This example shows fragment of ant build file with custom task declarations -->
    <!-- Import all tasks defined in resource files located inside libraries -->
    <typedef resource="taskdefs.xml"/>
  • To invoke Ant on the project which uses MetaBoss:
    REM This example shows fragment of the MS-DOS/Windows batch file which invokes Ant
    REM Define location of the JDK tool
    SET JAVA_HOME=c:/j2sdk1.4.2_05
    REM Define location of the Ant tool
    SET ANT_HOME=c:/JavaLib/apache-ant-1.6.5
    REM Define location of the MetaBoss tool
    SET METABOSS_HOME=c:/MetaBoss-1.4
    REM Instruct Ant to use MetaBoss Ant customisation library
    set ANT_ARGS=-lib %METABOSS_HOME%/lib/MetaBossAntIntegration.jar
    REM Invoke Ant
    call ant

Additional Notes

Full list of available MetaBoss Ant tasks and samples how to invoke them can be found in Dev-time libraries API references.

The MetaBoss installation contains real Ant build files used to build example applications. Please look at examples/HatMaker/build.xml or examples/AlmaMater/build.xml for further information.