Messaging server

On the controller node, install the messaging queue server. Typically this is RabbitMQ but Qpid and ZeroMQ (0MQ) are also available.

# apt-get install rabbitmq-server
[Note]Important security consideration

The rabbitmq-server package configures the RabbitMQ service to start automatically and creates a guest user with a default guest password. The RabbitMQ examples in this guide use the guest account, though it is strongly advised to change its default password, especially if you have IPv6 available: by default the RabbitMQ server enables anyone to connect to it by using guest as login and password, and with IPv6, it is reachable from the outside.

To change the default guest password of RabbitMQ:

# rabbitmqctl change_password guest RABBIT_PASS

Congratulations, now you are ready to install OpenStack services!

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