
 Document change history

This version of the guide replaces and obsoletes all previous versions. The following table describes the most recent changes:

Revision DateSummary of Changes

October 25, 2013

  • Added initial Debian support.

October 17, 2013

  • Havana release.

October 16, 2013

  • Add support for SUSE Linux Enterprise.

October 8, 2013

  • Complete reorganization for Havana.

September 9, 2013

  • Build also for openSUSE.

August 1, 2013

  • Fixes to Object Storage verification steps. Fix bug 1207347.

July 25, 2013

  • Adds creation of cinder user and addition to the service tenant. Fix bug 1205057.

May 8, 2013

  • Updated the book title for consistency.

May 2, 2013

  • Updated cover and fixed small errors in appendix.

April 30, 2013

  • Grizzly release.

April 18, 2013

  • Updates and clean up on the Object Storage installation.

April 8, 2013

  • Adds a note about availability of Grizzly packages on Ubuntu and Debian.

April 3, 2013

  • Updates RHEL/CentOS/Fedora information for Grizzly release.

March 26, 2013

  • Updates Dashboard (Horizon) information for Grizzly release.

February 12, 2013

  • Adds chapter about Essex to Folsom upgrade for Compute and related services (excludes OpenStack Object Storage (Swift) and OpenStack Networking (Quantum)).

January 16, 2013

  • Fix file copy issue for figures in the /common/ directory.

November 9, 2012

  • Folsom release of this document.

October 10, 2012

September 26, 2012

  • Adds an all-in-one install section.

July 23, 2012

  • Adds additional detail about installing and configuring nova-volumes.

  • Doc bug fixes: 978510 1027230

July 17, 2012

  • Update build process so two uniquely-named PDF files are output.

July 13, 2012

June 19, 2012

May 31, 2012

  • Revise install guide to encompass more Linux distros.

  • Doc bug fixes: 996988, 998116, 999005.

May 3, 2012

  • Fixes problems with glance-api-paste.ini and glance-registry-paste.ini samples and instructions.

  • Removes "DRAFT" designation.

May 2, 2012

  • Essex release.

May 1, 2012

  • Updates the Object Storage and Identity (Keystone) configuration.

April 25, 2012

  • Changes service_id copy/paste error for the EC2 service-create command.

    Adds verification steps for Object Storage installation.

    Fixes proxy-server.conf file so it points to keystone not tempauth.

April 23, 2012

  • Adds installation and configuration for multi-node Object Storage service.

April 17, 2012

April 13, 2012

April 10, 2012

March 23, 2012

  • Updates for Xen hypervisor.

March 9, 2012

  • Updates for Essex release, includes new Glance config files, new Keystone configuration.

January 24, 2012

  • Initial draft for Essex.

    • Assumes use of Ubuntu 12.04 repository.

January 24, 2011

  • Initial draft for Diablo.

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