
  • Controller node - Networking server

    1. Install the Networking server.

      See the section called “Install networking support on a dedicated controller node” for installation instructions.

    2. Create database ovs_neutron.

      See the section called “Install Networking services” for database creation details.

    3. If not already configured, update the Networking /etc/neutron/neutron.conf configuration file to choose a plug-in and Identity Service user as necessary:

      core_plugin = neutron.plugins.openvswitch.ovs_neutron_plugin.OVSNeutronPluginV2
      control_exchange = neutron
      rabbit_host = controller
      rabbit_password = RABBIT_PASS
      notification_driver = neutron.openstack.common.notifier.rabbit_notifier
      connection = mysql://neutron:NEUTRON_DBPASS@controller/neutron
    4. Update the plug-in /etc/neutron/plugins/openvswitch/ovs_neutron_plugin.ini configuration file with the bridge mappings:

      network_vlan_ranges = physnet1
      bridge_mappings = physnet1:br-eth0
    5. Restart the Networking service:

      # service neutron-server restart
  • Compute node - Compute

    1. Install the nova-compute service.

      See the section called “Configure a Compute node” for installation instructions.

    2. Update the Compute /etc/nova/nova.conf configuration file to make use of OpenStack Networking:
    3. Restart the Compute services

      # service nova-compute restart
  • Compute and Network node - L2 agent

    1. Install and start Open vSwitch. Then, configure neutron accordingly.

      See the section called “Install and configure the Networking plug-ins” for detailed instructions.

    2. Add the integration bridge to Open vSwitch:

      # ovs-vsctl add-br br-int
    3. Update the Networking /etc/neutron/neutron.conf configuration file:

      core_plugin = neutron.plugins.openvswitch.ovs_neutron_plugin.OVSNeutronPluginV2
      control_exchange = neutron
      rabbit_host = controller
      rabbit_password = RABBIT_PASS
      notification_driver = neutron.openstack.common.notifier.rabbit_notifier
      connection = mysql://neutron:NEUTRON_DBPASS@controller/neutron
    4. Update the plug-in /etc/neutron/plugins/openvswitch/ovs_neutron_plugin.ini configuration file:

      network_vlan_ranges = physnet1
      bridge_mappings = physnet1:br-eth0
    5. Create the br-eth0 network bridge to handle communication between nodes using eth0:

      # ovs-vsctl add-br br-eth0
      # ovs-vsctl add-port br-eth0 eth0
    6. Restart the OpenStack Networking L2 agent:

      # service neutron-openvswitch-agent restart
  • Network node - DHCP agent

    1. Install the DHCP agent.

      See the section called “Install Networking services on a dedicated network node” for generic installation instructions.

    2. Update the Networking /etc/neutron/neutron.conf configuration file:

      core_plugin = neutron.plugins.openvswitch.ovs_neutron_plugin.OVSNeutronPluginV2
      control_exchange = neutron
      rabbit_host = controller
      rabbit_password = RABBIT_PASS
      notification_driver = neutron.openstack.common.notifier.rabbit_notifier
    3. Ensure that the DHCP agent is using the correct plug-in my changing the configuration in /etc/neutron/dhcp_agent.ini:

      interface_driver = neutron.agent.linux.interface.OVSInterfaceDriver
    4. Restart the DHCP agent:

      # service neutron-dhcp-agent restart
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