Verify the Telemetry installation

To test the Telemetry installation, download an image from the Image Service, and use the ceilometer command to display usage statistics.

  1. Use the ceilometer meter-list command to test the access to Telemetry:

    $ ceilometer meter-list
    | Name       | Type  | Unit  | Resource ID                          | User ID | Project ID                       |
    | image      | gauge | image | 9e5c2bee-0373-414c-b4af-b91b0246ad3b | None    | e66d97ac1b704897853412fc8450f7b9 |
    | image.size | gauge | B     | 9e5c2bee-0373-414c-b4af-b91b0246ad3b | None    | e66d97ac1b704897853412fc8450f7b9 |
  2. Download an image from the Image Service:

    $ glance image-download "CirrOS 0.3.1" > cirros.img
  3. Call the ceilometer meter-list command again to validate that the download has been detected and stored by the Telemetry:

    $ ceilometer meter-list
    | Name           | Type  | Unit  | Resource ID                          | User ID | Project ID                       |
    | image          | gauge | image | 9e5c2bee-0373-414c-b4af-b91b0246ad3b | None    | e66d97ac1b704897853412fc8450f7b9 |
    | | delta | B     | 9e5c2bee-0373-414c-b4af-b91b0246ad3b | None    | e66d97ac1b704897853412fc8450f7b9 |
    | image.serve    | delta | B     | 9e5c2bee-0373-414c-b4af-b91b0246ad3b | None    | e66d97ac1b704897853412fc8450f7b9 |
    | image.size     | gauge | B     | 9e5c2bee-0373-414c-b4af-b91b0246ad3b | None    | e66d97ac1b704897853412fc8450f7b9 |
  4. You can now get usage statistics for the various meters:

    $ ceilometer statistics -m -p 60
    | Period | Period Start        | Period End          | Count | Min        | Max        | Sum        | Avg        | Duration | Duration Start             | Duration End               |
    | 60     | 2013-11-18T18:08:50 | 2013-11-18T18:09:50 | 1     | 13147648.0 | 13147648.0 | 13147648.0 | 13147648.0 | 0.0      | 2013-11-18T18:09:05.334000 | 2013-11-18T18:09:05.334000 |
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