Single flat network

This section describes how to install the OpenStack Networking service and its components for a single flat network use case.

The following diagram shows the set up. For simplicity, all nodes should have one interface for management traffic and one or more interfaces for traffic to and from VMs. The management network is with controller node at The example uses the Open vSwitch plugin and agent.


You can modify this set up to make use of another supported plug-in and its agent.

The following table describes some nodes in the set up:

Node Description
Controller Node

Runs the Networking service, Identity Service, and Compute services that are required to deploy VMs (nova-api, nova-scheduler, for example). The node must have at least one network interface, which is connected to the Management Network. The host name is controller, which every other node resolves to the IP of the controller node.


The nova-network service should not be running. This is replaced by the OpenStack Networking component, neutron. To delete a network, run this command:

# nova-manage network delete --help
  Usage: nova-manage network delete <args> [options]

    -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                          Network to delete
    --uuid=<uuid>       UUID of network to delete

Note that a network must first be disassociated from a project using the nova network-disassociate command before it can be deleted.

Compute Node Runs the Networking L2 agent and the Compute services that run VMs (nova-compute specifically, and optionally other nova-* services depending on configuration). The node must have at least two network interfaces. The first communicates with the controller node through the management network. The second interface handles the VM traffic on the data network. The VM can receive its IP address from the DHCP agent on this network.
Network Node Runs Networking L2 agent and the DHCP agent. The DHCP agent allocates IP addresses to the VMs on the network. The node must have at least two network interfaces. The first communicates with the controller node through the management network. The second interface handles the VM traffic on the data network.
Router Router has IP, which is the default gateway for all VMs. The router must be able to access public networks.

The demo assumes the following prerequisites:

Controller node

  1. Relevant Compute services are installed, configured, and running.

  2. Glance is installed, configured, and running. Additionally, an image must be available.

  3. OpenStack Identity is installed, configured, and running. A Networking user neutron is in place on tenant service with password NEUTRON_PASS.

  4. Additional services:

    • RabbitMQ is running with the default guest user and password.

    • MySQL server (user is root and password is root).

Compute node

  1. Compute is installed and configured.

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