Create the base Neutron networks


In these sections, replace SPECIAL_OPTIONS with any options specific to your Networking plug-in choices. See here to check if your plug-in requires any special options.

  1. Create the ext-net external network. This network represents a slice of the outside world. VMs are not directly linked to this network; instead, they connect to internal networks. Outgoing traffic is routed by Neutron to the external network. Additionally, floating IP addresses from the subnet for ext-net might be assigned to VMs so that the external network can contact them. Neutron routes the traffic appropriately.

    # neutron net-create ext-net -- --router:external=True SPECIAL_OPTIONS
  2. Create the associated subnet with the same gateway and CIDR as EXTERNAL_INTERFACE. It does not have DHCP because it represents a slice of the external world:

    # neutron subnet-create ext-net \
      --allocation-pool start=FLOATING_IP_START,end=FLOATING_IP_END \
      --gateway=EXTERNAL_INTERFACE_GATEWAY --enable_dhcp=False \
  3. Create one or more initial tenants, for example:

    # keystone tenant-create --name DEMO_TENANT

    See the section called “Define users, tenants, and roles” for further details.

  4. Create the router attached to the external network. This router routes traffic to the internal subnets as appropriate. You can create it under a given tenant: Append --tenant-id option with a value of DEMO_TENANT_ID to the command.

    Use the following to quickly get the DEMO_TENANT tenant-id:

    # keystone tenant-list | grep DEMO_TENANT | awk '{print $2;}'

    Then create the router:

    # neutron router-create ext-to-int --tenant-id DEMO_TENANT_ID
  5. Connect the router to ext-net by setting the gateway for the router as ext-net:

    # neutron router-gateway-set EXT_TO_INT_ID EXT_NET_ID
  6. Create an internal network for DEMO_TENANT (and associated subnet over an arbitrary internal IP range, such as,, and connect it to the router by setting it as a port:

    # neutron net-create --tenant-id DEMO_TENANT_ID demo-net SPECIAL_OPTIONS
    # neutron subnet-create --tenant-id DEMO_TENANT_ID demo-net --gateway
    # neutron router-interface-add EXT_TO_INT_ID DEMO_NET_SUBNET_ID
  7. Check the special options page for your plug-in for remaining steps. Now, return to the general OVS instructions.

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